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BAKU: Armenia Seeks To Provoke A Crisis In Negotiations - Araz Azimo

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  • BAKU: Armenia Seeks To Provoke A Crisis In Negotiations - Araz Azimo

    Oct 13 2011

    The key aim of the conflict resolution is to normalize ties between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia based on principles of international law.

    The statement came from Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Araz
    Azimov in his interview with Ukraine-based Den newspaper.

    This implies unconditional recognition of territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan, 20% lands of which is currently occupied, Azimov said.

    Azerbaijan is ready to continue its political efforts to resolve the
    conflict, the deputy minister noted.

    'This prompts a question about lack of outcome in negotiating process
    which was conducted and still is still being conducted within the
    Minsk Group involving intensified efforts by Russian President Dmitry
    Medvedev. Unfortunately, no results were achieved in Kazan and there
    seems to be a pause following this. Nevertheless, Sochi hosted a
    meeting of Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Dmitry Medvedev this August,
    and we hope that Russia will correct its actions based on this meeting
    and try to intensify the process along with two other co-chairs of
    the Minsk Group,' he added.

    'Armenian side seeks to provoke a crisis in negotiations on purpose.

    We hear more and more statements of offensive nature by the Armenian
    President which seem to be speculative. This refers to his recent
    statement in New York about the need to recognize independence of

    We also see intensified efforts by Armenia to procure weapons of
    offensive nature (I am talking about the scandal over purchase
    of weapons from Moldova through front companies from the Baltic
    region; commander of the national army, Chief of Staff of Moldova,
    Brigadier-General Yuri Dominik was dismissed as a result). I think
    that they deliberately try to provoke a crisis, hoping for an early
    involvement of Russian peacekeepers, as it happened in a neighboring
    country (Georgia) in August 2008. Such a crisis, it is easy to predict,
    can lead to extremely negative consequences,' he said.

    Azerbaijan is not interested in any crisis, the deputy foreign
    minister said.

    "We are interested in quiet, normal arrangements that would ensure
    integrity and inviolability of our territory, return of population to
    occupied areas, restoration of communications and cooperation with
    our neighbors with the settlement of political problems in the next
    step," he continued.

    Asked whether Azerbaijan considers it important to change the format
    of negotiations and look for other platforms to find a solution to
    the conflict, Azimov noted that OSCE Minsk Group which acts based on
    the Helsinki Act of 1975 deals with resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh

    "The US, France and Russia are members of the Minsk Group, and they
    have been tasked with powers of co-chairs. On the other hand, these
    countries are permanent members of UN Security Council. If not the
    Minsk Group, then Security Council ~V I do not see much difference.

    The Minsk Group is the recognized forum for the negotiating process
    on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Security Council resolutions adopted
    in 1993 were aimed at liberation of occupied territories, return of
    refugees and a number of other measures. Therefore, we believe that
    problems should be discussed and resolved within the framework of the
    Minsk Group. In this context, Azerbaijan stands for implementation
    of these resolutions, but they must be accepted in their entirety.

    Naturally, we are not going to change the format of the Minsk Group.

    It provides flexibility, in which the existing status of participant
    states makes participation of representatives of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    region, both Armenians and Azerbaijanis, possible. This has not been
    taken into account in the format of the Minsk Group.

    There are speculations in Yerevan that we allegedly avoid contacts with
    Armenians of Karabakh. We do not avoid such contacts, but this will
    happen only when the negotiating process will cover issues directly
    related to the Armenians and the Azerbaijanis of Nagorno-Karabakh. Then
    this format will be ensured within the Minsk Group.~T

    Ukraine is a friend and partner of Azerbaijan, Azimov noted.

    "We have been working as close strategic partners, as two independent
    states in the last 20 years. We are also members of the regional
    organization GUAM. Ukraine is a member of the OSCE like Azerbaijan.

    That is why Ukraine has every reason to be interested in speedy
    settlement of this problem from all standpoints based on interests of
    partnership and cooperation. We know that Ukraine supports resolution
    of the conflict based on territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Ukraine
    has given guarantees to our country that it is ready to participate
    in peacekeeping operation among OSCE multinational force if such an
    operation is conducted.

    ~SMoreover, Ukraine has every reason to be interested in resolving this
    conflict and clearer prospects for a settlement of other conflicts in
    Europe. Ukraine will chair the OSCE in a short time. Here I would
    like to wish every success to Ukraine, although there are some
    difficulties. My long experience (almost 20 years) of fairly close
    cooperation with the previous OSCE chairs, which take up the post for
    one-year term and do not always have time to deal with the problems
    of the organization closely, is not always positive.~T

    ~SOn the other hand, much depends on Ukraine, a country that has
    enough political resources in the context of formulating the position
    of the organization. We look forward to a positive contribution of
    Ukraine to settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It has all the
    possibilities for this," said Azimov.

    From: Baghdasarian