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Integration Outlook For Ex-Soviets

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  • Integration Outlook For Ex-Soviets

    By Andrey Boradaevskiy

    Japan Times
    Oct 6 2011

    MOSCOW - It is well known that, in the political field, the 20th
    century brought about a strong and, as it turned out, omnipresent
    trend toward disintegration of former empires and the formation in
    their place of nation-states all over the crumbling colonial world.

    In the realm of economy, however, the development went in the opposite
    direction - toward internationalization of economic life and further
    - toward a higher and specific form of economic integration. Such
    integration first emerged in its classic - regional or "neighborly"-
    form, like the European Union or the comprehensive North American
    Free Trade Agreement.

    But with the dawn of the new millennium, economic integration
    began to take a new shape involving the "twinning" of economies of
    some countries belonging to different continents and to different
    social-economic models. The highly unusual pair of the United States
    and China offers the most striking example of such a rapidly emerging
    "Siamese connection."

    The two just-mentioned mighty trends, though opposite to each other,
    were somehow interconnected and often developed simultaneously or
    with only a short time lag. The world began to take on a new shape -
    with the global economic system becoming characterized by many poles
    of development or by many enclaves of an integrative nature in all
    major directions of economic exchange.

    Among the former Soviet empire "fragments," the processes of change
    proceeded in contradictory ways.

    With the three Baltic states, which have spent half a century under
    the aegis of Communist Moscow and are ethnically and culturally rather
    alien to Russian tradition and political practices, the situation is
    unequivocal: All have become "little brothers"in the growing European
    "family" and are now quite happy with the status quo. Their destiny
    leaves no grounds for concern, while the future of the Russian
    population still living in these former Soviet territories will
    probably be secured on a geo-economic basis.

    Actually, ethnic Russians in "Baltia" and elsewhere are, as a rule,
    well-educated people prepared to work in modern production systems -
    a quality which can be in high demand during the next historical period
    characterized by the trend toward further all-European "twinning."

    It looks as if Ukraine will share the Baltic experience, though with
    a lag. However, it does not exclude a revival of full-scale fruitful
    cooperation with Russia sooner or later - in a historic perspective,
    also a quite realistic scenario. For one, there are objective
    preconditions to rebuild the common aerospace complex of the two
    countries, which for decades has served as an example of effective
    "twinning a la Sovietique" on a sectoral basis.

    As for Belarus and Moldova, both are characterized by rather whimsical
    combinations of geopolitical and geo-economic factors, and that makes
    their future obscure and difficult to predict.

    Yet, it can be expected that at the end of day, Belarus will share
    the historical destiny of Russia - in contrast to Moldova, or at least
    to its "Roman" part, which may make the choice in favor of the united
    Europe (with an eventual transformation of the Russian-speaking region
    Pridnestrovye into a self-dependent subject of international law in
    the Kosovo manner).

    In the Caucasus, we find all three former Soviet republics looking
    for good fortune on rather different paths.

    Armenia stands traditionally close to Russia and is a full-fledged
    member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, though it seems
    premature to speak of anything like economic integration (or
    "twinning") in this case - just as in the case of Kazakhstan, by
    the way.

    This evaluation is also valid for Azerbaijan, with a certain
    reservation connected with the fact that this oil-producing Islamic
    state has another alternative - that of a wider international
    orientation. Its mutual relations with Armenia are aggravated by the
    very painful problem of Karabakh, but it seems that nothing can be
    done here - until good will and geo-economic interests will outweigh
    the traditional geopolitical strife.

    As for Russia's close historical partner Georgia, today the course
    of its leadership is tightly attached to what is happening on Capitol
    Hill and what supranational Brussels expects of it. It applies both to
    military-strategic issues and to geo-economic considerations regarding
    the prospect of gaining EU membership.

    The acute confrontation with Russia is a transient matter which does
    not deserve any excessive attention, but as it seems, nor is there
    any hope for a quick improvement in Russo-Georgian relations soon.

    To this may be added that, judging by the geography of the recent
    "domestic" suicide attacks and the ethnic origins of the terrorists,
    there are hints that some parts of Russia's North Caucasus will try
    to secede and establish a kind of independent status as soon as the
    opportunity presents itself.

    Kazakhstan and the newborn states of Central Asia cannot be regarded as
    neglected in any way. The first is actively cooperating with Russia -
    something quite natural and useful to both sides. Not-so-few schemes of
    an integrative nature encompassing this vast region remain on paper -
    with the possible exception of the Eurasian Economic Community. This
    decade-old grouping includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgyzstan
    and Tajikistan, and it might pretty soon develop into a genuine
    customs union.

    It seems that all of the former Soviet republics of Central Asia
    have been taking a wait-and-see position - in part, thanks to the
    considerable interest Europe and America have been showing in their
    natural riches. All, including Uzbekistan, are members of the Shanghai
    Cooperation Organization, a geopolitical entity with a big geo-economic
    potential as well.

    Thus, a drift toward the "elder Chinese brother" will probably develop
    in the region - though not so much with the help of geo-economic
    mechanisms as on the basis of traditional geopolitical choice.

    Analyzing the also quite young Russian Federation - Russia proper -
    and trying to forecast its future, we must keep in mind exactly the
    historic retrospective: first of all, the well-known fact that it is
    not an ordinary nation-state but a former metropolis of a vast empire
    inhabited by more than 120 peoples culturally glued together by the
    Russian language.

    For centuries, Moscow and St. Petersburg ruled with a powerful hand
    the scarcely populated vast territories. The colonial character
    of relations between the European core and mostly Asian periphery
    predestined especially strong disintegrative forces within the
    Communist empire.

    Since 1991 the world has observed a sharp turn of almost all former
    Soviet republics away from Moscow and toward capitalist Europe
    and the industrial West in general. The disintegration has borne a
    strong geopolitical imprint. As for the times ahead, there might be
    an equally strong impact of geo-economic interests and considerations
    on bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the former imperial area.

    With the new/old - empire-minded - president that Russia is going to
    get in 2012 ("re-elect" doesn't quite fit), integrative efforts in
    the post-Soviet area may grow in strength and embrace new directions.

    Russian professor Andrey Borodaevskiy, with half a century of research
    and teaching experience in the world economy and international
    economic relations, is co-author of the recent monograph "Russia in
    the Diversity of Civilizations." His e-mail address is [email protected]
