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Comment: The 'Jewish' Side Of Steve Jobs

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  • Comment: The 'Jewish' Side Of Steve Jobs


    Jerusalem Post
    Oct 6 2011

    He's been called every name in the book, from messiah to charlatan -
    but I'll bet nobody has ever called him Jewish.

    He's been called every name in the book, from messiah to charlatan -
    but I'll bet nobody has ever called him Jewish.

    Not that Steve Jobs was a member of the tribe; his biological father
    is actually a Syrian Muslim, his adoptive parents Armenians, and his
    mother a German-Swiss Catholic.

    But for years, I've had the funny feeling that even if he wasn't
    Jewish, Jobs' life and career have had some very distinct parallels
    to the Jewish experience.

    The legacy of his life and work is still being written, because
    we are nowhere near the end of the revolution he brought about in
    consumer electronics.

    The iPod may be a mature product, but as this week's iPhone 4S product
    launch shows there are still innovations to come in the iPhone.

    The iPad is still in its infancy - and even in laptops, Apple is
    leading a quiet revolution, popularizing the solid-state drive that
    will eventually replace the hard drives most of us currently use in
    our computers.

    But it was Jobs' remaking of the business of consumer electronics -
    the way music, movies and software are sold and distributed - that
    is his real legacy. The vision he had of bundling together a product,
    operating system and content distribution method, along with developing
    a source for that content, is the winning model that has made Apple's
    products the ones everybody wants.

    Many have already written, and will long be writing, tributes to Jobs'
    life work. But the story of his life, I believe, wouldn't be complete
    without a brief examination of how his life and work parallel the
    story of the Jewish people, at least in some respects.

    Take, for example, that device and distribution model, as Jobs applied
    it to music. With the iPod, he reinvented the music business - much
    as American Jewish immigrant Emile Berliner, the father of the modern
    vinyl record, did back at the turn of the (20th) century.

    Jobs didn't invent the MP3 player, and Berliner didn't invent the
    phonograph. But like Jobs, Berliner invented what would eventually
    become the distribution method for modern music, from '20s swings to
    '60s rock and roll, when he created the vinyl (vulcanized rubber)
    record, and a better delivery system - the gramophone, which would
    eventually morph into the Victrola phonograph.

    And Berliner invented the first distribution system for modern music
    - a "record store" that he operated while selling his gramophones,
    just as Jobs invented the virtual record store, the iTunes store.

    As that Jewish immigrant did, Jobs did nearly 100 years later -
    creating a whole new sales and distribution method for music. Jobs
    went on to reinvent the software business, with the same
    device-content-distribution model for iPhone apps.

    My first "Jewish moment" with Jobs' legacy was when I started using
    Mac computers - way back in the '80s. At the time, we Mac users always
    felt a bit deprived, because it seemed that nearly all the good,
    cheap or free software was being written for Windows machines. And
    of course, Mac users couldn't use any of that free and cheap stuff,
    because it just wasn't compatible with the Mac's operating system. And
    what software was available was, of course, more expensive than its
    Windows counterpart.

    Sort of like keeping kosher! But the expense of our "religion" did
    not deter us hardy Mac fans from sticking with our chosen OS. It
    just seemed to make more sense - and we were convinced that one day
    the world would proclaim that we had been right all along. There are
    just as many "true believers" today - and if you were to say that the
    whole things sounds a bit like a messianic fantasy, you wouldn't be
    the only one.

    Then there was the story of Jobs' "exile" - when in 1985 he was booted
    out of the company he had built with two partners. While out of the
    company, Jobs developed the NeXT workstation and desktop computer,
    a new, if unappreciated system.

    Ten years later, Apple bought out NeXT, bringing Jobs back "home."

    But the real story of that decadelong exile was Jobs' activity with
    Pixar, the special effects animation company, and Disney, where Jobs
    helped create some of the bestloved children's movies of all time,
    including the Toy Story trilogy.

    Although a less heralded aspect of Jobs' career, his deal with Disney,
    to a large extent, reinvented kids' movies. It's another echo of the
    Jewish immigrant story - where Jews forced into exile, yet again,
    make good in the new "goldeneh medineh," the "golden land," creating
    something that wasn't there before.

    Even the way Jobs died reminds us of a Jewish lesson. You could be
    the smartest, richest, most creative person in the world - but it's
    God that decides when your time is up, and no amount of intelligence,
    wealth or creativity can buy you even one more minute. It's a most
    appropriate lesson for Yom Kippur, and while the death of such a
    relatively young genius would be sad at any time, it carries an added
    layer of meaning during the High Holy Days period.

    There are other striking resemblances to the Jewish experience in
    Jobs' life and times, but I think you get the idea. And while those
    of us who go to synagogue on Yom Kippur will be concerned with our
    own needs, worries and prayers, it would be most appropriate to spare
    a thought for the memory of Steve Jobs, a man who, if not Jewish,
    at least taught some lessons we Jews can relate to.
