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Iran To Bild 10 Nuclear Plants

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  • Iran To Bild 10 Nuclear Plants

    10:33 ~U 14.10.11

    The government of Iran, in an act of enriching its defense made a
    surprising announcement of building 10 new uranium nuclear plants in
    the country, Shiny Bulletin reported.

    The announcement came through the state broadcaster and is believed
    to a clear cut act of defiance against the UN, after the UN nuclear
    overseers strictly criticized Tehran for its secret nuclear work.

    It is believed that these 10 new nuclear plants are going to be
    of as much size as that of the main enrichment plant at Natanz. The
    broadcaster also mentioned that the work on these plants will commence
    within a short duration of two months.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran stated that the country
    should aim to produce a bulky amount of 250-300 tones of nuclear
    fuel every single year. Adding to this, the semi-official Mehr News
    Agency also quoted the Head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization,
    Ali Akbar Salehi saying, "Ten new enrichment plants will be built".

    Adding more information to the news, the State Broadcaster IRIB said
    that the location for five of these plants were already decided and
    work on them will start within the two months, as decided by the
    officials. In the same time, the locations for the other five plants
    will be decided, and work on them as well shall be commenced with.

    The creation of these new nuclear enrichment plants will exaggerate
    the tensions between the other major powers and Islamic republic. The
    matter is nearly shocking for the other major powers who have been
    trying to seek a very diplomatic answer to this long disputed matter
    of the Iran nuclear plant.

    The major fear of all the western Supremes is that Iran is perhaps on
    the way to developing its very own disastrous nuclear bomb. And under
    this fear, all the major countries supported strongly the UN drafted
    nuclear deal which was designed specially with the main concern of
    relieving the worries related to the Iran's nuclear activities.

    However, in an answer to these criticisms of the UN, the government
    said that Iran is the world's fifth largest producer and exporter
    of crude oil, and wishes to only generate electricity through this
    atomic program. But even details that the Iranian lawmakers forced
    the government to sketch out a plan to decrease the cooperation of
    the country with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The
    MP's were stated saying, "Because of world powers' hasty behavior,
    the government should submit its plan over reducing Iran's cooperation
    level with the agency," in the parliament.
