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Children Focal Point Of Aram I's Pontifical Visit

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  • Children Focal Point Of Aram I's Pontifical Visit


    Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

    Catholicos Aram I blesses the salt and bread upon entering St. Garabed
    Church His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia,
    arrived in Los Angeles on Wednesday, Oct. 5 and was was accompanied
    by staff bearer Very Rev. Fr. Mesrob Sarkissian.

    The Catholicos was greeted on the tarmac of Los Angeles International
    Airport by Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian and the
    acting Lebanese Consul General the Honorable Madonna Aoun Ghazal, and
    was escorted to the Special Events Lounge of the Bradley International
    Terminal for a welcoming reception.

    Gathered at the lounge to welcome His Holiness were Prelate of the
    Eastern United States Eastern Prelate Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan,
    Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian, Very Rev. Fathers Muron Aznikian and
    Barthev Gulumian, Consul General of Armenia Grigor Hovhannisyan, L.A.

    City Council President Eric Garcetti, Central Executive members Khajag
    Dikijian and Vahe Yacoubian, Executive Council Chair Rima Boghossian
    and members, representatives of the ARF Central Committee and sister
    organizations, Pontifical Visit Committee members, and sponsors.

    On behalf of the guests, Archbishop Mardirossian welcomed His Holiness,
    stating "It is indeed a great honor to receive Your Holiness, and
    our community joyfully looks forward to the coming twenty days during
    which You will grace us with Your paternal blessings and guidance. We
    are confident that Your fourth Pontifical Visit to the Western United
    States will be among the most memorable and historic."

    The Catholicos conveyed his appreciation for the welcome and on the
    occasion of his fourth Pontifical Visit to the Western Unites States,
    and conveyed his paternal blessings to the guests.

    Welcoming remarks were also delivered by L.A. City Council President
    Eric Garcetti, Lebanese acting Consul General Mrs. Madonna Aoun Ghazal,
    and Armenian Consul General Mr. Grigor Hovhannissian.

    Alex Pilibos students line the street to greet the Catholicos

    On the evening of Thursday, October 6, the community gathered at St.

    Garabed Church in Hollywood for the official welcoming of Catholicos
    Aram I, "Hrashapar" service and "Achahampouyr".

    The streets were lined with a large crowd of parishioners and scouts
    as the arrival ceremony began with the Homenetmen scouts marching
    band playing national songs.

    Accompanied by the singing of the "Hrashapar" hymn, His Holiness was
    escorted into the Church by Archbishops Mardirossian and Choloyan. A
    capacity crowd was waiting inside to receive His Holiness.

    Children at the "Achahampyour"

    Among the attendees were Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian, Archbishop Hovnan
    Derderian, Western Primate, Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, Archbishop
    Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan, Prelate of the Syriac Orthodox Church, Rt.

    Rev. Alexei Smith representing H.E. Cardinal Jose Gomez, Prelacy
    Clergy, Very Rev. Fr. Krikor Chahinian, Rector of the Armenian Catholic
    Church, Armenian Consul General the Honorable Grigor Hovhannissian,
    Lebanese Acting Consul General the Honorable Madonna Aoun Ghazal,
    Central Executive and Executive Council members, representatives of
    sister organizations, and sponsors.

    After a canonical prayer service, the Prelate welcomed His Holiness to
    the Western United States on his fourth Pontifical visit, stating that
    this is indeed a great honor and His Holiness will renew and breathe
    new life into our community. The Prelate also stated that by the
    meritorious and diligent leadership of His Holiness, the Great House
    of Cilicia is a strong presence not only in the lives of Armenians,
    but also in ecumenical and inter-religious arenas.

    On behalf of Armenian children, Rose and Alex Pilibos School student
    Mary Manossian welcomed His Holiness and received his blessings.

    The Prelate then invited His Holiness to deliver his first public
    message of this Pontifical visit.

    His Holiness commended the Prelate, Councils, and all those who serve
    for the splendor of our Church and the Western Prelacy, and greeted
    the large crowd that had come to receive his paternal blessings and
    message saying, "As we have always said, the Church is the people.

    Therefore, being a servant of the Church means being a shepherd to
    the people, taking the Church to the people, being a preacher of the
    Bible and its teachings, and preserving and fostering our heritage".

    His Holiness subsequently stressed the three main themes of his
    Pontifical visit, all of which must be the priority of the Church.

    Spiritual Renewal: "Spiritual life is not only reading the Bible and
    knowing Church history and traditions. It is active participation in
    the life of our Church and our faith mission. It is a life centered
    around the Truth of Christ, a struggle against sin, service to the
    needy. Spiritual life is a Christ centered life. Without morals and
    values, our lives would be filled with sin, our lives would lose
    purpose, therefore spiritual renewal is vital to our lives", stated
    His Holiness

    Further anchoring and continued progress of Armenian Schools: Speaking
    on Armenian School, His Holiness said, "The Armenian School is not
    just an institute of learning; it is the place where the souls, minds,
    and spirits of our youth are developed, where character is built,
    where students are taught the righteous path and national identity.

    The presence of Armenian Schools alongside our Churches is not a
    coincidence. The Armenian Church considers the Armenian Schools as an
    extension of its mission, and our people have the same respect and
    love for both the Church and School. The Armenian School is a high
    priority for the Catholicosate of Cilicia. Through its Dioceses, the
    Catholicosate built schools, prepared educators, devised curricula,
    and offered financial support so that the Armenian Schools could
    fulfill their invaluable mission. I call on all our people to offer
    their full support and backing of our schools, I call on our parents
    to send their children to Armenian schools, and on our sponsors to
    contribute their part. Without Armenian schools, we will lose our
    national values and identity".

    Reasserting our spirit of national aspirations: "The Armenian Cause is
    a daily struggle. As one nation, we must not only continue our struggle
    rather reassert and reinvigorate our spirit of national aspirations
    especially now as we near the 100th anniversary of the Genocide. As
    the times change, so must our approach, and with united efforts our
    Cause must be known in the international arena", stated His Holiness.

    At the conclusion of his Pontifical message, His Holiness saluted
    the 20th anniversary of the independence of Armenia and stressed
    that we must all stand behind our beloved homeland and contribute to
    our nation's progress for a strong Armenia and Artsakh is a strong
    Diaspora. "We are one people, one nation, one fatherland, one cause,
    one faith, with one past and one history."

    The service concluded with the singing of the Pontifical and Cilician
    anthems, after which the faithful approached the Pontiff to receive
    his blessings.

    The fourth Pontifical Visit of Catholicos Aram I to the Western Prelacy
    officially began on Thursday, October 6 with a visit to the Western
    Prelacy headquarters where he was greeted by over a hundred guests
    including Clergy, Executive Council, Ladies Auxiliary, Principals,
    Directors and Board of Regents members, representatives of sister
    organizations, and members of the various Pontifical Visit committees.

    Upon his arrival, the Catholicos was escorted to the "St. Dertad and
    St. Ashkhen" Chapel by Archbishops Mardirossian and Choloyan.

    Following a canonical prayer service at the Chapel, His Holiness was
    familiarized with the various departments of the Prelacy and was led
    to the "Sulahian" Reception Hall for meetings with the Religious and
    Executive Councils. Central Executive members Khajag Dikijian, Vahe
    Yacoubian, and Dr. Dertad Mangikian (Eastern Prelacy) participated
    in the meetings.

    During a discussion on challenges and concerns faced by the Church
    and Prelacies, His Holiness stressed that the primary focuses of his
    Pontifical visit are spiritual renewal, strengthening of Armenian
    Schools, and reinvigoration of the Armenian Cause, and emphasized
    the unique role of Clergy and Councils in these regards.

    At the conclusion of the meetings, His Holiness was led by a procession
    of clergy to the "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall where the
    guests had gathered for a luncheon organized by the Prelacy Ladies

    Following the invocation by the Catholicos, welcoming remarks were
    delivered by the Prelate, Khajag Dikijian, and Executive Council
    Chair Rima Boghossian.

    Prior to inviting His Holiness to deliver his message and blessings,
    the Prelate addressed the guests stating that the Prelacy is the
    People's Home and as the "landlord of our home," His Holiness is
    beginning his Pontifical Visit with the Prelacy family. The Prelate
    then presented His Holiness with a hand-made glass painting by
    Canadian-Armenian artist Vatche Arakelian.

    His Holiness greeted the guests, after which he invited the Prelate
    to present him with a gift, a beautiful reproduction of one of the
    pages of the ancient "Partser Pert" Gospel, which embodies the spirit
    of the Antelias. His Holiness continued, "Antelias is not just a
    city in Lebanon, it is a mission of faith and service which extends
    far beyond its physical walls. You are all children of the Antelias
    family, and with your service, you demonstrate your allegiance to
    the Holy See and its mission".

    His Holiness stated that the Church has been and always will be the
    people's Church, and as such, we must not only bring people to the
    Church, we must bring the Church to the people. "Our Church is our
    people. Without the people there is no purpose, and that is why the
    active involvement of all our faithful, from the elderly to the young,
    women and children, is so vital." His Holiness also stated that it
    is crucial to hear the people, to listen attentively to the people
    and their needs and expectation and serve accordingly as Antelias
    does with its Brotherhood and Prelacies. Speaking of the Brotherhood
    members, His Holiness iterated that each member spreads the light of
    the Catholicosate within his community and surroundings.

    His Holiness once again reminded the guests of the primary focus of
    the Pontifical Visit which is spiritual renewal, strengthening of
    Schools, and reinvigoration of the Armenian Cause, and concluded by
    commending the Prelate, Councils, and affiliated bodies for their
    service, urging them to continue with renewed faith and vigor.

    The luncheon came to a close with the benediction by His Holiness
    and the collective singing of the Cilician anthem

    Aram I at the children's ward of Glendale Memorial Hospital

    Catholicos Visits Glendale Memorial Hospital On Friday, October 7
    the Catholicos Aram I visited Glendale Memorial Hospital where he
    met with the administration and blessed the patients.

    His Holiness was greeted at the entrance of the hospital by Mark
    Meyers, President of Glendale Memorial and Board members. Among those
    participating in the visit were Clergy members, Executive Council
    members, hospital board and staff members, Glendale Police Chief,
    Pontifical Visit committee members, and community members.

    His Holiness and entourage first visited a number of rooms in the
    children's wing and blessed the young patients. A welcoming reception

    The reception began with President Meyers welcoming His Holiness. He
    stated that the Armenian residents of Glendale have always supported
    Memorial Hospital, and this visit by His Holiness attests to that

    Pontifical Visit Public Relations Committee Co-Chair Steve Artinian,
    who noted that His Holiness has proclaimed 2011 as the "Year of
    the Armenian Child," and the Pontiff visiting and blessing the young
    patients today is an indication of how much of a priority our children
    are. He then invited the Prelate to introduce His Holiness.

    The Prelate noted that he closely follows the endeavors of Glendale
    Memorial Hospital and highly commends the administration and staff for
    their service. He also stated that visiting the hospital and blessing
    the patients was a priory for His Holiness during this Pontifical
    Visit, and invited the Pontiff to deliver his message.

    His Holiness began his message by stating that the purpose of the day's
    visit was to commend the service of the hospital, saying that "medicine
    is a mission and a calling" just as it is for clergy members. "You meet
    people's needs, you meet their expectations, care for them physically
    and mentally; that is a calling, something that comes from within. In
    conclusion, His Holiness expressed appreciation for the warm welcome,
    wished them success in their mission, and prayed for God to bless
    the hospital, its administration and staff.

    After an exchange of gifts between His Holiness and Meyers, the
    Pontiff and entourage were hosted to lunch by the administration.

    Catholicos enters the Pasadene premises

    Holy Translators Feast Service At St. Sarkis Church In Pasadena On
    the evening of Friday, October 7, the Catholicos presided over eve
    of the Feast of the Holy Translators services at St. Sarkis Church
    in Pasadena.

    His Holiness was welcomed by H.E. Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian, H.E.

    Archbishop Gorun Babian, Central Executive and Executive Council
    members, members of sister organizations, California State Assembly
    member Anthony Portantino, Pasadena Police Chief Philip Sanchez and
    his wife, Pasadena City Council member Gene Masuda and hundreds of
    enthusiastic faithful.

    With the singing of the "Hrashapar" hymn by the choir, His Holiness
    entered the Church, the aisles of which were lined by Homenetmen
    scouts. St. Sarkis Church Sunday School students were also part of
    the procession.

    Eve of the Feast of the Holy Translators services then began, presided
    over by His Holiness and with the participation of Clergy members. At
    the conclusion of the service, His Holiness delivered his message to
    the faithful.

    The service came to a close with the benediction by His Holiness and
    the singing of the Pontifical and Cilician anthems, after which the
    faithful approached His Holiness to receive his blessings.

    Catholicosate Seminary Banquet After the services, a banquet in honor
    of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I and dedicated to the Catholicosate
    Seminary was held at the Pasadena Armenian Center. The banquet was
    organized by the Seminary Alumni Committee and hosted by Mr. and
    Mrs. Sarkis and Noune Sepetjian.

    With the singing of the American and Armenian national anthems,
    His Holiness entered the hall where more than 600 community members
    awaited his arrival.

    Guests remained standing for the singing of the "Vork Zartaretsin" hymn
    and the Seminary anthem, after which His Holiness blessed the tables.

    The evening's Master of Ceremonies, Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian,
    welcomed His Holiness on behalf of the organizing committee and
    guests, and stated that "today we renew our allegiance and service
    to the Armenian Church and our Seminary and we promise to continue
    our path of service to our Church, nation, and people".

    The cultural program was comprised of performances by "St. Mesrob
    Mashdots" medal recipient singer Levon Katerjian, and singers Adiss
    Harmandian and Harout Pamboukjian.

    The Catholicos surprised popular singer Harout Pamboukjian by awarding
    him a "St. Mesrob Mashdots" medal in honor of his forty year long
    career which began in Lebanon.

    A slideshow chronicling Seminary life and the message of Seminary
    Dean H.E. Archbishop Nareg Alemezian was then shown to the guests. A
    performance by the Prelacy "Lousavorich" youth choir led by Very Rev.

    Fr. Barthev Gulumian followed.

    More surprises followed as Martha Titizian, widow of Giragos Titizian,
    who was a long time devotee of the Seminary, was invited to the stage
    where His Holiness awarded her the "St. Mesrob Mashdots" medal.

    Amid great applause from the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis and Noune
    Sepetjian were invited up to receive the "Knight of Cilicia" medal
    from His Holiness for their years-long support and generosity.

    Alongside sponsoring the banquet, the Sepetjians donated $81,000
    on the occasion of the 81st anniversary of the Seminary. With this
    donation, a total of $350,000 was collected throughout the evening
    to be allocated to the Seminary.

    His Holiness was then invited to deliver his message. His Holiness
    stated that the Seminary, with its mission, vision, and service, is
    an omnipresent spirit, and is ready to serve the manifold spiritual,
    religious, and cultural needs of our people. The Seminary is the
    foremost institution in building character and national identity,
    the place where young minds are enriched and hearts and souls are
    nourished, where young adults are transformed by the teachings and
    principles of the Bible and the spirit of our Church forefathers. What
    we learned and received at the Seminary we then took to the people,
    said His Holiness. When we look at our Brotherhood, we see in
    them the calling and mission of the Seminary, faith, love, and
    service. The needs of our people are great, and require more servants
    and supporters. We pay our respects to the mission of the Seminary and
    to all past and present devotees, praying for Almighty God to bless
    us with new servants to quench the spiritual thirst of our people,
    said His Holiness, and concluded by stressing that "the Catholicosate
    and the Seminary is faith, it is a vision, it is devotion, it is a
    mission of faith. Let us stand behind that faith mission."

    After laying a wreath at the Montebello Martyrs Monument

    Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument In Montebello On the morning of
    Saturday, October 8, the Catholicos visited the Armenian Genocide
    Martyrs Monument in Montebello where he led a requiem service in
    memory of the 1.5 million martyrs of the Genocide.

    Joining Aram I's entourage in Montebello were Montebello Mayor
    Art Barajas and Council members William Molinari and Alberto Perez
    also participated in the service. A delegation comprised of Clergy,
    Central Executive and Executive Council members, ARF Central Committee
    Chair Avedik Izmirlian, former Bureau member Dr. Viken Hovsepian,
    ANC and Prelacy Committees' members, Holy Cross Cathedral Board and
    Delegates, representatives of sister organizations, and media were
    also in attendance.

    His Holiness led a requiem service at the foot of the Monument and
    lay a wreath in memory of the martyrs.

    On behalf of the Holy Cross community, remarks were delivered by
    Nazareth Sadorian who stated that it was a great honor to receive
    His Holiness at the Monument, and that the visit serves to renew and
    reinvigorate in all those present their pursuit of the Armenian Cause.

    Mayor Brajas also welcomed His Holiness to the community, stating
    that his presence among them was a great honor.

    In his message, His Holiness announced that their presence at the
    Monument is an affirmation that we will never forget our martyrs
    and we will never forget our cause and our rights. Remembering means
    remaining faithful to the legacy of our martyrs, demanding justice
    for the loss of life and land, said His Holiness, and continuing
    said that it is our expectation that all the free nations of the
    world, among them the United States of America, stay true to their
    principles of human rights and justice for all by standing behind
    the Armenian Cause for truth, justice, and rights. His Holiness also
    stated that remembering and raising awareness of the Genocide and
    injustices committed 97 years ago forms a large part of the mission
    of the Catholicosate, as does standing up for our rights to Turkey
    and the world. His Holiness highly commended the work of the ANCA
    in raising awareness and bringing recognition to our cause, and in
    conclusion stressed that the day's pilgrimage to the Monument should
    serve as an opportunity to renew our pledge to remain allegiant to
    the legacy of our martyrs and our cause. His Holiness then blessed
    the attendees and the United States of America.

    The day came to a close with the singing of the Cilician and Armenian
    national anthems.

    The Prelate and Catholicos with acting Consul General of Lebanon and
    her husband

    Lebanese Consul General Hosts Luncheon

    On the afternoon of Saturday, October 8, 2011 Lebanese acting Consul
    General Madonna Aoun Ghazal and her husband Dr. Joseph Ghazal hosted
    a luncheon at their residence in honor of the Catholicos

    In her welcoming remarks, Mrs. Ghazal asked for the blessings of His
    Holiness and stated that she shares the enthusiasm of the community
    on the occasion of the Pontifical Visit. The Prelate conveyed his
    thanks for the luncheon, and also expressed his wish for peace and
    stability in Lebanon. In his remarks, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge
    the Honorable Judge James Kaddo affirmed that the Pontifical Visit of
    His Holiness is a great source of inspiration for the Lebanese-Armenian
    community of Los Angeles.

    The Pontiff emphasized the importance of safeguarding Lebanon's
    sovereignty and the commitment of the Armenian community in this
    regard. His Holiness also stated that the local Lebanese-Armenian
    community feels a strong bond with Lebanon and is committed to the
    nation's safety, stability, and splendor.

    At the conclusion of the luncheon His Holiness presented Mrs. Ghazal
    with a memento.
