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Vladimir And Conspiracy

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  • Vladimir And Conspiracy

    13:08:56 - 15/10/2011

    The information service of the Ministry of Defense informed that the
    deputy minister, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Gasparyan, the leadership
    of the Military Police and the investigation service met on October
    14 with the relatives of servicemen killed during their service in
    the army.

    They made clarifications and informed about progress in the
    investigation of the death of their sons, answered their questions.

    In an interview with the Armed Forces TV program, the deputy minister
    dwelled on the issue of accidents in the army which is in the focus
    of the society now. In regard to the deaths reported in the past week,
    the deputy minister noted that the circumstances have been clarified,
    investigation is underway to measure the guilt of each person
    involved. Vladimir Gasparyan noted that there is some difficulty
    in dealing with cases which date over ten years but assured that
    the crimes will be revealed, and those guilty will be punished. He
    stated that they do reveal and punish and will make further effort
    to minimize accidents in the army.

    Responding to accusations that proceedings are launched into causing
    someone to commit a suicide, he says they launch proceedings in
    accordance with the characteristics which are obvious after an
    incident. If we investigated a murder and discovered in the end that
    it was a suicide, similar accusations would be made. The suicide may
    change to murder during the investigation. Believe me, more people
    would protest if a murder were later announced to be a suicide.

    Dwelling on the initiatives which try to politicize and speculate on
    accidents in the army, Vladimir Gasparyan announced that they cannot
    be really sorry for the army because they are financed or paid from
    foreign countries. He says all they care is more accidents to make
    more money on them. These people have never even passed by the army,
    he says. "We will account for our acts, you please don't bind your
    political dreams with the army, army has never been in politics, army
    has always been outside politics, and will not allow provocations to
    involve the army in politics," Vladimir Gasparyan says, "A few day
    ago I read the statement of one of those groups in newspapers which
    demand information to be published on thousands of servicemen. What
    other orders did you get from your customers to learn about our
    army? Maybe you should publish the list and then stand in line with
    all your foreign foundations," the press release runs.

    Note that the initiative Army in Reality had urged the minister of
    defense to publish information on the period of 12 May 1994 to 30
    September 2011, including the names, address of servicemen who died,
    is missing, and underwent violence, the circumstances of death,
    disappearance, violence; the list of servicemen who were held
    responsible for violation of regulations, murders, other military
    crimes, including their positions and punishment; the number of
    officers who were convicted for military crimes, served sentence and
    continue their service in the army; the number of servicemen who were
    demobilized for health problems; the list of officers who were trained
    in foreign military institutions and who still serves in the army;
    information about the military service of the Armenian high-ranking
    officials; the list of organizations which won the tenders for military
    procurement, including food, medicine, uniforms, stationary.

    From: A. Papazian