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Concerns Over Urmia Lake Boosts Nationalism Among Azerbaijanis in Ir

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  • Concerns Over Urmia Lake Boosts Nationalism Among Azerbaijanis in Ir

    By Emil Souleimanov (10/05/2011 issue of the CACI Analyst)

    Mass demonstrations of ethnic Azerbaijanis protesting the drying up of
    Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran, the Middle East's largest water
    reservoir and the third largest salt-water lake in the world, recently
    struck the cities of Iranian Azerbaijan. Although information from the
    region is scarce, numerous reports state that hundreds of protesters
    have been beaten, arrested and mistreated by Iranian police and
    security forces. Additionally, new clashes have taken place between
    supporters of the Tehran-based Esteqlal and the Tabriz-based Tractor
    Sazi football club (TSFC) with the latter raising Urmiye-related
    claims alongside their longtime demands for establishing school
    education in Azerbaijani Turkish.

    BACKGROUND: Environmental protests have been on the rise since August
    following the Iranian parliament's refusal to accept an emergency
    rescue plan for reviving Urmia, a lake that has the status of a UNESCO
    biosphere reserve. Indeed, this extremely salty lake with its unique
    flora and fauna could be facing a large-scale environmental
    catastrophe resembling the fate of Central Asia's Aral Sea. This is a
    result of Tehran's recent policies of building numerous dams on more
    than 20 tributaries feeding into the lake, which has in turn reduced
    the depth of the lake by around two thirds to less than 2 meters. The
    government's plan to build a bridge connecting the cities of Tabriz
    and Oroumiye across the lake has further worsened its ecological

    During football matches that took place shortly after the parliament's
    decision, dozens of TSFC fans were arrested for protesting the Iranian
    government's failure to take measures to save the lake. In spite of
    the routine detainments of environmental activists and ordinary
    protesters, several thousands of ethnic Azerbaijanis took to the
    streets of Tabriz, Oroumiye, and other cities of Iranian Azerbaijan on
    August 27 and September 3; and more demonstrations are expected. These
    peaceful protests were crushed by large contingents of Iranian police
    and security forces using repressive means such as tear gas and firing
    metal bullets. According to local sources, the number of detainees has
    reached a thousand people with many dozens of protesters injured and
    at least one killed.

    In the meantime, violence occurred during a football game between TSFC
    and Esteqlal in Tehran on September 9, in which the TSFC's victory
    placed it among the leaders of the Iranian playoff. Intriguingly,
    before the game started, the authorities took measures to prevent
    thousands of TSFC supporters from entering the stadium. The
    authorities had received reports about the intention of TSFC
    supporters to articulate politically flavored demands during the
    match, related to the apparent unwillingness of the regime to save the
    lake. Those who managed to attend the game still used the opportunity
    to chant slogans related to Urmia and condemning the authorities,
    which brought about the clashes with security forces.

    IMPLICATIONS: The increasingly vocal demands of Azerbaijanis, Iran's
    by far largest ethnic community making up around a quarter of the
    country's multiethnic population, have recently attracted the
    attention of observers of the region (see the 10/27/2010 issue of the
    CACI Analyst). It has been argued that the younger generation of
    Iranian Azerbaijanis has increasingly come to identify along the lines
    of secular ethnic nationalism, thereby embracing the notion of their
    Turkic identity and reducing the commitment to Iranian statehood,
    which is anchored heavily in religion.

    Importantly, this development has taken place alongside increasing
    numbers of violent incidents with Azerbaijanis on one side and Iranian
    police and security forces on the other being reported across the
    country. For instance, concerned over the dramatically growing scope
    of Azerbaijani nationalism aired during TSFC games, the authorities
    have started to limit the numbers of predominantly Azerbaijani TSFC
    supporters attending its games. During the frequently occurring racial
    and nationalistic clashes between Azerbaijani fans of TSFC and the
    predominantly Persian fans of Esteqlal and Persepolis, another
    Tehran-based football club, police and security forces usually do not
    hesitate to take the side of the ethnic Persians. The above-mentioned
    victory of TSFC over its traditional rival, Esteqlal, brought about
    mass celebrations in Tabriz, which were accompanied by political
    demands. The initiative was crushed by police and security forces and
    ignited a new wave of detentions of Azerbaijani activists which has
    been ongoing for several weeks. In turn, this has been viewed by an
    increasing share of Iran's Azerbaijani community as additional
    evidence of ethnic discrimination, anti-Azerbaijani bias and Persian

    Accordingly, established ethno-nationalistic pro-Azerbaijan,
    pro-Turkey, and increasingly anti-Persian and anti-regime slogans
    chanted by several thousand TSFC fans as well as ordinary Azerbaijanis
    have recently been accompanied by slogans focusing on Urmia such as
    `Lake Urmia is dying, Iran is ordering its execution,' or `Urmia is
    thirsty, Azerbaijan must rise up, otherwise it will lose.'
    Symbolically, these and similar chants were first articulated at a
    recent meeting of Azerbaijanis at the Tabriz-based tomb of Sattar
    Khan, an ethnic Azerbaijani national hero of Iran and a key figure in
    the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1911.

    Even more importantly, confronted with Tehran's apparent unwillingness
    to put an effective end to the dehydration of the Urmia Lake,
    increasing numbers of Azerbaijanis regard this as a result of an
    alleged sophisticated plan by the government to turn Iran's
    Azerbaijani provinces into a salty desert as the remaining salt would
    be dispersed by winds throughout the whole region destroying soil and
    crops. Since the Urmia Lake plays a crucial role in Iranian Azerbaijan
    and supports around 15 million local inhabitants, the argument
    continues, the upcoming ecologic disaster would gradually force local
    Azerbaijanis to migrate into other areas of the country effectively
    reducing the prospects of Azerbaijani secessionism and fostering their
    assimilation into the Persian mainstream.

    CONCLUSIONS: So far, the existence of the TSFC, whose significant
    sport successes and wide popularity across Northwestern Iran's
    predominantly Azerbaijani provinces has contributed greatly to
    awakening the masses of once politically apathetic Iranian
    Azerbaijanis. The commitment to save the Urmia Lake, regarded as the
    pearl of Iranian Azerbaijan, has further united many ordinary
    Azerbaijanis. This is regardless of their politically motivated
    sympathies - or antipathies - toward the idea of Iranian statehood or
    Azerbaijani Turkic nationalism, as well as efforts aimed at
    ethno-linguistic and cultural emancipation advocated by a portion of
    the Iranian Azerbaijani population. The indiscriminate use of force by
    the regime even over this seemingly apolitical issue has further
    deepened the ethnically defined gap between Iranian Azerbaijanis and
    the Iranian state, paving the ground for considerable conflict in the

    AUTHOR'S BIO: Dr. Emil Souleimanov is assistant professor at the
    Department of Russian and East European Studies, Charles University in
    Prague, Czech Republic. He is the author of `An Endless War: The
    Russian-Chechen Conflict in Perspective` (Peter Lang, 2007).
