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Baku Lost

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  • Baku Lost

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 23:11:51 - 18/10/2011

    The Azerbaijani functionaries who have a diplomatic status and are
    dealing with the propaganda of ideas and thoughts of their country's
    leadership and ideologists are too talkative and they often treat
    foreign experts and analysts as their soul friends. The statements of
    these functionaries demonstrate the effectiveness of the Azerbaijani

    Certainly, it is not worthwhile to talk about it and thereby weaken
    the enthusiasm of the Armenian experts. In fact, however, it is
    time to sum up the results. The activity of the Armenian authors is
    a separate issue for consideration. In fact, there is nothing to
    consider because they have been unable to understand the problem,
    let alone the ultimate goal.

    As to Azerbaijan's official propaganda (and its vast majority is
    official), Baku lost in this field, and huge funds spent to this end
    did not bring about any important results. It is interesting that the
    international community has acknowledged that it is impossible to make
    a decision on the Karabakh issue, taking account of Azerbaijan's
    ambitions. The Azerbaijani political government has called the
    functionaries dealing with propaganda for an account.

    In Russia, Europe and the United States, as well as in other regions,
    Azerbaijan has recruited authors of different calibers. The third
    wave of recruitment has passed and totally unknown authors have
    been engaged in the anti-Armenian propaganda. Entire think tanks
    and educational institutions have been recruited, including academic
    and solid state universities in Moscow, leaders and participants of
    large-scale programs in the U.K. and the U.S., reporters in different
    countries. Generally, the Armenian interests are attacked widely,
    considering their activities on the web. So why is the Azerbaijani
    government complaining?

    Of 20-25 experts recruited by Azerbaijan in the West and in Russia
    only 2 or 3 are known as authors of publications. However, they have
    already run out of their resource, and in the community of politicians
    and experts they are viewed as deeply unprincipled and venal authors.

    I have mentioned their names on another occasion. The authors of the
    second and third echelon are not well-known, and hardly anyone is
    interested in their publications. Authors of a smaller caliber have
    appeared whose publications will hardly be found in a more or less
    authoritative journal.

    It should be noted that the western expert community is built so that
    it is rather difficult to be always present in such journals with
    such tendentious materials. Similar publications are hardly effective,
    and their addressee is not clear.

    It is known that thanks to the efforts of some Armenians who work on
    their own initiatives those authors were practically erased from the
    list of the pertinent. These authors are as cowardly as unprincipled.

    It should be noted than in the era of information it is impossible to
    lie endlessly. Such methods are impossible in an Islamic environment.

    Basically, there are no Islamic authors in the Azerbaijani propaganda.

    If any, they are funny and wretched scribbles. Meanwhile, the
    professional experts of those countries have stated for a number of
    times that the Azerbaijani propaganda does not interest anyone, and
    the world is solely interested in economic information from Azerbaijan.

    The Azerbaijani political scientist Alek Rasi-Zade (the brother of the
    Azerbaijani prime minister) thinks that the Azerbaijani propaganda
    is a convenient sphere for making money, and some functionaries
    living in the United States and Russia have made a lot of money. It
    also concerns a young man who has recently bought an apartment in
    Washington having no legal source of income.

    But this is a trifle, whereas the problem is that Azerbaijan got
    no results from its propaganda. So, the Armenian experts may relax
    relatively because someone else has done their job. Apparently, soon
    Baku will review not only the methods of propaganda and approaches
    but also re-evaluate the foreign policy. They have not understood
    something, and they have not thought something well enough. They
    relied on their money too heavily.
