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Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's Official: Armenia's Relations With Ru

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  • Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's Official: Armenia's Relations With Ru


    APA, Azerbaijan
    Oct 11 2011

    "At the recent meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents Armenia
    withdrew from the agreements reached within many years"

    Baku. Rashad Suleymanov - APA. "At the recent meeting of Azerbaijani
    and Armenian presidents Armenia withdrew from the agreements reached
    within many years. The co-chairing states had to ignore the subjects
    of the international law," second secretary of the Security Problems
    Department of Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Elchin Huseynli said
    while addressing the international conference entitled "Establishing
    relations across borders" organized by GUAM Parliamentary Assembly
    and Baltic Assembly, APA reports. Elchin Huseynli said Armenia commits
    illegal actions in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

    "Armenia conducts the so-called elections, events in the territories
    of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani cultural monuments are destroyed. They even
    attempt to involve the companies from the co-chairing countries. Baku
    will never allow this," he said.

    According to him, the European Union has double-headed approach
    to the conflicts in the region: "The European Union recognized the
    territorial integrity of one country in the region and shows different
    approach to another one. It doesn't honor anyone when they recognize
    the territorial integrity of one country, but turned a blind eye to
    the violation of territorial integrity of another one".

    The diplomat said that Azerbaijan could play a role in energy supply of
    the European Union: "Otherwise, more dramatic situation can appear,
    Europe can fall into position of dependence from another country
    in the energy supply. The developments in August, 2008 were a great
    danger for the region. Everybody must draw a lesson from it".

    Reminding that Azerbaijan and Georgia participated in the establishment
    of GUAM, Huseynli noted that Armenia was a member of Collective
    Security Treaty Organization: "Armenia's relations with Russia
    cause the instability in the region. Armenia, which is the smallest
    country in the region, has important military and political agreement
    with Russia. The conflicts in the regions seriously interrupt the
    development of the region. If these conflicts are settled, the
    South Caucasus will turn into developed region from the economic
    standpoint. Azerbaijan's position is known - the joint projects are
    out of the question until the conflicts in the region are settled".

    From: Baghdasarian