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Selective Service: Intellectuals Weigh In On Army Controversy

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  • Selective Service: Intellectuals Weigh In On Army Controversy

    By Gayane Lazarian

    21.10.11 | 16:34

    Member of the Ministry of Defense's Intellectuals to Military Units
    Initiative David Gasparyan (R) and Headmaster of Mkhitar Sebastatsi
    educational complex Ashot Bleyan

    Into discussions of concern over yet more controversial deaths in the
    Republic of Armenia Army, a number of intellectuals have weighed in
    with "Intellectuals to Military Units" Ministry of Defense initiative.

    Literary critic, philologist David Gasparyan says the army has become
    the most vulnerable area in the country, and that society has to
    stand by the army, not to condemn and criticize but to supervise.

    "There are multiple sources of aggression in the army: family,
    environment, illiteracy, the army life itself, and others. However,
    the majority of issues stem form the fact that some serve in the army,
    others evade, when army service has to be compulsory for all," says
    Gasparyan, participating in the initiative.

    According to him, it would make a huge difference if oligarchs' and
    officials' sons served in the army as well. Society is not healthy,
    hence, neither is the army.

    "The army is an issue that involves every Armenian family, it has
    become one of the most painful aspects of our life with frequently
    tragic outcome. This country is collapsing, who will be this country's
    soldier?" he asks.

    Headmaster of Mkhitar Sebastatsi educational complex Ashot Bleyan
    approves taking the army under civic supervision, however, he says,
    it is unfortunate the army elite is raising clamor and is outraged
    rather than encouraging the initiative.

    "A powerless, poor person goes to serve, others make it till 27
    years-old by entering universities' state-budgeted departments [by RA
    law students of these departments are released from military service
    until they graduate] and deferment [out of health concerns] and never
    serve. It is terrible that we have two types of people. On the one
    hand it's the oligarch who is the lord of the manor and, on the other
    hand, a poor young man who has to defend that manor," says Bleyan.

    He also believes that the repeated tragic incidents are causing
    psychological stress in families who have soldiers-to-be.

    Gasparyan believes that lectures and discussions with soldiers on
    a variety of topics might help release the tension, taking into
    consideration the illiteracy factor. However, he says, the officer
    staff needs psychological lectures too.

    "Draft dodging for fake reasons becomes double destructive, first of
    all for the army itself, because it gets depleted, and, on the other
    hand, because we end up with fake professionals in other fields of
    society," he says. "Release of military service after completing their
    post-graduate course causes huge harm both to the army and to science,
    as any person - deserving or not - receives academic degrees."

    Bleyan suggests former classmates and "yard-mates" should serve at
    the same military units.

    "Why is it that young people reside in the same area, side by side,
    finish the same school, but serve in different places? It's a violation
    of the natural law, all kinds of discrimination have to be eliminated,
    and in a matter of just a few months, you'll see the change. The law
    says one cannot be a public servant/official without military service,
    but what do we witness nowadays...?" Bleyan says.

    Gasparyan strongly believes the only option to relieve army-society
    tension is to get rid of discrimination, meaning that every young
    Armenian man has to serve in the army, without exceptions.
