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Fresno Community Welcomes Aram I

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  • Fresno Community Welcomes Aram I


    Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

    Catholicos Aram I with a child at the altar of the Fresno Church

    FRESNO~W~SThe Fresno Armenian Community is one of the oldest Armenian
    communities established in the United States and has been extremely
    instrumental in keeping age old Armenian traditions, connections to the
    Christian faith, and deep rooted ties to the Great House of Cilicia,
    and is therefore worthy of high praise; that will remain strong
    today and tomorrow~T declared His Holiness Aram I, the Catholicos
    of the Great House of Cilicia at a Banquet on Saturday evening as he
    continued pontifical visit.

    The Catholicos~R fourth Pontifical visit to the Western US kicked
    off on Thursday and will last until October 23.

    Arriving in Fresno on Saturday evening, the Catholicos and his
    entourage were met in front of the church steps by parishioners
    including Board of Trustees members, Deacons and Choir members of the
    church, and parishioners. Accompanying the Catholicos were Western
    Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Eastern Prelate Archbishop
    Oshagan Choloyan, Staff Bearer Very Rev. Mesrob Sarkissian, and
    Central Executive and Executive Council members.

    At the entrance of the Holy Trininty Church greeting the crowd

    The Catholicos and the procession entered into the church with
    the Choir singing the ~SHrashapar~T, where a canonical prayer was

    His Holiness Aram I and entourage then went on to the Church Social
    Hall for a special banquet held in his honor. All those in attendance
    were delighted to receive as a gift the most recent book written by
    His Holiness Aram I, ~STaking the Church to the People~T that was
    published only last week by the Western Prelacy. During the banquet,
    Deacon Mark Shirin introduced the book and gave a short synopsis of
    the book.

    Archbishop Mardirossian welcomed everyone and reminded the guests
    that the theme of this Pontifical Visit is ~SWith Faith We Build~T
    and that this year had been declared as the ~SYear of the Armenian
    Child.~T His Eminence then invited His Holiness Aram I to deliver
    his Pontifical Message.

    The Catholicos prefaced by commenting on the immense historical
    value of the Fresno Armenian Community and its impact on our age
    old Armenian traditions, connections to our Christian faith and
    deep rooted ties to the Great House of Cilicia and said that the
    focal point of his message is based on three words, Community,
    Values, and Identity. His Holiness explained that by belonging to
    a larger community and by participating and giving in a community,
    one receives a sense of value. We would not have communities if we and
    our children do not participate in it. He also discussed Christianity
    in the context of humanity and sense of national identity. Lastly,
    His Holiness outlined that keeping our identity, specifically our
    Armenian identity, is so crucial and extremely important that we are
    obligated to pass on from generation to generation.

    The Catholicos speaks at the Fresno banquet

    During the Banquet, the cultural program included several traditional
    dances and a recitation. The banquet ended with the singing of the
    Cilician anthem.

    Divine Liturgy and Pontifical Message at Holy Trinity Church October 9
    will be remembered as a historic day for the Fresno Armenian Community
    and specifically for the Holy Trinity Church family.

    On that day, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, celebrated Divine
    Liturgy in the historic church and delivered his Pontifical message
    to parishioners.

    His Holiness was greeted by the Deacons and the Choir of the church
    at the footsteps of the church. Also, greeting the pontiff were the
    Homenetmen Scouts of the Sassoon Chapter.

    During the extraordinary and beautiful Liturgy, the students of the
    Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church sang the ~SChristos Ee Mech.~T

    In his pontifical message the Catholicos spoke about the importance
    of having faith. He added that only by believing in our Lord Jesus
    Christ can one be a true Christian. Having faith brings a sense of
    peace and strength to humanity. The Catholicos explained that being a
    true Christian does not necessarily mean to simply follow Bible studies
    but to actually live the Christian life. One must apply the meanings
    in the Bible and apply them in one~Rs own personal life. Doing this
    also means that one must participate in the church and by doing so,
    the Church brings meaning to our lives and our children~Rs lives. His
    Holiness concluded by urging the faithful to demonstrate their faith
    and commitment by actively participating in Church life.

    Meeting with Sunday School Students After the Divine Liturgy, His
    Holiness Aram I went to greet and speak to the Sunday school children,
    who had been anxiously waiting for him.

    The children and many of their parents as well warmly greeted His
    Holiness. Board member Michael Sarabian delivered his welcoming
    remarks and introduced Mrs. Sato Sanikian, who also gave her welcoming
    remarks. Sunday School students Nareg Apkarian and Gohar Sanikian
    welcomed His Holiness both in Armenian and English.

    His Holiness Aram I spoke to the children and encouraged them to lead
    a Christian life. He then gave the children an opportunity to ask
    him a number of questions which he answered in a very endearing manner.

    Catholicos and his entourage at the Soghomon Tehlirian Monument

    On Monday morning, the Catholicos and his entourage visited Ararat

    The visit began with welcoming remarks delivered by the directors of
    the cemetery. The tour started at the grave of the Unknown Armenian
    Martyr, whose remains were brought from Der Zor and buried at the
    cemetery. At this site, requiem hymns and the Lord~Rs Prayer were sung.

    The visit continued to the gravesites of Levon and Sophia Hagopian,
    William Saroyan, and other church clergy and individuals who made a
    significant contribution to the Fresno Armenian Community.

    The Catholicos was then escorted to the monument dedicated to the
    Armenian hero Soghomon Tehlirian.

    ~SOur presence here, in front of the Soghomon Tehlirian Monument,
    signifies that the Armenian people will continue to demand justice
    for the Genocide committed against the Armenian people by the Turks
    in the beginning of the 20th century,~T said the Catholicos adding
    that Soghomon Tehlirian~Rs name is a symbol and we need to remember
    it and teach it to our children not only for justice to be served
    but also for injustice towards humanity to cease.

    Catholicos meets students at the Charlie Keyan Armenian Community

    The next stop was at Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School,
    where the students, administrators, and teachers enthusiastically
    greeted His Holiness. The school band beautifully played the Armenian
    national anthem. Inside the school hall, students, school officials and
    teachers, many parents and faithful had gathered for the opportunity
    to see and hear the Catholicos. Board President Dr. Vache Vassilian
    and Principal Zar Der Mugrdechian gave their welcoming remarks to
    His Holiness. The students then sang several songs that delighted all
    those present. His Holiness expressed to the children how delighted
    he was that all the children were in this Armenian school and learning
    our Armenian language.

    A number of questions were directed to the Catholicos who answered
    all the questions with sincerity and humor.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress