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Education: A Group Of Students From Movses Khorenatsi University Of

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  • Education: A Group Of Students From Movses Khorenatsi University Of


    National Assembly of RA
    Oct 6 2011

    On October 5 a group of students from Movses Khorenatsi University
    of Yerevan, who visited National Assembly within the framework of the
    "Open Lesson" programme, attended the sitting of the parliament, and
    then they met the Speaker of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan.

    The format of these traditional meetings gives an opportunity to
    communicate with the Head of the Parliament in sincere atmosphere,
    address him questions, and talk on different matters. In this regard
    the dialogue between the students from Movses Khorenatsi University
    of Yerevan and the NA Speaker was not an exception. First Hovik
    Abrahamyan briefly presented the structure and activity, voting
    system and functions of the Parliament, following that during the
    question and answer with the students he touched upon a number of
    issues relating to the issues of parliamentary work and diplomacy,
    the region, the youth, education and elections.

    Highlighting the role of parliamentary diplomacy and documenting
    that during the recent years it has been significantly enlivened,
    and in this context the NA Speaker particularly, considered necessary
    the presence of the professional deputies in the parliament, who can
    actively take part in the delegations. The Youth Parliament, where
    the young people have the opportunity to show their knowledge and
    abilities, can bring forth future parliamentarians. The NA Speaker
    called on the students to be more active, moreover that the NA "Open
    Lesson" programme gives an opportunity to more actively and directly
    contact with the higher legislative body, to closely get acquainted
    with its work. And the activation of the youth is also important from
    in terms of shaping civil society.

    In response to one of the students' question, touching upon the
    election theme, Hovik Abrahamyan stated that when several months had
    been left to the elections, every person respecting himself, every
    political force thinking about the people and the state should not
    only speak about the snap elections, but also get prepared for the
    regular elections, take part in them, seek to occupy a seat in the
    parliament. The NA Speaker has stated that with the participation of
    the international organizations and structures the new Electoral Code
    adopted months ago gives an opportunity to hold fair elections.

    In the name of the students and professors from University Movses
    Khorenatsi of Yerevan the President of the University presented the
    regular issue of the scientific periodical of the Higher Educational
    Institution, afterwards the students had been taken a photo with the
    NA Speaker in the session hall of the Parliament.
