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Sargsyan: Sarkozy doesn't make statements to gain someone's liking

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  • Sargsyan: Sarkozy doesn't make statements to gain someone's liking

    Armenian President: Sarkozy doesn't make statements to gain someone's liking

    October 9, 2011 - 17:30 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - On October 8 Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
    visited Etchmiadzin to attend festive events dedicated to the City

    The President laid flowers to the monument to Karabakh war heroes and
    then took part in a solemn meeting where he was named an honorary
    resident of the city. `It's a great honor for me,' he said, adding
    that Etchmiadzin residents made a significant contribution to the
    development of independent Republic of Armenia.

    Commenting on the visit of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his
    statements in Yerevan, President Sargsyan said that Mr. Sarkozy
    doesn't make statements to gain someone's liking.

    `His statements once again proved that Armenia's wish to normalize
    relations with Turkey has nothing to do with the process of
    international recognition of the Armenian Genocide,' the RA President
