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Genocide Focus Of Aram I's Address To LA City Council

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  • Genocide Focus Of Aram I's Address To LA City Council


    Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

    Aram I addresses LA City Council

    LOS ANGELES-His Holiness Catholicos Aram I arrived at Los Angeles
    City Hall on the morning of Friday, October 14, where a breakfast
    reception was held in his honor, after which His Holiness addressed
    the full City Council in Chambers.

    The Catholicos was accompanied by Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian and staff bearer Very Rev. Fr. Mesrob Sarkissian.

    Participating in the reception were Clergy, Councils members, community
    leaders and members, Prelacy sponsors and friends.

    Opening remarks were delivered by Jim Clarke, Director of Federal
    Relations for Mayor Villaraigosa. Council President Eric Garcetti
    said it was a great honor to welcome His Holiness to City Hall and
    invited Council member Paul Krekorian to deliver his remarks.

    Aram I with LA City Council after receiving a proclamation

    Council member Krekorian stated that it was personally extraordinary
    for him to be there as the first Armenian-American Council member, and
    that the presence of His Holiness at City Hall is "a point of pride for
    each of us and gives us strength as representatives of this community".

    The Prelate thanked the Council members for the warm welcome and
    reception, and for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa facilitating the arrival
    of His Holiness at LAX. He noted that this is the fourth visit of His
    Holiness to City Hall and invited His Holiness to deliver his message.

    His Holiness expressed profound joy to be at City Hall in the heart
    of Los Angeles stating, "This is no ordinary building. I came here
    to examine the heartbeat, the activities, and the planning oriented
    work towards helping and serving people. People are a part of the
    government, as Plato said, and this is democracy in action." His
    Holiness concluded by saying, "The United States is a great nation
    of values. May God less you all and may you continue to serve Los

    His Holiness, entourage, and guests were then escorted to Chambers
    where the full City Council was assembled.

    First to speak were Council member Krekorian and Council President

    Council member Krekorian said it was both an honor and a privilege
    to be there. Antelias is the heart and soul of the Armenian people
    and His Holiness is our spiritual leader and we are thankful for his
    leadership and guidance. His Holiness has brought together many faiths
    and he is responsible for inter-religious dialogue. It is rare that
    we get a man of such stature in our Chamber, concluded Krekorian.

    Council President Garcetti stated that is was a great honor to receive
    His Holiness at LAX and welcomed him to the temple of democracy. He
    referred to His Holiness as an inspiration and expressed his
    appreciation for his involvement in educational institutions.

    His Holiness then addressed the City Council stating that it was a
    profound joy to be with them and being with them meant being with the
    people. He urged them to serve with transparency and accountability
    and to serve the interest of the people and not individuals. Looking
    around at those assembled in the Chamber, His Holiness noted that each
    of them has different root and different background, but they must
    first and foremost remain true to their American values. He shared his
    pride that so many Armenians are a part of America and share in those
    American values, and expressed gratitude to the United States as it was
    the first nation to accept refugees following the Armenian Genocide.

    "I am proud that my own community is part of the diverse American
    community, and a contributing one at that. After the genocide of 1915,
    the United States was the first nation to accept refugees as Displaced
    Peoples, but we didn't remain as such, we became Americans. And I am
    proud of that. We must remain now true to our American values. It
    is my profound joy to be with you once again. As public servants,
    service should be the center of our spirituality. We all serve the
    same people. They should be the center of our reflection," concluded
    His Holiness who was met with a standing ovation.

    The event concluded with the presentation of a proclamation to His
    Holiness by Council members.
