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Fighting For Trchkan: Environmentalists Urge Ministry To Ban Hydro C

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  • Fighting For Trchkan: Environmentalists Urge Ministry To Ban Hydro C

    By Siranuysh Gevorgyan

    18.10.11 | 11:14

    Environmentalists in Armenia continue to campaign against the
    construction of a hydropower plant (HPP) at a waterfall on the border
    of the northern provinces of Shirak and Lori. Construction of such
    a facility, meanwhile, is underway.

    Members of a pressure group, "Let's Preserve the Trchkan Waterfall", on
    Monday sent a letter to the Ministry of Nature Protection demanding an
    immediate end to the construction at the waterfall which is recognized
    as a specially protected area.

    Trchkan is the tallest and most abundant waterfall in Armenia (25.5
    meters) and, according to environmentalists, the construction of an HPP
    at the top of the waterfall may prove disastrous for the waterfall's
    existence. Environmentalists point out that the Ministry of Nature
    Protection has violated the law by providing a positive environmental
    conclusion to the HPP's construction in an area, which is a protected
    monument of nature since 2008.

    During a meeting with reporters on Monday Ministry of Nature Protection
    official Harutyun Harutyunyan, in fact, did not deny that the Ministry
    "was wrong". He said that "it happened independently from the Ministry"
    and now the Ministry, together with the parties concerned, is trying
    "to find a right way."

    "Now it has turned out that on the one hand there is the specially
    protected area, on the other hand is a businessman who has all the
    legal documents and wants to carry out the construction project. The
    Ministry of Nature Protection has the goal of not affecting the values
    of the Trchkan waterfall, that is the abundance of its waters, etc,
    and that an HPP be built, and we now think of how to minimize this
    damage," said Harutyunyan.

    According to the Ministry representative, the HPP will work only
    during spring months when waters of the waterfall are in a larger
    amount. Environmentalists, however, are skeptical in this respect.

    "We can name five such waterfalls, one of which, Shakeh, has already
    become humpbacked. We take students to the Shakeh waterfall and must
    pay to the HPP owner to open the water valve and he will do so only
    if he wishes. We want to develop tourism, but it can't be developed
    this way. Compensation should be given to the man [the owner of the
    Robshin company building the HPP], or else he should show his good
    will and let the waterfall alone," says leading environmentalist
    Karine Danielyan, who heads the For Sustainable Human Development NGO.

    Danielyan is inclined to think that the Ministry wants to preserve the
    waterfall. She suggests the HPP be built at the foot of the waterfall.

    The Ministry official, however, says this will be more costly for
    the station owner.

    Member of the "Let's Preserve the Trchkan Waterfall" initiative,
    environmental expert Armen Vermishyan says on Facebook that Nature
    Protection Minister Armen Harutyunyan wants to meet with them.

    Harutyunyan, in his turn, informed the public that the Ministry is
    inviting all interested parties to participate in public hearings.
