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Turkish Minister Of Defense: Turkey Strongly Supports Azerbaijan In

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  • Turkish Minister Of Defense: Turkey Strongly Supports Azerbaijan In


    APA, Azerbaijan
    Oct 13 2011

    Ismet Yilmaz: Strength of Azerbaijani Armed Forces will be the biggest
    guarantor of the regional peace

    Baku. Rashad Suleymanov - APA. APA's interview with Turkey's Minister
    of National Defense Ismet Yilmaz

    -Mr. Minister, we would like to know your opinion on the current
    level and development of Turkey-Azerbaijan military relations.

    -First of all I want to start with congratulation on the 20th
    anniversary of Azerbaijan's independence. I am pleased to see that
    Azerbaijan has done much in every sphere within the past 20 years.

    Turkey and Azerbaijan have comprehensive military partnership based on
    long years and mutual confidence. Our relations, which started after
    Azerbaijan regained its independence, have developed with education,
    training and other programs. We continue making efforts to unite our
    power in the defense industry. We see that the relevant bodies of the
    two countries have common demand and will. The cooperation between
    our countries in the sphere of defense industry was established with
    the agreements signed on August 11, 1992 and on June 10, 1996. I think
    that "Agreement on Strategic Partnership and Mutual Assistance" signed
    last year made a turning point in our military relations. Strength
    of Azerbaijani Armed Forces will be the biggest guarantor of the
    regional peace. As the Turkish proverb says: "If you want peace,
    prepare for war". The existence of the factors posing threat to the
    stability in the South Caucasus, poses serious threat to Azerbaijan's
    independence and regional peace. Approximately 5 000 Azerbaijanis have
    got military education in Turkey up to now. A lot of Azerbaijanis are
    still studying at military schools in Turkey. We will continue making
    efforts towards the development of the strategic relations that are
    improving basing on the brotherly relations between the two countries.

    -Azerbaijan is marking the 20th anniversary of its independence.

    Turkey has supported Azerbaijan in all spheres, particularly in
    the military sphere in the past 20 years. What has been achieved in
    the military cooperation and defense industry? What do you see in
    the future?

    -I am glad that Azerbaijan has achieved much in all spheres, including
    military in the past 20 years. Azerbaijan has got one of the strongest
    armies in the region with increased opportunities and abilities. This
    is a source of pride not only for the Azerbaijani people, but also
    for the Turkish people.

    On the other hand, partnership with Azerbaijan in defense industry is
    developing. These relations are realized by the companies and state
    organizations in accordance with the international agreements. The
    mutual visits of a number of delegations in the area of defense
    industry played an important role in the development of the relations.

    The agreement signed on September 20, 2000, determined the legal
    framework of the development of cooperation in the defense industry.

    ASELSAN-Baku company, which was established in 1998, plays an
    important role in meeting most technical requirements of Azerbaijani
    Army. But I can say that our cooperation in defense industry is in
    the initial stage. This cooperation must be enhanced. Great process
    of development has been recently observed in the defense industry of
    Turkey. The projects on communication systems, armoured vehicles,
    missiles, national shipbuilding and production of helicopters must
    be realized in line with the NATO standards.

    -What issues will be on the agenda during your visit to Azerbaijan?

    What new can Turkey offer to improve cooperation in defense industry?

    -We look forward to comprehensive and long-lasting joint cooperation
    with Azerbaijan. No doubt, the improvements in the defense
    industries of Turkey and Azerbaijan will ensure the development
    of our cooperation. In the light of the development in our defense
    industry we are viewing the future much more differently. We have got
    strong relations with Azerbaijan in all spheres. It is one of our most
    important plans to improve these relations in the sphere of defense
    industry, as well. Nagorno Karabakh conflict and the situation in the
    region is one of the issues that will be discussed during the visit.

    Nagorno Karabakh conflict caused the exile of hundred thousands
    Azerbaijanis from their homes and the occupation of 20% of Azerbaijani
    lands. This is a fact. This problem creates great obstacle to the
    security, stability and development of the region. The settlement of
    the conflict on the basis of international law and decisions of the
    international organizations will ensure peace in the region. One
    of the Turkey's targets is a sustainable peace in the region and
    confidence between the people. Turkey continues its active positions
    on the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, renders every
    diplomatic and political support to Azerbaijan in the international
    organizations. Turkey supports Azerbaijan on Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    with all opportunities. Our President and Prime Minister also stated
    it during their visits. We closely watch the activity of the Minsk
    Group. We hope that the activity of the co-chair countries - US,
    France and Russia - will be accelerated in the near future. Attentive
    watching the peace process and fixing the date is significant for
    both Azerbaijan and Armenia because only the two parties can put an
    end to this conflict.

    -Turkey has recently realized great projects on unmanned flying
    vehicles, "Atak", "Milli tank", "Milgem". What are the targets of
    Turkey's defense industry towards Caucasus and Turkic republics?

    -As you know, Turkey is the neighbor of the most unstable regions of
    the world. Turkey is a country, which is in the center of the Middle
    East, Balkans and of course the Caucasus with unstable situation,
    which potential can influence the entire Eurasia. We see that
    Azerbaijan is not so different. Though Azerbaijan is a strong state,
    it has undergone the possible influence of instability in the South
    Caucasus. So, it is important that our countries, located in the
    environment with close conflict risks, have their defense industries.

    Defense industry is a strategic sector. It is one of our major plans to
    meet our military needs with the national sources. Turkey has launched
    a number of national projects in this sphere. We have nationalized
    communication and command-control systems. I can say that we have
    reached a good level in the area of unmanned flying vehicles.

    We see that the interest in this technology is increasing in the
    world. On the other hand, the ships built by our national companies
    within the framework of "Milgem" project are operating. Serious
    achievements have been made in "Atak" helicopter project. The first
    prototype of the helicopter started test flights in August. Of course,
    it is important to use this achievement not only in our country,
    but also in Azerbaijan and republics in the Central Asia. We do not
    regard this issue only as commercial. The development of the defense
    capacity of Azerbaijan and all brotherly states is very important
    for our strategic unity.

    -"Agreement on Strategic Cooperation and Mutual Assistance" between
    Azerbaijan and Turkey was ratified early in 2011. The agreement
    envisaging high-level cooperation prioritizes military issues,
    particularly defense industry. How can Azerbaijan participate in
    the abovementioned projects of Turkey within the framework of this

    - I would like to remind that Turkey was the first country which
    recognized Azerbaijan's independence declared on October 18, 1991. The
    diplomatic relations were established with a protocol signed on
    January 14, 1992. After that date we see sustainable development of
    relations between the two countries in all spheres on the basis of
    history and culture. The level of our relations reached the level of
    strategic partnership as a result of this development. The "Agreement
    on Strategic Cooperation and Mutual Assistance" is a very significant
    agreement. Azerbaijan and Turkey contemplate to strengthen political,
    defense, economic, commercial, cultural and other relations. Turkey
    remains as Azerbaijan's most significant ally in the region. I think
    that this agreement is an important value in further development
    of our alliance. We will continue our work towards meeting of
    all requirements and desires of our countries during the military
    cooperation with Azerbaijan.

    - Azerbaijan's ANAMA organization also attended tender of
    mine-clearance on Turkey-Syria borders. According to some reports,
    the work has started for establishment of humanitarian mine-clearance
    center attached to the Turkish Defense Ministry like in Azerbaijan. We
    would like you to inform us about this project. How do you assess
    the interstate cooperation in mine-clearance sphere?

    - The mine-clearance of all borders is a significant target
    for Turkey. The mine-clearance operations have been started on
    Turkey-Syria. Azerbaijani National Agency for Mine Actions (ANAMA)
    also attended the tender. I would like to remind that Turkey joined
    the mine-clearance operations in Saloglu region near Gandja, realized
    within cooperation with NATO, as a leader country. The success of
    ANAMA, which carried out and finished mine-clearing operations here,
    are estimable. The finish of this project is an indicator of distance
    overcame by Azerbaijan in the field of UXO/mine clearance. Turkey's
    national activities in the mine-clearance sphere are also continuing.

    >>From the other side, we are ready for international cooperation in
    this sphere.

    - How does Ankara consider the issue on establishment of
    Turkey-Azerbaijan or Turkey-Azerbaijan-Georgia military union in
    the region? What role the establishment of such union can play in the
    maintenance of stability in the region, at the same time in integration
    of Azerbaijani and Georgian armed forces into the NATO standards?

    - We target to develop our military and defense relations with
    Azerbaijan. The education of Azerbaijani Armed Forces in accordance
    with the NATO standards and weapon and maintenance are very important
    for the region's stability. Turkey supports Azerbaijan's relations with
    NATO and other Western organizations. We think that the Azerbaijan-NATO
    cooperation within the Partnership for Peace is profitable, as well as
    this cooperation is significant from the point of view of Azerbaijan's
    economical and political interests.
