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BAKU: No place for Armenia in United Caucasus Home

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  • BAKU: No place for Armenia in United Caucasus Home, Azerbaijan
    Oct 8 2011

    No place for Armenia in United Caucasus Home
    Sat 08 October 2011 07:54 GMT | 3:54 Local Time

    News.Az interviews Guram Markhulia, doctor of historical sciences,
    professor of Sukhumi State University (Georgia).
    Though Russia recognized independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
    the Georgian government is planning different ways of return of these
    regions under its jurisdiction. Do they take into account the fact
    that the Tbilisi allies will not be able to do anything more than a
    verbal support to territorial integrity of Georgia like it was during
    the August was of 2008?

    Yes, no one stood up, but these are all geopolitical interests. We
    have common problems with Azerbaijan, but Azerbaijan holds a different
    external policy, and different ties with Russia. We sharply opposed
    the Russian state, because our nation, and our government are
    emotional, so they took such a quick solution. Anyway, I hope every
    leader of Georgia in the future will certainly decide to return to
    historic lands

    As to allies, I cannot say anything ... It is the prerogative of the
    government. Geopolitical allies supported us in words during those
    events, but fighting against a country such as Russia is a different
    thing. I do not hope that anyone ` either America or European
    countries - will help the Georgian state in the military sphere to
    return to their territories. No country will help Georgia if Georgian
    people will not fight themselves. The same goes for Azerbaijan. In
    this regard, Azerbaijan and Georgia should cooperate not only in a
    geopolitical sense, but also in the military aspect. We have one
    problem, one destiny, so we need to work together to fight against the
    invaders of our territory, those peoples and nations, which occupied
    our lands.

    What do think about the initiative to create confederation of
    Azerbaijan and Georgia, recently proposed by President of Georgia

    Of course, this is a good idea, but now neither Georgia nor Azerbaijan
    is ready to any confederation. Now it is not the time to unite our
    countries. Our enemies will benefit from it today.

    In general, the idea of ??a confederation in the South Caucasus was
    proposed by America dictated by the Armenian lobby. This, according to
    their interpretation, is the creation of a confederation of Georgia,
    Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well, imagine the Nagorno-Karabakh (!), The
    Tskhinvali region and Abkhazia (!). They believe that this is the only
    way to solve regional conflicts. But neighbor Karabakh, nor Tskhinvali
    and Abkhazia will ever join any Caucasus federation in separate. If a
    federation, it will be the Georgian-Azerbaijani federation. There is
    no place for Armenia in the federation. This is how I see the
    geopolitical future of the Caucasus.

    By the way, the idea of creation of federation in the South Caucasus
    is periodically offered by some analysts as a way to solve territorial
    problems by local countries.

    Of course, ideally the best option is that we should live together.
    There was a time when there was the Transcaucasian Federation. But
    Armenians have their own idea. We have "Caucasus is our common home"
    and the Armenians have the idea of "Great Armenia". There are two
    ideas in the Caucasus opposing each other. If we are talking about the
    unity of the Caucasus, the Armenians are still talking about their
    idea. There can not be a family where one looks to the left, the other
    to the right. Such a family will certainly be destroyed. So I think
    that Armenia is unnecessary in such a federation or confederation.

    Even today, it is clear that in the case of our co-existence within a
    single territorial unit Armenians will come up with their maneuvers
    again. It is better not to admit this country anywhere. This is a
    nation, who always betrays, and always has a negative impact on
    Georgia and Azerbaijan. So in this family there should be no place for
    Armenia. Otherwise it will be a pre-doomed state.

    I mean only Georgia and Azerbaijan. Armenia should not be there if we
    do not want new troubles. Under the guise of the common house, they
    will do something belong to their nation but in our territory, in Baku
    and Tbilisi, saying: "We live in one country." And it will continue
    doing their tricks. In no case can Armenia be admitted to the family.

