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The Gap

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  • The Gap

    Garen Yegparian

    No, this not about a clothing store, rather, a 20-year lapse in service
    that seems to be almost universal, at least in Armenian communities.

    It's the period that starts with marriage and ends around empty nest
    syndrome, ranging from people in their twenties to fifties.

    For obvious and understandable reasons, those of us in that period
    of life are pre-occupied with career and family commitments and issues.

    Consequently, they tend to drift out of active involvement in whatever
    their organization of choice was prior to hitting that time crunch.

    Often, the decreased participation is attributed to loss of interest,
    both by the organization and even the person her/himself, when it is
    nothing more than sheer lack of time and higher immediate priority
    obligations (job, kids, spouse). This is a loss of talent to our
    community, but it need not be permanent.

    Unfortunately, many, if not most, people end up drifting away and
    being "forgotten" by their organization and peers therein. So, even
    when they try to return, they find themselves in a somewhat alien
    environment. This usually leads to tremendous loss, and is usually

    I know some of the most productive workers in our community are those
    who are successful at "returning" to active involvement after that
    life stage.

    Given this unavoidable reality, our organizations really should
    gear their approaches to members/activists such that they are not
    forgotten and can return easily. Such gearing could be something as
    basic as sending materials via electronic communications to them or
    as complex as having annual get-togethers directed specifically at
    people in this class.

    Please, start including this concern in your thinking, especially
    if you have not yet reached the stage under discussion. The loss in
    experience, training time, and most of all- good will, is huge and
    not something we can afford.
