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Test Of Sincerity In Turkey-Azerbaijan Relations - Analysis

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  • Test Of Sincerity In Turkey-Azerbaijan Relations - Analysis

    By Hasan Selim Ozertem

    Eurasia Review
    Oct 18 2011

    Although Ankara had to give up a lot of dreams beyond the Caspian Sea
    due to regional geopolitics and geographical reasons, it succeeded
    in developing a complex relationship with Azerbaijan.

    Twenty years ago, the Soviet Union was divided into fifteen republics.

    The resulting picture necessitated Turkey returning to a geography
    in which it was alienated as a result of the controlling policies of
    the Soviets. In the reconstruction process of five Turkic states,
    four in Central Asia, and Azerbaijan in the Caucasus, Turkey did
    not hesitate to take the initiative. If we look back, we can say
    that Turkey could not realize its dreams beyond the Caspian Sea due
    to regional geopolitics and geographical reasons, but succeeded in
    establishing a complex ties with Azerbaijan.

    Turkey-Azerbaijan Relations Located west of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan
    has experienced various problems in integrating into the international
    system after seventy years of Soviet administration. The first of them
    was the outbreak of war in Karabakh in 1988, which emerged as the
    biggest obstacle to experiencing a normal transition period for the
    country. Until the ceasefire agreement was signed in 1994, the country
    had serious troubles in the areas of security and economics, but after
    Heydar Aliyev's coming to power, it entered a rapid recovery process.

    In that period, Turkey sided with Azerbaijan and closed its border
    with Armenia in 1993, in response to Armenia's occupation of the
    territory of Azerbaijan and human rights violations. This step opened
    the way for Turkey to share a common fatewith Azerbaijan, but in the
    long run paved the way for the narrowing of its maneuvering area.

    Baku's Flirting with Moscow The entering into service of the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan crude oil pipeline in 2006 and the delivering of
    gas via the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum line the next year were important
    turning points for Azerbaijan. Because from 2006 to the end of 2008,
    when the global financial crisis occurred, Azerbaijan has grown by
    over 20 % and thus had a chance to recover from its economic problems
    and modernize its military. The completion of these projects creates
    an important success story for Turkey, but Ankara, having difficulties
    reaching beyond the Caspian Sea, could not take its current relations
    beyond the level they were in the 1990s. Even at certain points,
    it was seen that the existence of Ankara was relatively weakened by
    the gradual growth of Russia in the region. It should be noted that
    the Georgia-Russia war which erupted in 2008 played an important role
    in that issue.

    The Kremlin, taking an aggressive stance in its backyard starting in
    the 2000s, sent important messages to both countries of the region
    and to the West with this war. Looking at Turkey-Azerbaijan relations,
    two important factors gain clarity. The first factor was the need for
    Baku to redefine its relations with Russia, which until 2008 Baku had
    always tried to keep balanced. The first reflection of that was the
    Kremlin's monopolization of the Karabakh problem's solution process
    since it wants to be the primary actor in solving the problems in
    its backyard. The second reflection was the symbolic but politically
    significant natural gas treaties signed between Azerbaijan and Russia.

    The second important factor was the normalization process of
    Turkey-Armenia relations. In Baku, a pro-Russian clique close to
    the administration used the normalization process as a propaganda
    tool and that played a catalytic role in the rapprochement between
    Azerbaijan and Russia. In that process, which turned into a test of
    sincerity, some conflicts between Turkey and Azerbaijan entered the
    political scene. The closure of Sehitlik Mosque which was built in
    Azerbaijan by Diyanet, hauling down of Turkish flags in the country,
    assumption of a rigid attitude on the mutual abolition of visas,
    and adoption of a strong language toward Turkey were reflections of
    the tensions that occurred in that process. Yet, examples of Baku's
    attitude seen in Wikileaks documents were quite interesting. Aliyev
    did not refrain from using expressions that underestimate Turkey in
    the meetings with American authorities.

    Azerbaijan's search for exercising power over Turkey While we see
    acceleration in Baku-Moscow flirtations after 2008, it became apparent
    that Azerbaijan did not choose to completely cut its relations with
    Turkey. Inthat period, Baku a fortiori preferred to exercise power
    over Ankara. A positive public perception of Turkey in Azerbaijan
    was effective in İlham Aliyev's not extravagating in that partly
    successful policy. As a consequence, Baku, taking public response
    into account, continued to exercise power over Ankara while managing
    the perceptions of the public.

    On the other hand, Turkey did not take a stance that will raise
    tension against such steps, on the contrary; it took concrete steps
    to normalize strained relations. Prime Minister Erdogan did not
    abstain from sending clear messages in the Azerbaijani parliament
    after the signing of protocols. That initiative weakened the hand
    of Turkey in relations with Armenia but helped Erdogan regain power
    in Baku. In other words, while not being able to take a step back
    from the decision taken in the 1990s to close the borders, an era
    in which relations with Azerbaijan are defined in terms of policies
    toward Armenia has started. As a result of this, Turkey is faced with
    a question that asks how to turn the equation in a zero-sum game in
    its favor. This equation has not yet been solved.

    At this point, we cannot say bilateral relations are at a specific
    level they had been in 1990s, but it is a fact that Turkey's current
    position maintains its critical importance in Azerbaijan's westward
    expansion. In this respect, Turkey is still seen as an important ally
    that is not dispensable in Baku. For Turkey, the situation is not
    so different. After the June 12 elections, PM Erdogan's first visit
    abroad after Cyprus was to Baku, and that illustrates Azerbaijan's
    importance in Turkish foreign policy.

    Nevertheless, in order to bring current relations to a more robust
    structure for the next twenty years, more than diplomatic jests are
    needed. Strengthening its economic and strategic position in the
    Caucasus is very important for a Turkey that wants to be a regional
    power, and for the turning of perception in Azerbaijan in favor
    of Turkey. But, Ankara, having to amend the paradigm with Armenia
    toward 2015, has to find ways to avoid a crisis in its relations
    with Azerbaijan.

    Hasan Selim Ozertem, USAK Center for Energy Studies.

    This article was translated by Nihal Cizmecioglu.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress