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BAKU: We should make efforts to unite Turkic world even closer

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  • BAKU: We should make efforts to unite Turkic world even closer, Azerbaijan
    Oct 223 2011

    We should make efforts to unite Turkic world even closer - Azerbaijani leader
    Sat 22 October 2011 07:33 GMT | 3:33 Local Time

    The first Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic States took
    place in Almaty on 21 October.
    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev also attended the summit.

    Azerbaijani President was met by Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

    President Aliyev addressed the summit. President Ilham Aliyev said in
    his address:

    News.Az publishes a full transcript of the president's speech,
    translated from state-run news agency AzerTAj.

    'Distinguished Nursultan Abishevich!

    Distinguished heads of delegations, dear friends!

    First and foremost, I want to express my deep appreciation to
    Nursultan Abishevich for excellent organization of this summit and the
    hospitality towards us. With a sense of satisfaction I want to say
    that I have been in your beautiful country for already third day.
    Yesterday my next official visit to Kazakhstan took place. I want to
    reiterate that we attach very great importance to our efforts to
    develop bilateral ties with Kazakhstan. Our bilateral relations are
    multifaceted. At the same time they have a very positive impact on
    links between the Turkic states.

    Our peoples are linked by common history and common roots. But, as
    President Nursultan Abishevich noted, our independence is only 20
    years. These 20 years were decisive years for our countries. Basis of
    statehood were formed in our countries in these years. We carried out
    fundamental economic and political reforms over these years. We saw in
    the course of 20 years that our countries were able to take their
    rightful place on the world map. It is natural that Kazakhstan is
    hosting the first summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking
    States as it has made a tremendous contribution to development of
    integration processes in Eurasia. The organization of this summit
    itself once again emphasizes the role of Kazakhstan.

    I am very happy that our meetings have become a wonderful tradition.
    As you know, the summit of Turkic-speaking countries was not held out
    for a while. But these meetings have been held regularly for the past
    three years. A similar meeting was held in Nakhchivan in 2009, in
    Istanbul in 2010 and is being held in Almaty today. I am confident
    that this tradition will be continued in subsequent years. Each
    meeting has a great meaning. Decisions made in these meetings
    reinforce our unity even more. We want to take ties between all the
    Turkic-speaking countries in both bilateral and multilateral formats
    up to an even higher level.

    As for Azerbaijan, we have beautiful business and cordial relations
    with all the Turkic states. We value these relationships. We
    successfully cooperate in a multilateral format and within various
    international organizations. Mutual support in international
    organizations, of course, makes us even stronger. We are making
    progress in the UN, OSCE, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, ECO and
    other organizations.

    The main problem facing Azerbaijan is Armenia-Azerbaijan
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    The conflict remains unresolved for many years. This is a source of
    greatest threat and injustice not only for us but for the entire
    region. Recognition of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by the
    international community has been violated for many years. Armenia has
    conducted a policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis. As a
    result of this policy, one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and
    displaced persons in their native land and 20% of our land was
    occupied. All major international organizations have voiced their
    position on this issue. First of all, the most authoritative
    international organizations- the UN and its Security Council have
    adopted relevant resolutions. There are four UN Security Council
    resolutions, which call for unconditional withdrawal of Armenian
    forces from Azerbaijani lands.

    OSCE resolutions, numerous resolutions by the Organization of Islamic
    Cooperation, resolutions adopted by the Council of Europe, European
    Parliament and other organizations create a stronger legal basis for
    the conflict settlement. But, unfortunately, unconstructive position
    of Armenia and its attempts to artificially prolong the negotiations
    hinder to tackle the issue. Azerbaijan was also subject to terrorism
    in this conflict. Numerous terrorist acts were committed in our
    country which claimed lives of more than 2,000 civilians.

    Seizing the opportunity, we reiterate our deepest condolences to the
    brotherly Turkey, Turkish people on the recent acts of terrorism, and
    we wish patience to families of the deceased. We are stand by Turkey
    at this time, too and will continue to support Turkey's right cause in
    a fight against terrorism.

    The development of economic ties between our countries is also of
    great significance. I think that we do not use this potential in a
    proper level. Although bilateral trade relations are growing, it does
    not reflect our real potential. I believe that we should pay more
    attention to implementation of joint investment projects in the coming
    years. Those countries that are investing abroad, of course, have to
    pay attention primarily to the Turkic-speaking states, as this will
    further strengthen our unity and, at the same time, bring economic

    At present Azerbaijani companies actively invest in foreign countries.
    These investments are estimated at billions of dollars. We want this
    policy to continue. Mutual investments contribute to development of
    countries, lead to opening of new jobs and also promote our economic
    ties. In near future Azerbaijan's SOCAR will lay foundation of a major
    new investment project in Turkey. The volume of investments will
    amount to $5-6 billion over several years. Of course, this is
    primarily economic and commercial project.

    Investments are also made into friendly countries, where there is
    stability and good investment climate.

    I believe that our countries are at the forefront in this matter. All
    international financial institutions highly appreciate ongoing
    economic reforms in our countries. Business opportunities are also
    very good. Our countries take leading positions in all rankings. Along
    with economic projects, of course, cultural ties also are of great
    importance. We can say that these relationships form the basis of our
    organization, because we share a common culture and ethnic roots.
    Naturally, special attention is paid to this issue.

    I thank all Turkic-speaking states for supporting our initiative.
    There are specific proposals to create TURKSOY Fund. I am sure that
    the launch of this Fund will leave its mark on each of the
    Turkic-speaking province. Restoration of historical monuments,
    publication of books and cultural events will become possible due to
    this Fund. Every citizen will see that this fund has real results.

    I think we should pay more attention on real projects at the next
    stage, especially after Cooperation Council is formed as fairly much
    has been done and documents have been signed to this date. The summit
    will also adopt a very serious document at the end. Therefore, if we
    pay more attention to specific projects in the coming years, it will
    play a positive role in developing our organization and fostering ties
    between the countries. We are ready for this and will make our
    proposals in relation to specific projects.

    Azerbaijan has also contributed to energy security matters in past
    years. At present, our energy resources are supplied to world markets
    via various routes. In this respect I want to emphasize importance of
    the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, the construction of which was
    initiated and successfully completed by Azerbaijan. The pipeline was
    built not only to transport oil from the Caspian Sea to world markets,
    the Mediterranean Sea.

    Essentially, this is a new corridor, primarily an energy corridor.
    Later a gas pipeline was built in this corridor. Rail corridor is
    under construction at the moment. Overall, this was the first serious
    initiative connecting East and West and Asia and Europe. Already not
    only Azerbaijani oil but also the oil extracted from oil fields in the
    eastern part of the Caspian Sea is transported via this pipeline.

    We have offered fraternal countries to use our transit opportunities.
    Today I am very glad that Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan use our transit

    I am confident that these transit opportunities will become even wider
    in the coming years. To this end, Azerbaijan makes significant
    investments, logistics centers are created, the largest international
    trading port in the Caspian Sea, which will be put into operation in
    two to three years, is under construction. Now we also attach great
    importance to creation of transport infrastructure. New ferries and
    tankers are being procured and a new modern shipyard is being built in

    It is clear that all these investments in infrastructure will benefit
    not only us, but also all Caspian littoral states.

    Since the Caspian Sea is an enclosed reservoir, ships and tankers
    manufactured ??there will only operate in the Caspian Sea. We perform
    all this work so that to be prepared to receive large loads from the
    east of the Caspian Sea towards this direction and in the opposite

    As Nursultan Abishevic noted, construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars
    project will end late next year and this railway is be put into
    operation in 2013. In fact, this is a very large economic and
    political project. When we started this project, of course, we aimed
    to link Azerbaijan and Turkey as there was no such a rail. However,
    the course of implantation of the project showed that it has caused a
    great interest both in Europe and Asia.

    In essence, this means creating a new iron Silk Road. This road will
    link Azerbaijan to Turkey and Europe, and Europe ` with Azerbaijan,
    Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries and China via Georgia.
    I'm sure it will be the most lucrative transport route from the
    viewpoint of both time and economic indicators. I am sure that once
    this route is launched millions of tonnes of cargo will pass through
    our territory and our countries, and not only Azerbaijan, but all of
    our countries will contribute to this transport corridor as transit
    countries. These are concrete, real projects. These projects are
    economically and commercially viable. At the same time, these projects
    further reinforce our unity.

    The Turkic world is a great world. We need to make sure that the
    Turkic world unites even closer. There are all opportunities for this.
    First of all, there is strong political will. Holding this summit
    regularly, the first summit of the Council which is being held here
    today and decisions adopted demonstrate that there is strong political
    will. On the other hand, economic interests coincide with our economic

    We, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and other Turkic-speaking states, have
    abundant natural resources. We use different routes to supply them to
    world markets. We have a friend like Turkey. As it was noted, Turkey
    was first to recognize our independence. Turkey has a large territory,
    large economy and large transport capacity. We combine all these
    efforts, and there are already good results of cooperation. I am sure
    that in the coming years we will build big, beautiful buildings on the
    already laid solid foundation. It will be palaces of our friendship
    and brotherhood. Our fraternity has a great past and a great future.

    I want once again thank Nursultan Abishevich for making this
    initiative and organizing this summit at a high-level. I wish success
    to the summit. Thank you!'

