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Armenia Is Being Trapped

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  • Armenia Is Being Trapped

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 13:45:48 - 25/10/2011

    The Russian media, particularly those that in all these 4 years have
    been speaking critically of Medvedev's "modernization" of and have
    been defending Putin's hard-line, are now aggressively promoting the
    idea of â~@~Kâ~@~Kthe Eurasian Union.

    The main argument of why the President of Armenia must agree to the
    entry into the Eurasian Union becomes the possibility to appear in
    The Hague. This is what the Russian media proposes hinting that Russia
    may represent the March 1 "evidences" to The Hague after which Serzh
    Sargsyan and others will be close to their Serbian counterparts.

    So, soon the press may report incriminating evidence about Serzh
    Sargsyan's direct involvement in the decision to impose emergency
    order on March 1, 2008, or even direct instructions to shoot at
    peaceful demonstrators. Maybe some other documents.

    Such a behavior of the Russia media means that Serzh Sargsyan,
    to some extent, resists and does not agree unconditionally to join
    the Customs Union. Otherwise, why should they threaten? And in this
    situation Sargsyan must feel the support of his society, opponents
    of the Western community, which may neutralize the threat of The Hague.

    This support will not be a panacea for Serzh Sargsyan, it will not
    save him from election or criticism of domestic policy, but it will
    enable Armenia to withstand the powerful pressure exerted by Russia.

    Under this pressure the 20 years of independence, our common future
    may be trampled, which will once again be held hostage of the Russian

    Only Armenia has the right to send its president to The Hague. The
    Armenian people will do it, if they deem it necessary.

    From: Baghdasarian