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Global Gold, Consolidated Resources Release Report For Toukhmanuk, G

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  • Global Gold, Consolidated Resources Release Report For Toukhmanuk, G


    October 19, 2011 - 18:44 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Global Gold Corporation and privately held
    Consolidated Resources Armenia announced that an updated NI-43-101
    format independent technical report prepared by Behre Dolbear
    International Limited has been completed for the Toukhmanuk and Getik
    properties in Armenia. At Toukhmanuk, a 2.6 million ounce gold and
    17.8 million ounce silver resource at average grades of 2.1 g/t and
    14.1 g/t, respectively, using a 0.6 g/t cut-off is reported for the
    already operating bulk open pit mine. Following a rigorous five month
    review of drill core, assay and geological data by Behre Dolbear
    and Gemcom and the creation of a new Surpac resource block model,
    the comprehensive report was completed and delivered in connection
    with the advancement of the Global Gold Consolidated Resources joint
    venture announced in April 2011.

    For the first time, the report also discloses that in 2011, Global
    Gold has "uncovered significant unanticipated gold-silver vein zones
    in a region where the known vein-sets splay and diverge." The new
    discoveries are vein and stockworks which parallel Global's 2008
    discoveries at Toukhmanuk. Those discoveries in 2008 significantly
    changed the outlook at Toukhmanuk from a narrow vein potential
    underground mining deposit to a vein and stockwork open pittable
    deposit with vein zones ranging from 5 to 25 meters wide. The 2011
    discoveries have revealed four new vein zones outside of the existing
    drilling grid and also ranging from 5 to 25 meters wide in the central
    section. These vein zones, which require further exploration, have
    already produced ore averaging slightly more than 2 grams per tonne
    that is being processed at the plant on site.

    In addition this year, Global Gold has concluded 4,000 meters of
    diamond drilling in both the central section and in other parts of the
    license area. As of today, Global Gold has completed approximately
    24,064 meters of diamond drilling at Toukhmanuk (beyond the Soviet
    era levels of exploration) primarily covering the 2.2km2 central
    section of the deposit and selected target areas along and outside
    of the corridor in the broader 53.76 km2 deposit.

    Further updates are anticipated in the next 6 months and on a
    continuing basis, as results are received from the new discoveries,
    the recently concluded 4,000 meter diamond drilling program, and
    further analyses from prior exploration work.

    Stripping and mining activity at the deposit has steadily increased
    from summer to fall this year, with two stages of stripping
    completed in accordance with the open pit mine plan and mining
    of ore reaching 1,100 tons per day, adding to an existing ore
    stockpile that now exceeds 30,000 tons for milling during the
    winter. Mining is taking place pursuant to Global Gold's mining
    license and previously reported reserve determinations by the
    Armenian Government. On October 27 and November 18, 2009, the
    Company announced the approval of reserves for Toukhmanuk by the
    Republic of Armenia's State Natural Resources Agency, available at**http%3A/

    The report also includes information on the previously announced
    initial plant expansion which is progressing well. Two new mills are
    installed and in testing, along with further near-term improvements to
    boost plant capacity and recoveries. Two concentrate shipments of 60
    tons each are proceeding to offtaker Industrial Minerals in October
    and further shipments will follow as milling ramps up throughout
    the winter. The report notes that the plant "has been established
    without recourse to cyanide reagents, which ensures that the plant
    meets stringent waste and tailings quality benchmarks and is reputed
    to be the leading Armenian company in pursuit of sustainable mining
    and processing practices."

    The report also reviews exploration at the 27 km2 Getik property, where
    exploration activity commenced in the 1920s, noting that Global Gold
    has done geological mapping, ground geophysical surveys, trenching
    and a small amount of diamond drilling. The report notes that there
    is potential for an open pittable deposit, but further exploration
    is necessary and underway, Yahoo Finance reported.
