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For Service Rendered: Government Increases Payment To Soldier Surviv

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  • For Service Rendered: Government Increases Payment To Soldier Surviv

    Arterm Asatryan

    04.10.11 | 18:30

    By Siranuysh Gevorgyan

    The government has agreed to increase benefits to survivors of
    servicemen killed in duty.

    Artem Asatryan, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, told
    press on Monday that the monetary allowance to 5,300 families has
    been defined as 30,000 drams ($81) starting September 1, instead of
    the 10,000 drams ($27) they were getting before; in addition, 20,000
    drams ($54) is paid to each child in a family.

    The deputy minister also informed that the payment procedure of the
    monetary allowances to the families of deceased servicemen has also
    changed; the families will now get the money separately, not as part
    of their family benefit.

    ~SOur citizens who until now have been receiving their money from
    three different structures, within different timelines, in different
    formats, will now receive all at once from the same structure, by
    a single payment list, as provided for by the improved procedural
    order,~T said Asatryan.

    Some 5,000 families of deceased servicemen that are considered to be
    poor receive state allowance. Besides that, these families receive the
    so-called ~Ssecond pension~T, for example, the second benefit given to
    a child is 30,000 drams ($81) and to a child of age ~V 23,000 drams
    ($62). If they wish, they can receive all the allowances together at
    once from the same body. By the new order, in order to receive state
    aid, the families have to take a document from either the ministry of
    social affairs or any other authorized inspectorate confirming their
    status as a deceased serviceman~Rs family and submit it to regional
    departments of the state social insurance service. By Asatryan~Rs data,
    some 1,500 families have applied to be included in the new lists.

    Various public figures have every now and then turned the insufficient
    state care and attention towards the families of soldiers who died
    during the Karabakh war or the war veterans in general into a target
    of criticism against the authorities. They keep stressing that by
    neglecting and ignoring them the state is disappointing those people
    and their families who gave their lives for the sake of the country,
    and this fact causes public discontent and triggers migration.

    Manvel Yeghiazaryan, commander of the legendary Arabo brigade during
    the Karabakh war, asked during his interview to ArmeniaNow: "If a
    person has devoted his/her life, nerves, health, patriotism to the
    motherland, doesn't s/he have a right to live a decent life?"

    He expressed his frustration over the fact that many of his
    comrades-in-arms got disappointed in the authorities because of
    the years of neglect and define them as those "who bring down the
    nation's spirit".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress