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ISTANBUL: Turkey seeks to institutionalize relations with Turkic rep

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  • ISTANBUL: Turkey seeks to institutionalize relations with Turkic rep

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Oct 8 2011

    Turkey seeks to institutionalize relations with Turkic republics

    09 October 2011, Sunday / CEREN KUMOVA / AYDIN ALBAYRAK, ANKARA

    As the 20th anniversary of independence arrives for the Turkic
    republics, Turkey is reviewing its connections with the countries it
    deems `brothers,' looking for a more institutionalized touch that
    speaks more to the mind than to the heart.

    Although these countries, namely Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
    Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, have traditionally held priority of place
    amongst Turkey's bilateral ties with other countries, the arrival of
    the 20th anniversary of their independence has prompted Turkey to
    review its long-standing policy toward them. What has been
    accomplished between the countries, popularly claimed to be `different
    states of the same nation,' in these 20 years is a clear indication
    that it might be high time for Turkey to build on the strong ties, but
    with solid accomplishment that speaks for the pledges.

    Turkey has been reviewing its policy in a way that looks to balance
    ties with regard to past issues to give birth to solutions, Turkish
    officials told Sunday's Zaman on the sidelines of an international
    meeting Turkey hosted in celebration of the anniversaries. These
    statements confirm the obvious fact that in spite of the great
    importance Turkey attaches to its Turkic brothers, relations with
    these countries have not always evolved into solid cooperation; to the
    contrary, the ties have loosened due to Turkey's naïve and mistaken
    conviction that they can be maintained without much effort because of
    the historic and ethnic ties. Now Turkey seems to be aligning its
    foreign policy in a way that would close the gap and revive old

    Twenty years ago when the Turkic states acquired their independence
    after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkish political leaders were
    quite enthusiastic about the prospects this new state of affairs
    offered Turkey: The first initiatives towards the region were mainly
    based on emotions, in the process of which, Turkey emerged as a
    protective elder brother, which caused drawbacks over the long-run
    when the role was too much to deliver. Twenty years later, it is all
    the more clear for Turkey that it may not actually be the right way to
    build lasting relations, as for some time now the motivation behind
    relations between the `brotherly' countries has progressively evolved
    into a system where the interests of the parties involved are more
    important than emotions.

    As a result, cooperation between the Turkic countries has increasingly
    gotten better, although some problems still persist between these
    countries themselves, as a result of which the Nakhchivan Agreement
    was signed between Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,
    while the two others, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, remained outside,
    on Oct. 3, 2009. The agreement paved the way for the foundation of the
    Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (CCTS), which became
    operational at a summit in 2010 in İstanbul, laying the groundwork to
    hopefully put the council on a more solid track.

    The next step in the council meetings is scheduled for Astana, where
    ministers of economy come together on Oct. 13, followed by another
    meeting of foreign ministers on Oct 21. Also that month the heads of
    the Turkic states will meet at the first get-together of the CCTS,
    proving that the long-desired institutionalization may now be under
    way for the Turkic republics and Turkey.

    Emotions cause for past disappointments

    Since the countries enjoyed a close bond and a common world vision
    without much effort from either side, heartfelt expectations sometimes
    melted into disappointment -- a feeling Turkey is trying to eradicate
    by putting affairs on solid ground to foster political, economic,
    cultural and social ties between the states.

    The international meeting held in Turkey earlier this week on the
    occasion of the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Turkic
    republics is a clear indication that the countries are eager to come
    together on the diplomatic track and alternative avenues, define
    problems and look for solutions to existing issues. `Turkey's dream in
    the '90s of forming an economic union with the newly emerged Turkic
    countries did not come true,' Halil Akıncı, secretary-general of the
    CCTS and a former ambassador, noted as he co-chaired a session during
    the Ankara meetings of Oct. 5 and 6. Akıncı added that the formation
    of institutional bodies between the states makes it easier to track
    progress and ensures that problems do not only get `whined about' but
    are put on an agenda to be solved. `Past issues stemmed from
    over-emotional reactions between the Turkic republics; it is high time
    we emerge from that,' Akıncı stated at an evaluation session on

    The Turkic Council, Akıncı noted, would initially deal with economic
    progress but continue with a second phase concerning the cultural and
    educational fields. To this end, Akıncı said a common history book
    would be published, presenting the shared history of the republics and
    that a Turkic Academy would be founded to study the culture of the
    Turkic republics. `The 20 years of relations between Turkic states
    have been fruitful,' commented Bülent Aras, chairman of Center for
    Strategic Research (SAM), a research body founded under the umbrella
    of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, in a quick interview with Sunday's
    Zaman on the margin of the meeting. `There is a great tendency for
    cooperation, and steps we cannot downplay have been taken,' Aras noted
    but admitted that the current level of developments between the states
    was not enough. `We have developed a fresh perspective in our
    relations; more cooperation is sure to come in the future,' Aras
    added, hinting that Turkey is indeed changing its attitude toward the
    Turkic republics.


    The bonds between the six states are also affected by a complex
    interwoven web of relations with each other, as well as with other
    parties, which have a claim on the dynamics of the region. The last
    instance of a dispute between Turkey and its major Turkic ally,
    Azerbaijan, erupted in 2009 when Turkey tried to normalize relations
    with Armenia through outlining a roadmap that would make the
    dysfunctional border between the neighbors operational again. However,
    Azerbaijan lashed out at the possibility of normalization before a
    solution is found to the Armenian occupation of a number of Azeri
    enclaves around Nagorno-Karabakh, which is why Turkey closed its
    border with Armenia in 1993 in the first place.

    In the case of waiving visa requirements between Azerbaijan and
    Turkey, it was Iran that intervened and blocked the prospect, saying
    that it would ask to benefit from the same privilege if Turkey was
    given the green light.

    An additional debate that usually comes up on the economic sidelines
    between the nations concerns energy prices, since Turkey is the buyer
    and transporter of large amounts of Azeri natural gas.

    Touching on difficulties facing Turkic states in their quest for
    better cooperation, Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, a professor of
    international relations at Gazi University in Ankara, told Sunday's
    Zaman in an interview that under the surface, there was much to be
    considered for relations to evolve to the desired level. Hailing the
    establishment of the CCTS, founded with the Nakhchivan Agreement,
    which is `the best move Turkey has ever made in Central Asia,' Erol
    stated most plans to increase cooperation have remained at their
    initial stages due to a large number of obstacles.

    Lamenting difficulties the Turkic republics face in their diplomatic
    connections, Erol added that Turkey could only improve relations
    through deeply rooted diplomatic tracks, which necessitate more
    institutionalization from all ends. Although the academic stressed
    that the states wanted more institutionalization, he noted the current
    level of ties remained at the initial phase of intentions and should
    be backed by solid plans to move on to the next phase.

    His words were confirmed by Dr. Aydar Amrebaev, deputy director of the
    Kazakhstan Institute for World Economy and Politics (IWEP), at the
    Thursday session of the international meeting, as he spoke of the
    problems within the Turkic states. `There are no representatives from
    Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. As the Turkic world, we need to solve the
    problems of the Caspian region,' Amrebaev stated. Not only Amrebaev
    but also Associate Professor Bulat Sultanov, director of the
    Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Research, underlined that relations
    should be handled on an equal basis, implying that Kazakhstan has no
    need of aid from Turkey but needs cooperation in many fields,
    including defense and security.

    From: Baghdasarian