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Security is much more than just absence of threats

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  • Security is much more than just absence of threats

    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    October 7, 2011 Friday


    Source: Kommersant, October 04, 2011, p. 8
    by Lamberto Zannier

    ORGANIZATION; Being one of the main players in the OSCE region, Russia
    should play one of the key roles in security provision in this region.

    The essence of OSCE is confidence. It is through strengthening of
    confidence and achievement of reconciliation among the member states
    that we can achieve success. At the OSCE summit on the supreme level
    in Astana last year 56 member states confirmed adherence to the idea
    of "free, democratic, common and indivisible Euro-Atlantic and
    Eurasian security communities." OSCE tries to implement this idea into
    life. Being one of the main players in the OSCE region, Russia should
    pay one of the key roles in this process.

    Strengthening of security in the OSCE region is provided by the
    regimes of control over conventional arms that have no historic
    precedents and by measures for strengthening of confidence and
    security. Participants of the summit in Astana last year confirmed
    importance of surmounting of the dead end situation related to the
    Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE). The Vienna document of
    1999 that obliges the member states to exchange information about
    armed forces and military activity is another key instrument for
    increasing of confidence in OSCE. Russia observes its provisions in
    practice and participates in updating of the document to make it
    reflect modern realities better.

    Building of confidence as the basis for reconciliation is a mandatory
    condition for progress in resolving of drawn-out conflicts in the OSCE
    region. The long-awaited resolution on restarting of negotiations on
    the Trans-Dniester regulation in "5+2" format adopted in Moscow on
    September 22 has to add powerful momentum to this process. The
    non-decreasing attention of Russia played a constructive role in
    adoption of this resolution. Assistance to resolving of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict simultaneously with prevention of further
    escalation of tension locally is another priority line of work with
    regard to which positions of Russia and other key OSCE members
    coincide. Active participation of Russia in the activity of the Minsk
    OSCE group and personal involvement of the President of Russia into
    assistance to negotiations on the supreme level between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia are important elements for search for the solution.

    Active and constructive participation of Russia is also required by
    the Geneva discussions started after the conflict in Georgia in August
    of 2008. These negotiations already yielded certain results: a set of
    water projects has been coordinated in the framework of the mechanism
    for prevention of incidents and reaction to them created in the course
    of discussions and OSCE is currently taking them with financial
    support of the EU. These projects have not only to meet the needs of
    the population on both sides of the administrative dividing line for
    drinking and irrigation water, they already contribute to
    strengthening of confidence between the parties.

    No matter how important is the military political dimension of the
    OSCE activity, security is much more than simply absence of direct or
    indirect military threats. Security is actually assurance of tomorrow
    in all areas of life. Economic rights, observance of human rights,
    political pluralism, a possibility to elect and be elected in the
    course of free and transparent electoral process guaranteed by the
    law, an unprejudiced judicial system, all these factors are vitally
    important for strengthening of confidence of people in the authorities
    and for functioning ohef a really democratic society. Russia undertook
    to fully observe the relevant obligations undertaken in the framework
    of OSCE. Russia and other member stated confirmed their adherence to
    these obligations less than a year ago in Astana.
