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Armenia's National Assembly: Meeting In Extended Format

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  • Armenia's National Assembly: Meeting In Extended Format


    National Assembly of RA
    Oct 4 2011

    On October 3 after the private talk of Hovik Abrahamyan, the Speaker
    of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, and Nabih Berri,
    Speaker of the National Assembly of Lebanon, who arrived in Armenia
    on an official visit, continued in extended format.

    At the beginning of the meeting welcoming Nabih Berri and the
    delegation led by him the RA NA Speaker expressed conviction that
    the visit would promote the advancement of bilateral relations. In
    Hovik Abrahamyan~Rs word, the centuries-long friendship connects the
    two peoples, which should more strengthen and make closer. The RA NA
    Speaker highlighted the activation of parliamentary relations and the
    role of the friendship groups in that matter. He expressed satisfaction
    for the presence of the deputies of Armenian decent in the Lebanese
    Parliament, noting with joy that the NA deputy of Lebanon Artur
    Nazaryan also was in the Lebanese delegation that visited Armenia, and
    who was the Chairman of Lebanon-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group.

    Hovik Abrahamyan highly appreciated the Lebanese authorities~R warm
    attitude, which he also felt during his official visit to Lebanon
    last year. The Spaekr of the Armenian Parliament underlined the warm
    attitude shown towards the Armenian delegation during that visit.

    Nabih Berri, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Lebanon, noted
    that the relations between Lebanon and Armenia were very warm and
    expressed hope that his visit would contribute to their reinforcement.

    He also emphasized the development of the inter-parliamentary relations
    and proposed to set up a working group, which the heads of the acting
    friendship groups in two parliaments would lead, where deputies
    would be involved, as well as representatives of executive power,
    and which would follow the implementation of treaties signed between
    the parties, would regularly organize meetings and mutual visits of
    the representatives of different spheres in Yerevan and Beirut.

    Considering acceptable the idea of creating a working group, the
    RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan noted that it could efficiently
    function. In his words, in different spheres, particularly, in the
    spheres of health care, finance and tourism there is big resource of
    cooperation, which is necessary to use more efficiently and activate
    the economic relations.

    The sides also touched upon the South Caucasus and Middle East regional
    problems, and considered necessary to solve all the problems through
    peaceful negotiations.

    At the end of the meeting Nabih Berri, the Speaker of the National
    Assembly of Lebanon, took note in the Book of Honourable Guests,
    then the Speakers of the two parliaments exchanged souvenirs.

    From: A. Papazian