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Two Spanish And Four Chinese Companies Make Bids For North-South Tra

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  • Two Spanish And Four Chinese Companies Make Bids For North-South Tra


    Oct 19, 2011

    YEREVAN, October 10. / ARKA /. Two Spanish and four Chinese companies
    have submitted applications for participation in a tender announced
    by Armenia's government for construction of the first two segments of
    North-South transport corridor. The tender packages were opened today.

    The Armenian government approved January 14, 2010 the investment
    program to build the North-South transport corridor, as well as a
    $500 million framework loan agreement with the Asian Development Bank.

    The Spanish companies- Constructura Sanjose and Corsan Corviam
    Construccion- asked for $255.6 million (with a 10.18% discount)
    and $ 263.8 million respectively for building the sections. Chinese
    companies Covec CREG, China Civil Engineering Corporation, Chine Road
    and Bridge Corp proposed to build the sections for $217.4 million,
    $252 million, $308.8 million and $236 million respectively.

    Armenian transport and communications minister Manuk Vardanyan told
    journalists the tender commission has 20 days to examine all bids
    and announce the winner. Among mandatory requirements participating
    companies must have at least a five-year experience, an annual
    turnover of $100 million, appropriate skills and experience required
    for building concrete roads.

    "We plan that the work will begin this year. We also need to transfer
    part of road infrastructures as well as to provide compensation
    to residents of homes whose lands and homes will be alienated,"
    said Vardanyan.

    The minister said large-scale construction work will commence in next
    spring on Talin-Ashtarak section, but traffic on this stretch of road
    will not be closed. It is planned that the construction work will be
    completed in 2.5 years.

    The minister said also the government plans to begin negotiations
    with the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Japanese International
    Cooperation Agency on construction of the third and fourth segments
    of the highway which include segments from Talin to Gyumri and from
    Gyumri to Bavra on the Georgian border.

    The first tranche of the ADB loan in the amount of $70 million is
    planned to be spent on the reconstruction of the sections of roads
    between Yerevan and Ararat and Yerevan and Ashtarak. The second
    tranche worth $210 million will be used to reconstruct a stretch
    between Ashtarak and Talin.

    The goal of the project is to upgrade Armenia's main corridor road
    as part of a broader thrust to improve connectivity, and boost trade,
    growth and livelihood opportunities in the Caucasus and Central Asia
    sub-regions. Funds will be released by the Asian Development Bank
    periodically through a multitranche financing facility. The transport
    corridor will stretch from the southern Armenian town of Meghri,
    on the border with Iran, to Bavra in the north on the border with
    Georgia. The North-South transport corridor will enable Armenia to
    mitigate the effects of the blockade imposed by Azerbaijan and Turkey.
