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Armenia: Where Deforestation Is A Hidden Killer

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  • Armenia: Where Deforestation Is A Hidden Killer

    Marianna Grigoryan and Anahit Hayrapetyan
    Oct 24 2011

    Ask locals, and they'll tell you that a 19th century mountaintop
    church in the southeastern region of Syunik has a dangerous allure,
    somewhat like the Sirens of Greek mythology.

    "God forbid you go to that place," one villager told a traveler
    who wished to visit the Church of the Mother of God. The villager
    then proceeded to tell the tale of a man whose body was found on
    the mountainside 40 meters below the church, several days after he
    climbed to the site. "The land is sliding."

    Landslides are not an uncommon phenomenon in mountainous Armenia. What
    is unusual, according to geologists and environmentalists, is
    the government's inattention to landslide prevention. Each year,
    landslides strike - 10 so far this year; as many as 19 last year -
    yet the Armenian government has no budget for landslide prevention
    and early warning. State funding exists only for clean-ups.

    "It's over 20 years since any anti-landslide measures have been taken
    in Armenia," asserted geologist Ruben Yadoyan, a landslide specialist
    and laboratory chief for the National Academy of Sciences' Geology
    Institute. He claims that preventative measures are "of no importance"
    to the government. "This means that a tragedy can happen again at
    any moment," Yadoyan said.

    The latest took place on October 2, when a massive landslide in the
    northern region of Tavush killed at least five people and destroyed
    35 cars, cutting off traffic to neighboring Georgia. Officially, the
    tragedy was attributed to heavy rainfall. But recently some officials
    acknowledged that deforestation played a role.

    The Ministry of Emergency Situations "announced that the water had
    caused a landslip and a landslide, but water itself cannot cause a
    landslide unless the area is deforested," said Vrezh Gabrielian, deputy
    director of the Ministry of Emergency Situations' Rescue Service.

    A representative of the Ministry of Agriculture's Hayantar agency,
    which manages Armenia's forests, told that it has no
    archival data on deforestation in specific areas. But the official
    noted that Tavush, Syunik and the northern region of Lori have suffered
    the most damage from deforestation.

    Since the early 1990s, when the economic and energy crisis that
    followed the collapse of the Soviet Union prompted Armenians to start
    chopping down trees for firewood, deforestation has threatened the
    country's ecosystem. The government reports that forests currently
    account for 11.2 percent of Armenia's territory of more than 3.7
    million hectares. But some environmental groups contend that woodlands
    make up as little as 6 percent of the total land area.

    Mining - the major source of Armenia's export revenue - exacerbates
    the problem, environmentalists say. "Armenia is a mountainous country
    and has a huge number of landslide zones," commented Greens Union
    of Armenia Chairperson Hakob Sanasarian. "And ... when forests are
    sacrificed to the mining industry, it is clear that this also creates
    perfect conditions for landslides."

    Northern Armenia's Teghut reserve, located some 15 kilometers from
    the Tavush landslide site, is the most frequently cited example
    of this problem. In 2007, the government approved the opening of a
    copper-molybdenum mine in a reserve site that is largely made up of
    woodlands. Tree cutting began this year.

    According to official estimates, some 233 communities today are
    situated in active landslide zones; the "most active" zones endanger
    131 villages and hamlets. Aside from Tavush and Syunik, the most
    active landslide zones are found in the northern region of Shirak,
    the central regions of Kotayk and Ararat and the southern region of
    Vayots Dzor regions.

    Another recent, deadly landslide occurred in early 2010 in the
    village of Haghartsin in the Tavush Region. The root cause of that
    tragedy was the construction of a railway during the Soviet era, in
    which Communist authorities authorized the blasting away of part of
    a hillside to make way for the tracks. The February 2010 landslide
    subsequently caused the river to change course, resulting in a flash
    flood that destroyed homes and killed livestock. One local resident
    died from a heart attack related to the incident.

    Geologist Yadoyan argues that more could be done to avoid landslides
    and the damage that they cause; detailed mapping to avoid the
    construction of roads in potential landslide areas, as well as
    techniques such as soil transfer, reduction of surface water and
    re-forestation are among the recommendations, depending on the
    location-specific needs.

    Without attention to "complex measures" and monitoring aimed at
    landslide prevention, the current clean-ups "will gradually make the
    situation even more complicated," he asserted.

    Immediate clean-up and rescue operations immediately after a landslide
    are prohibited; in the Tavush case, work began the following day. The
    government allocated some 65 million drams (about $172,103) to the job,
    out of which 5 million drams ($13,238) was given to the families of
    the landslide's five casualties.

    The Ministry of Emergency Situations' Gabrielian concedes that more
    could be done to prevent landslides, but adds that the country lacks
    the money to reduce the risks. "Financial investment in preventative
    measures requires huge resources," Gabrielian said. At the same time,
    he noted that the government this year will allocate the money to
    conduct "work" in landslide areas.

    "Specialists say they should either not start work [on preventative
    measures] at all, or once they start, the work should be finished,"
    said Gabrielian. "Otherwise, if they just start and quit, the
    landslides will get active, and the consequences will be bad."

    Meanwhile, residents in the Tavush village of Getahovit are keeping
    close watch on the ground for signs of landslides to come. With time,
    claimed villager Arman Chapukhchian, "the cracks in the earth get
    even bigger."

    Editor's Note: Marianna Grigoryan is a freelance reporter based
    in Yerevan and editor of, funded by the Open Society
    Assistance Foundation-Armenia. Anahit Hayrapetyan is a freelance
    photojournalist also based in Yerevan.
