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Entertainment: Armenian Dance Troupe RAZ To Perform Saturday In Amma

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  • Entertainment: Armenian Dance Troupe RAZ To Perform Saturday In Amma


    The Jordan Times, Jordan
    October 13, 2011 Thursday

    By Muath Freij AMMAN - The Armenian folk dance troupe RAZ will perform
    at Al Hussein Cultural Centre in Ras Al Ain on Saturday, showcasing
    their community's heritage and culture. Formed in 2007 by the Armenian
    Relief Society, RAZ was born out of young Armenians' renewed interest
    in this aspect of their heritage, the society's chairwoman, Diana
    Kuyoumjian, explained. She indicated that the society, which was
    established in 1946 and carries out different charitable projects to
    support underprivileged families, decided to form the troupe as a way
    to preserve Armenian culture for the community's younger generation.

    "These young people are really dedicated and thrilled to learn their
    art and music, so we decided to give them a chance to do so," she
    told The Jordan Times in a recent interview. The band comprises 47
    members aged between seven and 20 years who will perform 16 dances
    illustrating the community's values, particularly traditional gender
    roles, during Saturday's concert, their trainer Lia Doumanian said.

    "For example the sardarabad dance represents the pride of victory
    while yeghekner manifests the softness of the Armenian women and
    their tenderness," she told The Jordan Times. The troupe members
    will perform in traditional costumes and be accompanied by Armenian
    instruments such as the duduk, a wind instrument made of apricot wood.

    Seven-year-old Alex Yaghmourian, one of the troupe's members, said
    he took pride and pleasure in learning his community's art. Hrag
    Mouradian, an older member of the troupe, explained that his friends
    from university like Armenian music and plan to attend Saturday's
    performance. "Performing our art in front of the audience is a way
    to present our culture and heritage to them. I can't wait to show
    them real Armenian art," the 19-year-old university student said.
