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Serzh Sargsyan Unaware Of Disabled Pilots?

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Unaware Of Disabled Pilots?

    05:43 pm | Today | Social

    Nearly twenty disabled pilots today held a protest in front of the
    presidential palace with the demand to receive their compensation.

    President of the Disabled Pilots Union NGO, former commander of the
    Il 86 plane Gagik Mirzoyan says they have been fighting for the past
    five years, but haven't reached their goal and the number of members
    continues to decline.

    "There used to be 137 disabled pilots, but that number has gone down to
    90 in the past five years. We are all 2nd degree disabled. We have met
    with different officials, including the Ministers of Social Affairs
    and Justice, as well as the Ombudsman. They all have announced that
    only Serzh Sargsyan can solve this issue, and that is why we decided
    to meet him here," Gagik Mirzoyan told "A1+".

    According to him, they are visiting the presidential palace for the
    third time already and like previous times, they weren't received
    today either.

    Gagik Mirzoyan mentioned that the "deputy head of some division" came
    out of the presidential palace and mentioned that since the President
    still doesn't have a chief of staff, the President couldn't receive
    them. However, the pilot mentioned that they were demanding a meeting
    with Serzh Sargsyan, not the chief of staff.

    The pilots recalled that during the Soviet era, they were paid pensions
    for the disabled, but Armavia Airlines, which came to replace the
    Armenian Airlines dissolved by Robert Kocharyan, refused to perform the
    function prescribed by the law and continue the payments. According to
    the pilots, the government should be obliged to pay the compensation,
    and the debt has already crossed the 1.5 million dollar limit.
