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BAKU: Azerbaijani MP Raises Karabakh, Lake Urmia At European Assembl

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani MP Raises Karabakh, Lake Urmia At European Assembl

    Oct 3 2011

    Azerbaijani MP Ganira Pashayeva has urged the Parliamentary Assembly
    of the Council of Europe to condemn Armenian action in occupied
    Azerbaijani land.

    Ganira Pashayeva made the call during discussion of a report on the
    work of the PACE Political Bureau and Standing Bureau at the first
    day of PACE's autumn session on Monday.

    She reminded PACE members that the assembly had called on Armenia to
    withdraw from Azerbaijani land in Resolution No. 1416.

    "But Armenia doesn't fulfil PACE and UN resolutions and holds illegal
    elections in the occupied Azerbaijani lands, including the unrecognized
    'Nagorno Karabakh republic', without paying heed to the calls and
    demands of the Council of Europe," Pashayeva said.

    "The municipal elections held in the occupied Azerbaijani territories
    on 18 September run counter to international law and to UN, OSCE
    and PACE resolutions, and at the same time are a serious blow to the
    negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the settlement of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as they have heightened tension in the
    region. The assembly must condemn such cases and seriously demand
    that Armenia stop such steps."

    She also raised the case of Aygun Shahmaliyeva, 13, who was killed by
    a mine in July. The mine had been placed inside a toy which the child
    picked out of the Tovuz River, flowing into Azerbaijan from Armenia.

    "I represent the regions bordering on Armenia. A girl by the name of
    Aygun Shahmaliyeva was killed by Armenian armed forces on 13 July this
    year. Our assembly must not keep silent about such crimes committed
    against children. Aygun's family is waiting for your voice of protest
    and for you to increase your efforts to punish the criminals."

    Lake Urmia

    The non-partisan MP also raised Iran's arrest of hundreds of protesters
    concerned about the Lake Urmia environmental disaster.

    "Our assembly must not remain indifferent. We must give a voice to
    these people who have had their rights crushed, support them and call
    on the Iranian authorities to stop repressing and torturing innocent
    people," she said.

    Lake Urmia (also written in English as Orumiyeh) is a salt lake,
    which straddles the Iranian provinces of West Azerbaijan and East
    Azerbaijan. It is gradually drying up and has lost more than half
    its surface area.

    Many ethnic Azerbaijanis both within Iran and beyond its borders fear
    the Iranian government is deliberately harming the lake and protests
    about the lake have gathered pace in recent months.

    At least 60 protesters were arrested at a rally in the town of Urmia
    on 3 September.

    From: A. Papazian