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Interview With His Holiness Aram I

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  • Interview With His Holiness Aram I


    USA Armenian Life Magazine
    - October 7, 2011

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: Your Holiness, you have often underlined
    that the Diaspora is an equal partner with Armenia. Could you please
    elaborate on what basis you make such a statement?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: We have often outlined that the Armenian people
    are one with Armenia, Artsakh (Karabagh) and Diaspora. Therefore, the
    Diaspora and Artsakh are the extension of Armenia. In ordinary sense,
    the Diaspora is not a partner with Armenia. It is true that the
    Diaspora Armenian doesn't live in Armenia, but considers Armenia - and
    must do so - his Homeland toward which he has both duties and rights.
    It is from this vintage point that we must look at Armenia-Diaspora
    co-operation. Initiatives that are based on ordinary and conditional
    settings can not, but well-studied and long-term plans can inject new
    quality into our co-operation and can solidify our nation's internal
    unity and potential.

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: How can one rate the quality of relations
    between the Catholicosate of All Armenians in Etchmiadzin and the
    Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in Antelias, Lebanon? And
    how can one define the nature of the ties between the Dioceses of both

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: The co-operation between both Holy Sees - the
    Catholicosate of All Armenians and Catholicosate of the Great House of
    Cilicia is positive. Two committees are formed representing both Sees
    in regards to our church's reform. It is necessary to continue this
    process. Issues that have jurisdictional nature that have been
    inherited from the past do exist. It is essential to address these
    issues with a spirit of realism; by taking into consideration our
    people's and our communities' internal conditions; by always upholding
    the indispensability of co-operation. We would also like to emphasize
    that today the spirit of brotherhood on all levels is prevalent in the
    relations and co-operation between both Sees. This spirit must be
    further developed for the benefit of our church, homeland and people.

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: In present and coming times, what is the
    mission of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in the life
    of the Armenian people?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: We have often focused on the Great House of
    Cilicia's mission through our messages and publications. The
    Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia considers itself a mission
    of faith and of service to our people. These two areas that are
    strongly tied with our Holy See's life and work, compliment, enrich
    and complete each other. The mission of our See has its permanent
    priorities such as Christian and Armenian education; social services;
    youth; spreading of spiritual and moral values; pursuit of our
    national demands for justice, among others. Our See also takes into
    consideration evolutionary changes occurring in our people's internal
    conditions and the resulting needs and expectations. Let's not forget
    that we live in a constantly changing world. As a mission in service
    of people, the church must keep in touch with developments and related
    concerns in the life of its flock.

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: Recently, you have addressed a pontifical
    letter to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government in
    which you have qualified its initiative to return certain confiscated
    religious properties to their rightful owners as being incomplete and
    unjust. In your opinion, what kind of steps Turkey needs to take in
    order to achieve comprehensive justice?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: Our demands from Turkey are clear. Turkey must
    recognize and make amends for the Genocide against the Armenian people
    perpetrated by Ottoman Turkey - the grandparents of Turkey's leaders.
    According to international laws, if the genocide is a crime against
    humanity, then no matter how Turkey attempts to cover up the truth
    through diplomatic and other means, the genocide, as a historic fact,
    can not be condemned to oblivion. The Bible says that it is not
    possible to hide the light under a basket - the same applies to truth.
    For 97 years, our people not only remembered its martyrs but also
    demanded its rights. This is an eloquent testimony that the more years
    pass, the stronger our people's demands for justice will grow. We have
    clarified to Turkish Prime Minister that justice has not been served
    for the Armenians. Our people will continue to demand justice from

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: Do the Armenian youth continue to rally
    around the Armenian Apostolic Church with swelled ranks? Has the
    Catholicosate developed new bridges for communication and
    strengthening of ties with the youth?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: We have always given special importance to our
    youth underlining the fact that our youth are not only our future but
    also our present. The doors of our church, organizations and
    communities are wide open for our youth. Our youth have a message to
    deliver and accomplishments to perform in our collective life. We must
    trust our youth. They are aware of today's conditions, challenges and
    ills of our world. Therefore, they can perform an important role in
    our life. Our structures have an urgent need for rejuvenation. The
    same people with unchanged ideas and practices can not contribute to
    our life's further development and reorganization. Our life has a dire
    need for internal vitality; for new organizational approaches; and for
    new quality. In this regard, We consider our youth's role
    fundamentally important. On the other hand, We expect our youth to
    treat our spiritual, moral and national values with a spirit of
    awareness. We have amply addressed these issues in Our book - `We Must
    Take the Church to the People.'

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: In contrast to Dioceses around the world
    belonging to the Holy See of Etchmiadzin, the Dioceses functioning
    under the umbrella of the Great House of Cilicia have always made
    relentless efforts and carried out large-scale work and created a
    sizeable network of Armenian schools in all corners of the Diaspora.
    Why has the Great House of Cilicia preferred to allocate large
    portions of its human and material resources to building our schools
    next to the churches, instead focusing only on the construction of

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: A little while ago, we have observed that the
    faith-based mission and service to the nation constitute a singular
    unit in our mission. This is not a theoretical idea. That's the way
    our church has been throughout history and that's the way it should be
    today. Religious education and Armenian education are not distant
    realities, but one entity with differing aspects. Armenian education
    is religious education and it is not possible to carry out religious
    education without Armenian education; in other words, our religious
    and moral values can not be removed from national values and
    vice-versa. This is the identity of our church. This is the Armenian
    identity. Therefore, the coexistence of both the church and the school
    is not coincidental. The school is the continuation of the church.
    That's the way it has to be in its internal environment and in terms
    of our mission in our flock's development both as human beings and as
    Armenians. I hope this makes it amply clear as to why the
    Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia has given a special
    importance to Armenian schools, highlighting the fact that the church
    and school constitute one and integral entity.

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: In your opinion, how can Diaspora's
    current state of organization be optimized? Do you think the current
    quasi-organizational situation and the absence of internal harmony;
    and the inexistence of elective leadership can be free from
    exploitation by Turkey and other anti-Armenian forces? What kind of
    solution do you propose?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: It is not easy to have the Diaspora undergo
    reorganizational process because today obviously exist three Diasporas
    - the classic Diaspora, Diaspora in the former Soviet space and the
    Diaspora that is created as a result of emigration from Armenia.
    Therefore, today, the Diaspora represents a colorful picture. The
    creation of intimacy, co-operation and harmony among these three
    Diasporas is a priority. The church and the community-based
    organizations have an important role to perform in this process. They
    must play the role of a bridge, and become meeting places where all
    the children of our people - in tangible terms, shall feel as
    belonging to the same nation, same culture and Homeland. Even if the
    creation of harmony within the Diaspora is a long process, we consider
    as urgent and primary the co-operation regarding issues affecting our
    people, our homeland or a given community. Just like we have
    emphasized in our message in Armenia - we must develop a pan-Armenian
    thinking. Co-operation can contribute greatly to the development of
    pan-Armenian thinking.

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: The Catholicosate of the Great House of
    Cilicia has always been an advocate of the Armenian Church and
    people's well-being. Is it possible to elaborate in practical terms
    some of the efforts made in this regard?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: A while ago, when we were talking about the
    mission of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, we
    described its religious and national aspects. That's what should be
    the mission of our church. It should become not only the advocate but
    also the initiator, the leader in all of the efforts that further the
    unity of our people; the strengthening of our Homeland; the
    flourishing of our culture; and the pursuit of national aspirations
    and rights. In other words, our church as a national institution, must
    be the tracer (chaser) of our nation's and Homeland's collective
    interests - naturally, as spiritual structure that is guided by its
    unique and independent approach to these issues. Let's not forget that
    similar to other organizations that function in our life the church is
    not solely of religious nature. Such characterization of the church is
    unacceptable. The Church is a home of faith; It is the presence of God
    in our lives; It is the voice of God, and the clergy are the
    ambassadors of Christ. It is with such self-awareness that the church
    must function and become the advocate of truth in our lives, and
    certainly not remain silent in the face of falsehood. It must be the
    defender of the poor, and not the supporter the rich and the
    exploiter. It must be the evangelist of justice, and not an
    indifferent bystander of injustice. Didn't Jesus Christ side with the

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: Recently, a very important conference
    dedicated to Western Armenian language took place in the Bikfaya
    Seminary in Lebanon under your High Auspices and organized by the
    Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia. According to several
    media reports, ample ideas were expressed during the three-day
    conference and among them was the unified decision by the conference
    to create a body that would preserve the Western Armenian language.
    The idea is wonderful, but what practical steps and with what kind of
    mandate will the body be able to take the necessary steps?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: We have discussed comprehensively the outcome of,
    and the media have given extensive coverage to the conference on
    Western Armenian language which took place in the Catholicosate,
    through our initiative and sponsorship. We would not like to repeat
    the discussions. But we would like to underline a few important

    A) The Western Armenian language is in crisis. If we do not take
    appropriate measures to prevent the escalation of the crisis, we can
    lose our language in a short time. It was based on this fact that we
    have organized the conference. The conference emphasized the
    imperative of taking urgent and effective measures;

    B) As a practical step, the conference proposed the formation of a
    Western Armenian Language Preservation Council through the initiative
    of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, with the
    participation of individuals knowledgeable in Armenian studies who can
    further the cause. We will conduct consultations on the makeup of the
    Council after the completion of our Pontifical Visit to the Prelacy of
    Western United States;

    C) Organizing conferences and proposing ideas are not enough. It is
    essential that we implement the ideas and execute the developed plans
    within our communities. It is in this area that we fail. The
    preservation of Western Armenian language must be carried out on local
    levels - within the churches, schools, homes, and clubs. Therefore our
    work has to be collective and an awareness of responsibility
    shouldered by all.

    USA Armenian Life Magazine: Has the conference on Western Armenian
    language identified the role of the Diaspora Armenian media, and did
    it underline the importance of employing clear, accurate and
    crystallized Western Armenian in the media that features enhanced
    quality for the benefit of perpetuation of Western Armenian language?
    Has there been a discussion on finding the means to assist the
    Diaspora Armenian press both morally and financially so that the media
    does not fail in its duties?

    HIS HOLINESS ARAM I: The press occupied an important place in the
    conference. Many reports were presented and all participants greatly
    emphasized the role of the media in the preservation of Western
    Armenian language and in the dissemination of cultural values, and of
    the maintenance of the Armenian identity as a whole. We consider the
    media as a mission. It is with such awareness that media managers
    should carry out their mission and it is with equal devotion that the
    children of our nation should support the Armenian media.
