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OSCE Office Holds Training Course On Anti-Corruption Strategies In H

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  • OSCE Office Holds Training Course On Anti-Corruption Strategies In H


    15:01, October 5, 2011

    An OSCE-supported three-day workshop on the implementation of
    anti-corruption strategies and action plans at universities started
    today inYerevan.

    The training seminar, organized by the OSCE Office inYerevanin
    partnership with the Education and Science Ministry of Armenia,
    brought together some 50 representatives of the Ministry's senior
    staff, university faculty and student councils who exchanged opinions
    on anti-corruption strategies.

    "Corruption in educational institutions has an adverse impact on the
    quality of education and deprives students of their fundamental right
    to fair access to education," said Carel Hofstra, the Acting Head of
    the OSCE Office inYerevan. "Today's training course is a practical
    follow-up to the initiative undertaken by the Ministry earlier this
    year to have universities draw up anti-corruption strategies and action
    plans. It will help to convert words into action to achieve tangible
    results. I hope other ministries will follow this good example".

    "Raising the quality and standards in education is our priority,
    as education gives people greater opportunities in life," said Armen
    Ashotyan, the Armenian Minister of Education and Science. "The lower
    the level of education, the higher are the corruption risks. Either
    we start tackling corruption now, or it will destroy us. It is for
    these reasons that we initiated this process, and we are determined
    to create the necessary mechanisms and capacities for universities
    to effectively implement their action plans".

    During the course two experts fromSerbiaandMaltawill share their
    experiences and provide feedback on the anti-corruption strategies
    developed by Armenian universities. Participants will also discuss
    trends in the European higher education system, anti-corruption
    campaigning modalities and student participation, as well as monitoring
    tools, standards, statutes and codes of ethics.

    "Existing anti-corruption action plans show the high level of
    university managers' awareness of the corruption problem, and their
    readiness to deal with it. This course will be an opportunity for
    higher education institutions ofArmeniato compare their experiences
    and discuss further anti-corruption measures, in order to work
    out a unified university action plan. This approach will help
    meetBolognaProcess standards on higher education, principles of equal
    treatment and of the implementation of the Law on Higher Education,"
    added Igor Pucarevic, the OSCE expert fromSerbia.

    The seminar is part of the OSCE Office's efforts to fight corruption
    in higher education. It also included the establishment of an
    anti-corruption student working group in 2009 to raise students'
    awareness of the problem and organize discussions at universities
    of Armeniaon the topic.
