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Iran, Turkey allies but Iran dominates

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  • Iran, Turkey allies but Iran dominates

    Iran, Turkey allies but Iran dominates
    Saturday,October 01

    `Nothing can be changed in the Near East without Iran, and believe me
    that the intelligence bodies of Iran work more productively than that
    of any other country in our region, in the Near East and in some
    European countries, etc.,' Sergey Shakaryants said today.

    He mentioned that Turkey and Israel now are busy with tactical and
    political maneuvers as these two countries stage a performance for the
    Muslim world.

    `Turkey and Israel are still allies,' S. Shakaryants mentioned.

    Iran is not Turkey he says: Iran can use any Turk for its own
    interests and throw him away.

    S. Shakaryants has noticed that the Turks and Jews have fear as the
    demographic conditions change, the Shiite community grows in any Arab
    country, strengthens and gets the support of Iran.

    He mentioned that the Allowies of Syria have no other allies in the
    region except Iran that's why they expect to get support in Tehran,
    and Iran supports them with pleasure.

    S. Shakaryants stressed that Iran is used to reach its goals by the
    hands of the peoples that surround it.

    He also said that Iran can use also a part of Azerbaijan, and they
    will do that when some part of Azerbaijan will start expressing
    Tehran's opinion.

    S. Shakaryants added that Iran now has several priorities, which are:
    the Arabic world, Afghanistan, Caucasus and Kurdistan as a policy of
    pressing on Turkey and another important country which is the USA.

    From: A. Papazian