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Artsakh Republic - An Attractive Country

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  • Artsakh Republic - An Attractive Country


    OCTOBER 7, 2011

    On October 7, 2011, the ten thousandth visitor of this year was
    registered at the Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. It was a citizen of the Russian
    Federation, poet and translator Vadim Rakhmanov. The NKR MFA official
    representative handed him a corresponding certificate and memorable
    gift with the symbol of Nagorno Karabakh.

    According to the information of the NKR MFA Consular Service, the
    number of foreign citizens, who visited the NKR for the 9 months of
    2011, exceeds the index of the same period of 2010 by 64%.

    It should be noted that the majority of foreign visitors make citizens
    of Russia, EU states, USA, Iran, and Canada. For the three quarters
    of 2010, the number of tourists from Russia has increased twice,
    compared with the similar period of 2010. The geography of the NKR
    visitors continues increasing: Nagorno Karabakh is visited by tourists
    from Japan, China, Singapore, Brazil, Venezuela, Israel, New Zealand,
    India, Cot d'Ivuar, and other states.

    Special interest towards Artsakh is displayed by representatives
    of the Armenian Diaspora of different countries of the world. They
    mainly visit the monastery complexes of Gandzasar (XIII century),
    Amaras (IVc.), Dadivank (IVc.), the area of excavations of the
    ancient Armenian city of Tigranakert, the Azokh Cave, Nicola Duman's
    home-museum, as well as the Armenian fortresses of Akanaberd,
    Levonaberd, Berdakar, Askeran, and Tumasaberd.

    According to the tourists, they are attracted by not only the
    ancient historical monuments, magnificent nature, picturesque gorges,
    healthy environment, mineral and hot sources, but also the kindness
    and hospitality of the Artsakh people.
