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BAKU: France plays important role in peaceful settlement NK - Sarkoz

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  • BAKU: France plays important role in peaceful settlement NK - Sarkoz, Azerbaijan
    Oct 8 2011

    France plays important role in peaceful settlement Karabakh conflict - President
    Sat 08 October 2011 05:54 GMT | 1:54 Local Time

    The ground-breaking ceremony of the French lyceum was held in Baku on 7 October.
    The ceremony was attended by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev,
    President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy and the first lady of
    our country Mehriban Aliyeva.

    President Ilham Aliyev welcomed head of the French state, Nicolas Sarkozy.

    Participants in the ceremony warmly welcomed the presidents of
    Azerbaijan and France.

    Initially they signed an "Agreement between the Government of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the French Republic on
    the establishment of the Baku French Lyceum." From the Azerbaijani
    side the document was signed by Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov,
    from on the French part, by Minister for Cooperation of the Minister
    of Foreign and European Affairs, Henri de Renkur.

    'Heads of State spoke at the ceremony.

    Welcoming the guest, President Ilham Aliyev said:

    -Dear Mr. President!
    Distinguished guests!
    Ladies and gentlemen!

    Mr. President, I cordially welcome you in Azerbaijan, you are welcome
    to Azerbaijan. Your visit is a historical one. It is the first time
    the President of France is visiting Azerbaijan. I am confident that
    your visit will greatly contribute to the further successful
    development of French-Azerbaijani relations. We maintain multilateral
    relations, covering all areas. The cooperation of the recent years
    between our two countries inspires and convinces us that the
    French-Azerbaijani relations will further be strategic.

    Our political relations are very intense. I have repeatedly made
    visits to your beautiful country, and now you are our guest. Prospects
    for cooperation in the political sphere . France also plays an
    important role in the development of relations between Azerbaijan and
    the European Union. Thank you for the support that you personally and
    the state you lead provide to the ties between the EU and Azerbaijan.
    A recent summit of "Eastern Partnership" has once again demonstrated
    that the relations between the European Union and Azerbaijan are
    developing successfully. France also plays an important role in the
    NATO-Azerbaijan relations. I am sure that your country will continue
    supporting the development of these ties.

    Of course, regional security issues are constantly in the spotlight.
    Today we also had a very broad and sincere discussion on these issues.
    As the co-chair of the Minsk Group, France plays an important role in
    the peaceful settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We highly appreciate this role and hope
    that through your personal effort the conflict would soon be settled
    in accordance with international law and territorial integrity of our
    country will be restored.

    For many years, Azerbaijani lands - Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding
    seven regions are under occupation. As a result of this occupation and
    ethnic cleansing more than one million Azerbaijanis live a life of
    refugees and displaced persons to their native land. This situation
    must end, and as you pointed out, the status quo should be changed. I
    think that there are good opportunities to change the status quo, and
    Azerbaijan is the party which wishes the changes in status quo more
    than anyone else. Since this is our land and our lands are under
    occupation. International organizations have passed their decision on
    this issue - UN Security Council, OSCE, European Parliament, the
    Council of Europe, and other organizations. That is, there is a legal
    framework for resolving the issue. I am sure that in the near future
    more serious steps will be taken, the conflict would end and peace and
    cooperation will be established in the South Caucasus.

    Cooperation between our countries in the economic sphere is also
    developing very successfully. I can say that in the first 8 months of
    this year, trade turnover between the two countries exceeded $3 bn and
    there is a scope for further development. I hope that at the end of
    the year this figure will reach $4bn.

    Some 40 French companies function in Azerbaijan. They implement
    different projects in ecology and environmental protection. A waste
    disposal plant in Azerbaijan is built by the French company. French
    companies are involved in the conceptual development plan in Baku
    subway. Our first telecommunications satellite will orbit the French
    company. That is, in this area there are good opportunities for

    Cooperation in energy security is also successful. The discovery of a
    new gas field in Azerbaijan by French companies Total and Gas de
    France will increase the energy potential of our country and at the
    same time have a positive impact on European energy security. Because,
    as you know, Azerbaijan has played a very important role in the
    Southern Gas Corridor. These issues are also part of the ties between
    European Union and Azerbaijan.

    The recently discovered gas field has 350 bn cubic meters of gas, and
    now the gas potential of Azerbaijan is 2.6 trl cubic meters. I am very
    pleased that French companies are successfully operating in Azerbaijan
    as our partners.

    Finally, we maintain a very broad cooperation in the humanitarian
    sphere. In the near future the center of Azerbaijani culture is to be
    commissioned in Paris. And today Baku will be laying the foundation
    for the French Lyceum. This is a very remarkable and wonderful event.
    Operation of this school will further strengthen the
    French-Azerbaijani relations. It is a symbol of our friendship. At the
    same time, it is a big investment in the education sector in
    Azerbaijan. I express my deep appreciation to all who have contributed
    to the creation of this school. Participation of the President of
    France in the groundbreaking ceremony of the Lyceum, of course, gives
    a special significance to today's ceremony.

    I am sure, dear Mr President, that we with you will take part in the
    opening of the Lyceum. Once again I welcome you to Azerbaijan, I wish
    you and your country continued success. Thank you "

    Speaking at the ceremony, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said:

    - Dear Mr. President! I am pleased to attend the groundbreaking
    ceremony of the Baku French Lyceum, to be with you in Baku. The
    decision to establish this school is not only an example of high-level
    diplomatic and political ties between the two countries, but also
    evidence of the attitude of Azerbaijan. It also demonstrates the
    dynamism of Azerbaijan and its willingness to be open to the world.

    Baku is an important hub. It is the space, where different peoples
    and cultures crossed for centuries. The French Lyceum will embody the
    history of this country. The foundation of the French Lyceum is laid
    today at the avenue, where once lived the Nobel Brothers, who played a
    very important role in development of the oil industry of your
    country, thanks to the support of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan
    and Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

    I want to again express my gratitude to Mehriban Aliyeva.

    With the support of the French mission for secular education and
    ministries of education in our countries this lyceym will contribute
    to formation of the French-speaking elite. At the same time the doors
    of universities in France are always open to these French-speaking
    students. Upon graduation they will return to their country to benefit
    to Azerbaijan.

    As to my knowledge, thanks to the scholarships of the French
    government and over the past years and the government of Azerbaijan
    obtain education in France. I want enrichment of cooperation between
    universities. I hope that the French lyceum will make its
    contribution. This lyceum will also reflect the consistency of
    cultural and historical ties between our countries. After the
    Bolshevik occupation of 1920 France provided refuge to most expelled
    members of the first independent government of Azerbaijan. In November
    1944, General Charles de Gaulle, who went to Moscow for discussion of
    the result of the Second World War, knighted in Baku. I do not forget

    Since the restoration of independence of Azerbaijan, our countries
    launched dynamic and fruitful cooperation, especially in the sphere of
    education and culture. This is fixed in strategic partnership and as I
    noticed in culture. In March of the next year, the Baku Art Museum
    will open the exhibition of French masterpieces. It will demonstrate
    about a hundred of outstanding works, reflecting the French cultural
    heritage beginning from the epoch of Resurrection and up to date.

    Dear President! Dear Ilham! By taking the decision to create this
    lyceum, you are choosing the cultural diversity of Francophone. It is
    a brave choice and successful future. France is our friend and partner
    in all fields. As you know, Francophone is already the carrier of such
    general human values as tolerance, freedom, human rights and
    democracy. By your influence and support to this wonderful project,
    you demonstrate support to these values and I congratulate you on this
    occasion. I would like to congratulate you once again. I am thankful
    to you personally, Mr.President, and your spouse for the reception you
    gave today. Please, be sure that France is your friend and you can
    trust it. Thank you! The presidents of Azerbaijan and France saw the
    stand on the future lyceum.

    The foundation of the French Lyceum was laid further.

    President Ilham Aliyev and President Nicolas Sarkozy descended a
    capsule into the foundation. The heads of the states and the first
    lady of Azerbaijan poured the concrete compound into the foundation.
    It was noted that the lyceum to be built at the initiative of Heydar
    Aliyev Foundation will open wide opportunities for French-speaking
    foreign citizens, living in our country temporarily or permanently,
    and Azerbaijani citizens for studying in this language.

    The French lyceum will be wrking on classical French curriculum,
    applied in the 12-year mainstream facility, beginning with the
    kindergarten. The lessons will be held in French in line with the
    requirements of the national educational system of France. The
    certificate issued to the pupils will meet the standards and
    requirements of the French Ministry of National Education and be
    recognized by it. The school leavers will get the opportunity to
    continue education at any university of France depending on their

    The French president was informed that this facility will be held in
    Baku in the `White city' area. The `Baku-White City' project, which is
    among the biggest and unique projects in town-building in the world
    differs with that the Paris quarter will be laid here.

    Then the head of the states met with French businessmen in our country
    and wished them success.

    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva
    saw off their guest, President of France Nicolas Sarkozy.

