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HH Catholicos Aram I blesses the foundation of St. Garabed in LV

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  • HH Catholicos Aram I blesses the foundation of St. Garabed in LV

    His Holiness Catholicos Aram I blesses the foundation of St. Garabed
    Church of Las Vegas

    (Noyan Tapan - 22.10.2011)

    LOS ANGELES, ANTELIAS - On Wednesday, October 19, 2011, His Holiness
    Catholicos Aram I, accompanied by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, Clergy and Councils members, arrived in Las
    Vegas where over the next two days the Pontiff met with community
    members and blessed the foundation of St. Garabed Church.

    Upon their arrival, His Holiness an entourage were welcomed by Parish
    Pastor Archpriest Fr. Avedis Torossian, Parish Council members, and
    Las Vegas Pontifical Visit main sponsors Mr. and Mr. Alex and Arda
    Yemenidjian, who also hosted His Holiness to a dinner that evening.
    During the dinner, His Holiness spoke with high regards of the
    Yemenidjian family, and of the dedicated service of Mrs. Yemenidjian's
    mother Verjine Koujakian who was one of the founders of the Las Vegas
    Church Sunday School.

    On the afternoon of Thursday, October 20, His Holiness was hosted to
    lunch by the Parish Council, with the participation of representatives
    from the ARF "Ishkhan" Gomideh and sister organizations.

    Late afternoon, His Holiness and entourage arrived at the St. Garabed
    Church and Community Center complex, where over 300 community members
    were gathered, enthusiastically awaiting the arrival of the Pontiff
    for the groundbreaking and blessing of the Church foundation. Church
    benefactor Mr. Larry Barnes participated in the service, as did Clark
    County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani. Representatives from the
    offices of Governor Brian Sandoval, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Dean
    Heller, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, and Congressman Dr. Joe Heck
    were also present.

    With the "Hrashapar" hymn, His Holiness entered the complex and
    conducted the traditional blessing of salt and bread, after which ARS
    Saturday School students presented a cultural program.

    Thus began the blessing of the foundation ceremony.

    His Holiness consecrated the Church dome and altar crosses, and the
    Prelate consecrated the 16 pillars, which represent the 12 apostles,
    the four Gospel writers, and St. Gregory the Illuminator, the
    foundations of our Church.

    Following the groundbreaking and blessing, His Holiness congratulated
    the Parish community on their great achievement, conveyed the
    importance of working together with faith, hope, and love, and
    expressed his wish that the project reach its successful completion in
    the near future. Speaking on what it means to build a church, His
    Holiness stated that our church belongs to our people, the people are
    our church, and St. Garabed Church of Las Vegas will also be the
    people's church and will serve all indiscriminately.

    The Prelate expressed gratitude to His Holiness for his Pontifical
    visit to the Las Vegas community and pledged that all will work
    towards of their mission with unwavering faith, hope, and love.

    "Achahampouyr" followed, during which faithful received the blessings
    of the Pontiff, after which His Holiness toured the complex,
    expressing his contentment at the project and commending the service
    of the Parish Priest, Parish Council, Ladies Auxiliary, and all

    The Parish community set in motion their dream of having their own
    church nearly two years ago, when by the generosity of benefactor
    Larry Barnes, the current site was purchased. The benefaction of Mr.
    Barnes was in memory of his wife Seda Der Garabedian-Barnes, and her
    ancestors who had perished in the Genocide. The remodeling phase began
    soon after, with first the completion of the hall, where services are
    currently held. The second phase is the construction of the Church,
    which will now proceed with the blessings of His Holiness. Once the
    project is completed, the complex will serve as the spiritual and
    cultural hub of the Las Vegas Armenian community.

    In the evening, a banquet was held in honor of His Holiness at the
    Tropicana Hotel, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Arda Yemenidjian.
    Over 350 guests from different states had gathered to honor His

    Mr. Yemenidjian welcomed His Holiness, expressing his thanks for what
    he called a historic day.

    Parish Council Chair Mr. Adroushan Armenian expressed thanks and
    gratitude to His Holiness for blessing the Las Vegas community with
    his Pontifical visit. He then spoke of the history of St. Garabed
    Church and the stages that have led them to where they are today.
    Addressing benefactor Mr. Larry Barnes, Mr. Armenian said, "The Las
    Vegas Armenian community and all Armenians around the world are
    grateful for your generous donations that motivated us to undertake
    this important project."

    On behalf of the Executive Council, Mr. Vahan Bezdikian welcomed His
    Holiness and expressed gratitude for the day. He noted how the Las
    Vegas Armenian community has a decades-long history but it was just in
    the last few years that they experienced a revival, which is evidenced
    by the Church project currently underway. He commended the Parish
    Council and affiliated bodies for their dedication, and thanked the
    Yemenidjian family for hosting the visit.

    The banquet included a cultural program of dances and recitations.

    The Prelate expressed his appreciation and commended Mr. and Mr.
    Yemenidjian for their commitment and service to our Church, and on
    behalf of His Holiness presented them with a memento. The Prelate also
    commended the Parish Priest and Council, and presented a hand cross to
    the Church.

    The Prelate joyfully welcomed the presence of faithful from Los
    Angeles, Arizona, New Jersey, and Chicago. He reminded the guests that
    the theme of the Pontifical Visit is "With faith we build", and
    stressed that with faith we will have spiritual renewal, with faith we
    will serve for the continued progress of our schools, and with faith
    we will continue to fight for the Armenian Cause. He then invited His
    Holiness to deliver his message.

    His Holiness once again greeted the Parish community and all those who
    had journeyed to be a part of the historic day. He affirmed that the
    establishment and livelihood of a community depends on collective
    efforts, which is what leads to successful realization of endeavors.
    The Pontiff urged all to serve for the collective good with unwavering
    faith and strong determination, and concluded by once again commending
    the hosts, Executive Council, sponsors and supporters.

    From: Baghdasarian