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Court Announced Harsh Verdicts On Leaders Of Azerbaijani Islamic Par

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  • Court Announced Harsh Verdicts On Leaders Of Azerbaijani Islamic Par


    October 7, 2011

    BAKU. October 7, 2011: Today, Baku Court for Heavy Crimes announced
    verdicts against the leadership of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan.

    Seven people standing the trial received a total of 66 years and
    half in prison for storing an illegal stocks of weapons, "making
    anti-state statements," spreading religious hatred and hostility
    through making public statements at Sahar TV (an Iranian TV channel in
    Azeri broadcasted from Iran to Azerbaijan for the propaganda purposes)
    and scores of other amorphous accusations. As the Court announced
    the verdict against the leaders of the Islamic Party, its supporters
    clashed with the police outside the court-hall. Some of the protesters
    were injured as a result of this confrontation. Click here for video

    The local media speculates that the trial over the leadership of the
    Azerbaijani Islamic Party (AIP) has nothing to do with the formal
    accusations and has a lot to do with the statement of the Islamic
    party chairman Movsum Samadov on January 2 this year, in which he
    denounced president Ilham Aliyev, called him a godless gambler, and
    called on the Azeri people to struggle against him. The presiding
    judge, when announcing the verdict, quoted from Movsum Samadov's
    January 2 speech: "Movsum Samadov quoted prophet Muhammad saying
    "Whenever your religion faces a danger, forsake your life and save
    your religion!" Isn't it that day today? Therefore the Azerbaijani
    people should rise on this issue and be on the alert. If some people
    encroach upon our religion, our conscious, our afterlife, we will raise
    our hands on their present life. Today, the Azerbaijani people should
    put an end to the government of the evil regime and its Yezidi faced
    (hinting at the Armenian Yezidi Kurdish ancestry of Ilham Aliyev -
    ed.) leader." Click here for Movsum Samadov's January 2 Speech

    Movsum Samadov's speech came as a response to the decision of the
    Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan to ban hijab (Muslim headcover
    for women) in secondary and high schools of the country. Shortly
    after Movsum Samadov's speech was circulated through Youtube, police
    announced to have found weapons from the house of Movsum Samadov's
    relatives. Azerbaijan Islamic Party maintained that the police
    had planted those weapons there and that the party leader and his
    relatives were punished for Samadov's January 2 speech against the
    president Aliyev.

    The Court announced the verdict against the following people sentencing
    them to the following jail terms: AIP chairman Movsum Samadov - 12
    years; AIP deputy chairman Vagif Abdullayev - 11 years; chairman of
    Astara regional branch of AIP Rufulla Akhundzade - 11 years and half;
    Movsum Samadov's brother in law Firdovsi Mammadrzayev - 10 years;
    Movsum Samadov's cousin Dayanat Samadov - 10 years; Masalli cleric
    Feramiz Abbasov - 11 years. Theologist Zulfugar Mikayilzade was not
    sent to jail and was sentenced to 11 years in parole (it is called
    conditional sentence in Azerbaijani criminal law)
