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BAKU: 'Azerbaijan Turns Into Actor In International Arena'

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  • BAKU: 'Azerbaijan Turns Into Actor In International Arena'

    Oct 25 2011

    News.Az interviews Vali Alibayov, vice president of the Association
    of Development of civil public in Azerbaijan.

    The UN General Assembly elected Azerbaijan as member of the Security
    Council for the next two years by results of 17 voting rounds. How
    can you comment on this decision?

    It can primarily be considered the next foreign policy success of
    Azerbaijan. It is already an indicator that we managed to overcome
    European Slovenia with a great gap.

    Secondly, Azerbaijan gets new, a more influential tribune to tell
    the world about the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and take closer
    part in resolution of international problems.

    By the way, during the recent, unopposed round Azerbaijan received
    155 votes against 113 votes needed.

    This is a good result. It shows that Azerbaijan has learned to work
    with international structures and countries in lobbying its interests.

    I think that if we continue this way, we will soon get the recognition
    of Baku's jurisdiction over Nagorno Karabakh from the tribune of UN
    and other international organizations.

    Permanent members of the UN Security Council, including Russia,
    traditionally abstained or voted against Baku's initiatives on the
    Karabakh conflict during voting in UN. What has caused the recent
    support by Moscow of our membership in the UN Security Council?

    Naturally, this is a positive moment in relations between the two
    countries-Russia and Azerbaijan and overall, this is the indicator
    of the growing influence of Azerbaijan, which is already admitted by
    other countries. I do not dare to state all reasons, motivating this
    support of Russia but probably Moscow is making some changes in its
    foreign policy and Azerbaijan plays not the last role in this change.

    Probably, Russia has her reasons to support Azerbaijan in the UN
    Security Council. I think that Baku benefits from such rapprochement
    with Russia.

    Can Azerbaijan's membership in UN Security, even on the nonpermanent
    basis, be an effective mechanism for Armenia's fulfillment of the
    four resolutions on Karabakh adopted by this structure?

    I do not think that this membership will be very effective for a
    solution to the Karabakh conflict. As you know, the Security Council
    has permanent members who have the veto power. These are mainly the
    countries that make the weather in the international arena.

    We have earlier noticed that interests of many countries are
    intertwined in Karabakh conflict. And I do not see any signs that
    the solution to the conflict at this stage meets their interest. Even
    if the solution meets the interests of any country, others will not
    allow the conflict to be settled.

    >From this point of view, I do not think that during a non-permanent
    membership of Azerbaijan in the UN Security Council we will see
    some significant steps in the Karabakh conflict. On the other hand,
    Azerbaijan could use its status as a platform to proclaim his position
    on the Karabakh issue, he was right. On the other hand Azerbaijan is
    becoming a player in the international arena, that is having received
    this status Republic gets a new status for resolving geopolitical
    problems. In this view, it will play into the hands of Azerbaijan.

    From: A. Papazian