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Restoring A Building Its Past Dignity

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  • Restoring A Building Its Past Dignity


    Noyan Tapan

    Interview with the Honorary Consul Antonio Montalto on occasion of
    the opening of the International Center for Peace and Development
    in Gyumri.

    - You're a well known person in Armenia. You've been here for over
    twenty years, as you arrived immediately after the 1988's earthquake.

    Therefore Armenia has become for you, if not your second home, the
    country where you carry out public duties. Let me sum up: Subsequent to
    the earthquake, you've dedicated many years on restructuring maternity
    hospitals, treatment centers and children's homes. Firstly with an
    Italian organization, then by establishing an Armenian organization,
    Family Care, with which you are still developing maternity and
    childcare health projects.

    In the recent years you've decided to renounce to donations and to
    finance your projects with your own enterprises, such as with a Bed
    and Breakfast in Yerevan and the pottery production. Furthermore,
    you have organised language courses, the founding of a library,
    various other activities and now the Center. Why have you decided to
    found this Center and why in Gyumri?

    - I think it isn't appropriate to say that "I've decided". It is
    certainly a way of living up to something, until, at one stage, this
    something becomes bigger than a single decision and circumstances
    prevail on individual orientations. Japanese painters used to say:
    it's the painting that creates the artist. This statement, even if
    apparently paradoxical, bears much truth, which can be extended to
    activities of all kind. My collaborators and I wished to give our
    contribution to regenerate this town, and to do so you first need
    to give value and beauty back to things around you. Our goals, now
    partially realized, were seeing an historical building healing its
    wounds and being restored respecting local traditions, or gaining
    square meters of abandoned areas to provide dignified community
    facilities. The Center foundation is part of this larger project. It
    was about giving life back to one of the town's most beautiful
    building and we would like it to be used mostly by Gyumri's young
    people as well as students from other towns. However, there's a part
    of it which is less evident and which doesn't specifically concern
    the Center's purpose, yet it is as important. I'm talking about the
    building restructuration process in respect of all those who worked
    for it. Construction site and office workers bonded and got passionate
    about the project. It's this kind of human interaction which is behind
    and inside the stone walls that may be represents for me the most
    important outcome. As for your second question, Gyumri has a great
    cultural patrimony, a very fine architecture and an extraordinary
    human potential. Unfortunately it is a devastated town, but slowly it
    is rebirthing and I believe its rebirth will be able to be driving
    all Armenia. And it is when you see people putting their heart in
    what they're working for that you can say a town is coming alive again.

    - Why have you chosen this building that you have completely

    Is there a specific purpose in the edifice's choice?

    - First of all it's because it's beautiful. All the buildings here,
    built between the second half of 1,800 and the first years of the
    1,900, are of remarkable beauty. This one in particular is special
    because it is a rare example of Art Deco. The Liberty Style gives a
    touch of grace and lightness to the heaviness of the black tuff stones.

    Furthermore, we saw that the interior was giving us the opportunity to
    divide and organize the space to serve several functions. There's also
    a nice courtyard that could become a little agora. Actually, let me
    add that it's not correct to say that we're completely rebuilding it.

    Our bigger effort is salvaging as much as possible its original aspect
    and sometimes this means having to demolish changes that the various
    owners made in the time.

    - "Peace an Development" are very beautiful designations, yet they
    have a quite broad significance. Everyone can have his own concept
    and view of peace and development.

    What is yours?

    - I would say the two terms go together, there's not one without the
    other. Peace stands for tolerance and comprehension which accordingly
    represents the opportunity for other cultures to exchange. One of
    today's plagues is the idea that the identity can be created in
    conflict and exclusion of other identities. There's nothing more
    wrong and ill-fated then such a state of mind which, on the contrary,
    indicates uncertain and lost identities. The nation's identity forms
    and grows through the dialogue with other cultures, and that means
    to start with the will to know the other rather than rejecting him. I
    wish that in this Center we shall be able to discuss freely of these
    issues and subsequently be able to realize something in practical
    terms. That's why the word International coming after Center is no
    less important. One issue I'm particularly interested in it's the
    opportunity of opening a cultural bridge between Armenia and Turkey
    and this is why, among other activities, I'd like the Center to
    welcome Turkish university students as well.

    - What may the Center bring to Gyumri and Armenian people?

    - Knowledge, trainings and wider opening to the rest of the world.

    Accordingly, it is important, for example, to promote tourism. I'm not
    talking about the packaged and rapid tourism whose only aim is bringing
    home some exotic images, but about the more significant one of those
    who have a real interest toward different cultures and traditions. This
    is why, together with other activities, we're organizing local craft
    workshops (pottery and carpet manufacture) in which the tourists, if
    they wish, will be able to take part during their visit. Therefore,
    your question could be returned: What may Gyumri and Armenian people
    bring to the Center?

    - And to you personally?

    - A lot, just like everything this country gave me so far. As far as
    I am concerned, in Armenia I found a strong meaning in my life. All
    I do for the country is a gratitude token for what it gave and keeps
    giving me.

    - What are your next projects or ambitions?

    - Life throws at you unexpected surprises. You just have to know
    how to welcome coming opportunities which often are better and more
    exciting than what we dreamed and wished about. We'll see...

    The opening of the International Center for Peace and Development
    will be held at Abovyan Str. 182 (Gyumri) on October 25th at 12 am.
