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Astarjian: Trick Or Treat? A Historic Halloween!

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  • Astarjian: Trick Or Treat? A Historic Halloween!

    By: Dr. Henry Astarjian
    Tue, Oct 11 2011

    It is a historic political Halloween!

    It was disappointing, all right: How a nation that has suffered so
    much by the hands of Europe and the Nazis, that lost six million of
    its children to the Holocaust, could be so callous as to deny the
    Armenian Genocide in order to serve its disingenuous policies.

    This year a pumpkin was delivered early to us via Tel Aviv in the
    form of a smiley lantern showing its teeth. Some sixty years after its
    founding, Israel, pursuing its own interests, is "Trick-or-Treating"
    us by considering acknowledging the Armenian Genocide which claimed
    the lives of a million and a half Armenians slaughtered by the Turks,
    Ottoman and Republican, governments and civilians alike in 1915-1923.

    For them it was and is a hard pill to swallow, since they have always
    been concerned that:

    1)  our Genocide might compete with their Holocaust,

    2)   it might anger the Turks, who then may retaliate by jeopardizing
    the safety of their own 25,000 Jews who live in Istanbul.

    3)   it might alienate their only Muslim ally in the neighborhood-
    Turkey, thereby increasing their vulnerability in a hostile territory,

    4)   it might be counter to American foreign policy which is based
    on NATO's pseudo-partnership with Turkey, thus tilting the balance
    of influence in favor of Iran.

    A variety of other reasons, each is being enough to justify their

    To be fair, some 120 Israeli Holocaust historians, but not the
    government, have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide.

    It was disappointing, all right: How a nation that has suffered so
    much by the hands of Europe and the Nazis, that lost six million of
    its children to the Holocaust, could be so callous as to deny the
    Armenian Genocide in order to serve its disingenuous policies.

    Not only did the state of Israel fail to recognize the Armenian
    Genocide, but it actively lobbied against its recognition by the U.S.

    Congress. It was clear that it was doing Turkey's dirty work, a
    conduct unbecoming a nation which claims to be taking the high road
    in its political conduct.

    It is a fact, unless my eyes and ears deceive me, that former Prime
    Minister of Israel Shimon Perez, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate,
    stood on the steps of Chankaya Palace next to then-Turkish president
    Suleyman Demirel and declared, "There is no such thing as Armenian
    Genocide." Ironically he was standing on the porch of a mansion built
    and owned by a wealthy Armenian jeweler, Ohannes Kasabian, who, with
    his family, was evicted from his home, deported and killed during
    the genocide, and the mansion converted to the presidential kiosk
    by Ataturk himself. Yes-He was standing on the steps of a genocide
    victim's mansion when he made that statement.

    Israel's active blockades of the Genocide resolutions in Congress
    are exemplified by its concerted efforts, commissioned by Turkey
    and implemented by Israel's AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs
    Committee) to defeat the bills which had passed Committee.

    Israel's surrogate the Anti Defamation League (ADL) headed by Abe
    Foxman fought tooth and nail to antagonize our efforts for passage
    of Genocide recognition bill in the United States. Some of the ADL
    chapters, answering to their conscience distanced themselves from
    this arrogant denialist.

    Israel's efforts continued until such time that being Turkey's
    sub-contractor charged with cleaning Turkey's political sewers, was
    no longer profitable for them. Suddenly they realized that Turkey was
    trick-or- treating them and the world. Turkey's trick was the radical
    change of polity looking East, which victimized Israel. The eight year
    old AK Islamist party in power turned its back on Kemalism which was
    a garb two-sizes-too-big for the reactionary fanatic Islamist Turkish
    society. The move exposed the real color of Turkey.

    Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister, had to prove his Islamic
    credentials and claim the mantle of the Ottoman Caliphate.

    Muslims, globally, are mandated to liberate Jerusalem, the third,
    some say the second, holiest city of Islam, which is not under their
    control now. Turkey being a Muslim country heading towards fanaticism,
    and through it to hegemony, could not help but champion the cause.

    Furthermore, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire and was gingerly
    kept under the auspices of the holy Caliphate. Its return to their
    fold was and is a part of the AK agenda. Jerusalem was once liberated
    by Muslims under the command of Saladin, a historic event which still
    inspires the Muslim masses, today.

    With the last election victory, AK and Recep Tayyib Erdogan managed
    to claim the Arab and Islamic mantle of leadership. He has selectively
    visited Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa to fortify
    his newfound political and strategic gains, through it all waving
    his Muslim ID. Recently he spoke to the Syrian government in support
    of the Shari'a guided Muslim Brotherhood group which, as it stands,
    are persecuted by the Assad dynasty.

    Some Arab intellectuals considering his stance and actions as a
    prelude to spreading Turkey's Sunni and ethnic hegemony over the
    region, especially in competition with Shiite Iran, resented Erdogan's
    prominence in the Islamic Arab world.

    Erdogan's hostilities towards Israel surfaced at the Davos Economic
    Forum meeting in 2009. There, he had verbal skirmishes with Shimon
    Perez who appeared to be given the lion's share of the allocated time
    shortchanging Erdogan, after which he left the meeting in protest.

    As part of his strategy Erdogan launched a frontal assault on Israel.

    Under the pretext of delivering humanitarian aid to the people of
    Gaza, his government managed to precipitate a showdown with Israel by
    planning and creating the Mavi Marmara ship incident where some nine
    Turks were killed in the clashes with the Israeli armed forces. It
    is ironic that he is demanding reparations from Israel for the death
    of nine Turks, while ignoring the slaughter of a million and a half
    innocent women children and men in the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

    Pursuing his championship of the Islamic world, he highlighted the
    plight of Somali people in his United Nations speech, and blamed,
    by inference, the U.S. for food distribution problems resulting in
    famine, ignoring the fact that Somalis blocked our humanitarian aid
    in the past.

    Throughout the speech he highlighted the humanitarian motivations of
    Turkey to help Somalia. Turkey had claimed the same while planning and
    executing the death by starvation of hundreds of thousands Armenians
    in the Syrian desert of Der Zor during the Genocide.

    Distorting facts and telling lies characterizes Erdogan's and his
    government's policies vis a vis Europe, the United States, Armenia,
    Israel, Cyprus, and of course the Kurds.

    The list is long. Turkey has tricked Israel and the West for so long,
    that the veneer is now wearing, and Israel has decided to stand up
    to the reality which it had consciously shelved for so long. It is
    trying to recruit and exploit Armenians and Kurds to fight Turkey
    in the public opinion arena. As a first step Israel is planning on
    meeting with Armenians of Diaspora.

    Armenians should welcome what serves their interests best, regardless
    of the source. For us it is a historic "Trick or Treat" time.
