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Obituaries: Vasily Aleksanyan

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  • Obituaries: Vasily Aleksanyan

    Monday, 10 October 2011

    Human rights activists said the former Yukos vice-president Vasily
    Aleksanyan, who died on 3 October of Aids-related illnesses at the
    age of 39, would have lived longer if the authorities had not kept
    him in prison for nearly three years on trumped-up charges.

    Aleksanyan fought a protracted legal battle with the authorities
    before being freed on bail in 2009 to seek medical treatment. "It was
    practically a murder," the activist Valery Borshchyov said. Supporters
    of Aleksanyan and his former boss at the oil company Yukos, Mikhail
    Khodorkovsky, believed that charges of embezzlement and tax evasion
    against Aleksanyan amounted to punishment by the Kremlin for
    Khodorkovsky's political and commercial ambitions.

    Aleksanyan, who had served as Yukos's head lawyer, left the
    company after Khodorkovsky's arrest in 2003 but returned in 2006
    as an executive vice president to work with Yukos's court-appointed
    bankruptcy manager. A month later, he was arrested, and a few months
    after his detention, he learned he was HIV-positive. He also began
    to lose eyesight in his one good eye; he had been blind in the other
    since a childhood accident.

    Aleksanyan and his lawyers said the authorities used his illness as a
    bargaining chip, threatening to withhold treatment unless he testified
    against Khodorkovsky and his jailed business partner Platon Lebedev.

    "I was put in frightful cells, that recall the time of Stalin's
    jailers," he told a Moscow court in 2008. "They are damp and filthy
    and these people know my immune system is dead."

    Born on 15 December 1971, Aleksanyan graduated from Moscow State
    University before going to Harvard law school. He worked for the
    American law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, and in 1995 became
    head of the legal department for the British investment firm Sun Group,
    leaving a year later to head Yukos's legal department.

    Following his arrest in 2006, international pressure grew to release
    him on bail for health reasons - in addition to full-blown Aids and
    his fading eyesight, he suffered from liver cancer, lymphoma and
    tuberculosis. The Russian authorities three times ignored rulings
    by the European Court of Human Rights, but finally, in 2008, he was
    released with bail set at 50 million rubles but he was repeatedly
    summoned to court, where he wore a face mask and could barely stand
    up. The case against him was only dropped last year when the statute
    of limitations ran out.

    Aleksanyan "lived as if on a volcano" during his final years, Yury
    Shmidt,a lawyer for Khodorkovsky, said. "He lived all the time in
    such a state that if the slightest infection occured, he could die
    in a second." A Yukos statement said that "Vasily was very talented,
    one of the best persons in all regards, as a professional, leader
    and as a friend."
