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Sargsyan Pleases Putin

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  • Sargsyan Pleases Putin


    Story from News:
    Published: 13:24:41 - 07/10/2011

    October 7 is Vladimir Putin's birthday. He becomes 59 years old. Serzh
    Sargsyan congratulated Putin on this occasion. His congratulatory
    message can be called fantastic because of its interesting content.

    The fantastic thing is that usually a president congratulates a
    president, a prime minister a premier according to the principle of
    equal "subordination".

    While in this case the president congratulates the premier. At personal
    plane, there can be no issue: maybe Serzh Sargsyan just wanted to
    congratulate Putin personally. But in this case, the address should
    not be an official one, but it should be delivered through personal
    cables, there would be nothing weird.

    But the President of Armenia officially congratulates the Prime
    Minister of Russia. This is not a tragedy, of course, but there is an
    issue. The last conference of Yedinaya Rossia party evidenced that in
    reality Putin is already and again the President of Russia but he is
    still the de jure Prime Minister, while the states and their first
    figures are a legal category. Consequently, maybe for subordination
    dignity, it would be better not to congratulate him at the level of
    the President.

    Two circumstances are possible to push Sargsyan to this step. The
    first is perhaps the one that Putin appeared in the psychological
    trap of the causal and consequential connection of Putin-Kocharyan
    possible return, or under the psychological pressure and so, now he
    is trying to do everything not to arouse Putin's suspicion proving
    he is attentive and committed.

    "I can note with satisfaction that we have always been focused on
    the issues relating to the Armenian-Russian strategic cooperation",
    said Serzh Sargsyan in his letter, which means that "I have always
    felt your glance and did everything under your sight".

    The stress on personal relations is not less noteworthy: "I highly
    appreciate the personal trustworthy and close relations between us,
    which, no doubt, promote the further fulfillment of our bilateral

    Serzh Sargsyan is trying thereby to emphasize that there is a warm
    relationship with Putin, because in the Armenian political circles,
    "personal relationships" are valued particularly highly. Sargsyan
    is trying to dispel the deep-seated belief that Kocharyan has much
    "more friendly" relationship with Putin than Sargsyan.

    The second motive of the congratulatory message could be the visit to
    Yerevan of the French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who made â~@~Kâ~@~Ka
    statement in Armenia that can be perceived as "encroachment" on
    Russia's interests in the energy sector of Armenia.

    He said that his country would help Armenia develop alternative energy
    sources. And alternative energy in Armenia may be only alternative
    to the Russian presence, because all the power in Armenia is Russified.

    If we add to this the fact that Sarkozy quite transparently urged
    EU countries to show interest in the energy system of Armenia and
    Armenia to take into account the initiatives of European pipeline
    bypassing Russia, it becomes clear how unpleasant came out to be the
    day of October 7 in Armenia for Russia.

    It is possible that this is the reason why Serzh Sargsyan forgot
    about the subordination and congratulated Putin's birthday in order
    to disperse the unpleasant impression from Sarkozy's visit.
