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BAKU: Azerbaijani People Have Their Strategic Mission - Asim Mollaza

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani People Have Their Strategic Mission - Asim Mollaza

    Oct 13 2011

    News.Az interviews Asim Mollazade, chairman of the Party of Democratic
    Reforms, Milli Majlis deputy.

    How do you assess results of the Baku International Humanitarian forum?

    The Baku International Humanitarian Forum is an important event for
    Azerbaijan in terms of familiarizing the world with the culture of
    our country, its multicultural traditions. Famous English writer
    Kipling once said: "East is East, and West is West, and never the
    twain shall meet".

    Yet Azerbaijan with its old culture of dialogue between the East and
    West is a refusal of this saying and such influential international
    forums as the Baku International Humanitarian Forum give the
    opportunity to us to communicate on the topics of strategic importance
    for Azerbaijan, laying the basis of our culture. This forum also gave
    an opportunity for mutual enrichment of world and Azerbaijani cultures.

    Is there a hope that the simple residents of the countries of Europe
    and the world, beside participants of different conference and forums
    who visit our country, will also learn more about the multicultural
    traditions of Azerbaijan?

    Not only the participants of various conferences and forums held in
    Azerbaijan, but also hundreds of thousands of tourists visiting our
    country every year can actually see ythat different cultures from
    all religions and nationalities live peacefully, in an atmosphere of
    mutual respect and dialogue. Baku accounts for the Jewish synagogue and
    Muslim mosques, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church,
    whose history dates back to the early centuries of Christianity, at
    the time of the apostles' preaching in the ancient land of Caucasian
    Albania, and is associated with the name of St.

    Bartholomew-one of the 12 immediate disciples of Jesus Christ.

    According to the history of the Church, Apostle Bartholomew arrived in
    Caucasian Albania, where he converted many pagans to Christianity. All
    these facts testify to the tradition of multiculturalism in Azerbaijan.

    The very unique image of Baku, which intertwined traditions of
    Eastern and Western architecture, embodies the synthesis of different
    cultures. We are proud that the first opera of East belonged to
    ourstanding Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli. Similarly, we
    are proud that jazz-mugam, which is a synthesis of our national and
    western music, was born in Azerbaijan. We have something to show
    the world and, there are things for the world to see and admire in
    Azerbaijan. Consequently, there is every reason to believe that more
    people will learn about the greatness of the Azerbaijani culture.

    And the prestigious song contest Eurovision, to be held in Baku in
    May of the next year, will also promote this, won't it?

    Without a doubt! The prestigious Eurovision song contest will
    attract to our country a considerable number of tourists, it will be
    highlighted by journalists from around the world, and they will be
    able to witness the versatility of the Azerbaijani culture, in its
    centuries-old traditions that have survived to this day. But at the
    same time, the work to acquaint the world with the Azerbaijani culture
    should not be limited to a contest or a forum, however prestigious
    they are. This is a huge work, which is sure to bear fruit.

    Will it all change the world opinion about the reasons and consequences
    of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict over Nagorno Karabakh?

    Azerbaijani people have a strategic mission: being a part of world
    civilization, to promote a dialogue between different cultures, to be
    a bridge between East and West. And this mission will be fulfilled,
    leading so that the world learns about the greatness and traditions
    of Azeri culture that will affect the attitude towards Azerbaijan. In
    addition, the world's centers of power, given the strategic mission
    of Azerbaijan, will protect the interests of our country, just as
    they now protect the current regional energy projects.

    Akper Hasanov News.Az
