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Books: The First Lesbian Science Fiction Novel, Published in 1906

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  • Books: The First Lesbian Science Fiction Novel, Published in 1906
    Oct 7 2011

    The First Lesbian Science Fiction Novel, Published in 1906

    Like most genres of popular literature, science fiction has been slow
    to present lesbians in a positive light. During the late 19th century
    and early 20th century, lesbians were entirely unrepresented in
    science fiction, with homosexuality an act only depraved men engaged
    in. Which makes Gregory Casparian's The Anglo-American Alliance. A
    Serio-Comic Romance and Forecast of the Future (1906), the first
    lesbian science fiction novel, all the more notable.
    Casparian (1855-1947) was a Turkish Armenian who emigrated to the
    United States in 1877 after making himself unwelcome in Turkey as an
    officer in the Armenian army. He settled in New York and became an
    artist, painter, and photoengraver for an engineering firm. Little
    else can be found about him, but he must have been an interesting and
    thoughtful man, for The Anglo-American Alliance, his only book, is
    remarkably progressive sexually.

    The Anglo-American Alliance, set in the future of 1960, has two plots.
    The first is a detailed history of a 20th century in which the United
    States and the United Kingdom are the major powers on Earth,
    colonialism is still in force (Great Britain having colonized central
    Africa in the 1920s), and technology has advanced in a limited
    fashion: prenatal sex determination and suspended animation are now
    possible, a germicide for laziness has been developed, benefitting
    "the negroes of the Southern States" [sic], and an enormous telescope
    has discovered "vegetation and moving objects" on Mars and Venus. A
    Persian astronomer, Abou Shimshek, has found an "ice lens" which
    allowed him to discover a new planet on which live a race of
    telepathic, furred, electric-wheel-riding aliens.

    Full size The second is the romance between Aurora Cunningham, the
    daughter of Great Britain's Secretary of Foreign Affairs," and
    Margaret MacDonald, the daughter of an American senator. Aurora is
    beautiful, blonde, blue-eyed, gentle, and has a speech impediment: "a
    typical English maiden." Margaret is Aurora's "very antithesis. She
    was somewhat taller, with sparkling black eyes and raven hair, of
    imposing dignity and carriage, but withal the equal of Aurora in the
    matter of natural gifts and accomplishments. She had, moreover, a
    captivating frivolity and aggressiveness which almost bordered on
    masculinity." And she's good at the kinds sports young women are fond
    of, which sometimes involve donning armor.

    The two meet at the Diana Young Ladies' Seminary in Cornwall and fall
    immediately in love: "they were drawn to each other with a mysterious
    sympathy which attracted the attention of outsiders and furnished
    ample excuse for comment. Directly after their first meeting they had
    become inseparable companions and confidants." But as time passed this
    strange attachment grew so marked and its manifestations so alarmingly
    flagrant that they themselves became aware of its dangerous

    Full size They realized that if they gave free license to indiscreet
    emotional demonstrations class room or in public, not only would their
    actions not be tolerated by the College faculty and cause their
    expulsion from the Seminary, but they would also be subjected to
    unendurable ostracism by the rest of the students. But still worse was
    the confronting fact that they would undoubtedly become the topic of
    unpleasant notoriety through the publicity given by the sensational
    press. They had therefore the good judgment to pledge themselves to
    control their emotions in the presence of class, and to exercise
    wide-awake circumspection in their behavior in public and towards the
    opposite sex.

    Casparian further describes how Aurora and Margaret were the only
    women in the Seminary who "refrained from making an alliance" with any
    of the "gallant swains from the Academy."

    Now, passionate pairings among women were not unknown when Casparian
    wrote An Anglo-American Alliance. Many Victorian women, both American
    and English, formed "romantic friendships" or "passionate
    friendships," and a number of those became "Boston marriages," in
    which both women lived together, financially independent, and shared a
    house. Such pairings were very occasionally represented in
    late-Victorian fiction, though any lesbianism was absent or kept only
    as a covert subtext. But Casparian went far beyond that.

    Aurora and Margaret are on the verge of graduating from the Seminary,
    which will mean their separation, a prospect which both loathes. So
    they make "a solemn compact, bound by an inviolable oath, not to make
    any alliance with any suitor whatever and to remain united to each
    other in souls until death should them part." Aurora goes further, and
    in a "fatuous ardor of love" writes "an impromptu poem of fealty,
    entitled `Wilt Thou Remember Thy Vow?' It revealed the intensity of
    their emotions, their utter subjugation and mutual abandonment of will
    and desire each to the other...."

    Full size Aurora returns home after graduation, and Margaret faints
    after she leaves. She is brought to the famous Hindu "Vivisectionist
    and Re-Incarnator" Dr. Hyder Ben Raaba, who discovers why Margaret is
    so distraught, and helps her recover. A few months later, after
    Margaret has inherited her dead father's wealth, she receives a card
    from Dr. Ben Raaba, asking after her health. Margaret then has a
    brilliant idea, which Dr. Ben Raaba agrees to: a "mental and physical
    metamorphosis" which transforms Margaret into a man. Margaret, now
    "Spencer Hamilton," becomes a famous musician, woos and wins Aurora,
    and the pair live happily ever after.

    An Anglo-Indian Alliance would have been better (and extraordinarily
    progressive) had Aurora and Margaret lived happily ever after as
    women, it must be admitted. Nonetheless, An Anglo-Indian Alliance is
    the first science fiction novel with a pair of lesbian lovers as
    heroines, one of whom becomes science fiction's first transgender

    All images taken from the original novel, which is available for free
    download from Google Books.
