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"Ageing" Crisis: Low Birth Rate Threatens Security Of Armenian Socie

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  • "Ageing" Crisis: Low Birth Rate Threatens Security Of Armenian Socie

    By Gayane Abrahamyan

    06.10.11 | 12:06

    Armenia, the land that some claim to be the world's oldest is "ageing"
    in a way that is not good.

    Armenia faces threat of demographic crisis, experts in the field say.

    Only during the first quarter this year as compared to the same period
    last year the number of births dropped by 1,126 in what specialists
    fear is only the beginning of the demographic decline which will last
    a few decades.

    Even though there has been a tendency of birth increases registered
    since 2006, demographists foresee a decline again, conditioned by
    the fact that people who were born in 1990s are this generation's
    new parents and their number is quite low - averagely 35,000 people,
    reaching even up to 22,000 annually. (As compared to 1980s this index
    is 2.5 times low, because during 1980s about 80,000-82,000 children
    were born in Armenia annually).

    "This is a serious threat for national security and economic
    development [of Armenia]. In some years we will not only fail in
    securing enough soldiers for the army, but also economic growth. The
    country and its economy will no longer be competitive. Parallel to
    decline in birth rate, migration and rapid ageing will even deepen
    the demographic problems," says Garik Hayrapetyan, United Nations
    Population Fund (UNFPA) Assistant Representative.

    Currently, the birth index in Armenia is 1.5, that is to say, each
    woman has only one-two children, whereas, in order of have a positive
    reproduction of a population this index should be at least 2.1 -
    three-four child in each family.

    Ruben Yeganyan, demographer, president of "Armenian Social-Demographic
    Initiative" NGO, says that "the reproductive behavior of the population
    has been changed," and Armenia-based Armenians have passed from
    two-three children family model to one-two children family model.

    "This is a terrible change, which will be very difficult to recover
    in the future. Now the government must not only encourage birth of a
    third and more children, but also even the second one," Yeganyan says.

    UNFPA held a research in 2009 to find out the main reasons of the
    change in reproductive behavior of the population, the results of
    which proved troubling.

    "It was strange enough that the social or housing problem was not in
    the first place; there is a problem which is even more worrisome and
    hard to solve - 44 percent of the population does not see their future
    in this country [Armenia], and they link no faith to the future of
    this country," Hayrapetyan says. "This indicates that we deal with a
    larger-scale problem. The issue cannot be settled only through lump
    sum payments or having free of charge child-delivery aid. If the
    social problem is somehow easy to solve, than the solution of this
    moral-psychological issue needs more fundamental changes."

    According to Hayrapetyan, the Armenian demographic policy mainly
    settles daily problems, meanwhile, international experience shows
    that comprehensive programs are needed for raising the birth rate;
    UNFPA is planning to organize a conference of experts in Armenia to
    develop such programs.

    "A conference with participation of world-known demographer-scientists,
    who have developed a number of demographic programs, will be held on
    October 19-21, in Yerevan. Their advice will help up understand which
    are the most effective ways of solving this problem in countries like
    Armenia. We have no more time to lose," Hayrapetyan says.

    Within the recent months concerns over migration were voiced from
    the highest tribunes. In 2009, the Government of Armenia adopted the
    concept paper on Democratic Policy Strategy; however the programs
    mentioned in it have remained on paper by now; only one of them is
    mainly working a "Free delivery aid certificate", which secures free
    of charge birthing service for women in labour.

    "Of course there are many things left to be done; however, the
    introduction of 'Free delivery aid certificate' has seriously promoted
    birth rate growth. Now the government patronizes health protection of
    maternity and childhood. Subsidies, assigned from the State Budget
    to cover delivery aid have increased by three," says Ara Babloyan,
    Chairman of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Health Care,
    Maternity and Childhood.

    Experts, however, do not believe that the rise in birth rate is
    the result of the implemented programs, considering them to be
    "short-term solutions."

    In 2009, 44,466 children were born in Armenia - eight percent more than
    in 2008; in 2010, this index was higher as compared to 2009 by about
    3,000 children, whereas this year the index essentially fell (by about
    1,000 children), even though the free delivery aid still continues.

    "Within those years the birth rate has not risen, because one woman
    continues to have 1.5 children, however the absolute number of births
    has risen, which is determined by a very clear fact - the generation
    of the second half of 1980s entered its reproductive age, and it is
    well-known that it was a period of demographic boom in Armenia, when
    81,000-82,000 children were born [annually]. That is to say, only
    the number of parents has increased, however, they have only one-two
    children, and that's it, the growth will stop again," Hayrapetyan says.

    According to UN predictions, if the current pace continues Armenia's
    population will drop by about 20 percent in 2050, totaling 2.3-2.5
    million people. According the same source, Azerbaijan's and Turkey's
    populations will increase by about 35 percent.
