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BAKU: Karabakh Mediators Call For Increased Trust

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  • BAKU: Karabakh Mediators Call For Increased Trust

    Oct 25 2011

    The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have called for an improved atmosphere
    in Karabakh peace talks following their latest visit to the conflict

    The co-chairs (Ambassadors Bernard Fassier of France, Robert Bradtke
    of the United States and Igor Popov of the Russian Federation) and
    Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk, personal representative of the OSCE
    chairperson-in-office, travelled to Yerevan, Nagorno-Karabakh, and
    Baku on 21 to 24 October.

    They met Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev, and the de facto
    authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh.

    "The co-chairs stressed to the sides the need to improve significantly
    the atmosphere of negotiations, increase trust and strengthen
    implementation of the ceasefire to allow further progress toward
    reaching a peaceful settlement," the mediators said in a statement,
    published on the OSCE website.

    "The co-chairs offered several proposals for measures to enhance
    confidence in different fields. The sides agreed in principle on the
    draft mechanism to investigate incidents along the front lines that
    the co-chairs proposed in April, and which Presidents Aliyev, Sargsyan
    and Medvedev agreed to pursue in their March joint statement in Sochi."

    Confidence-building, including a mechanism to investigate incidents
    along the contact line separating Armenian and Azerbaijani troops,
    have become more pressing now that exchanges of fire along the contact
    line are practically a daily occurrence. Three Azerbaijani soldiers
    and one Armenian were killed in separate violations of the ceasefire
    earlier in October, while one Azerbaijani civilian and two soldiers
    on either side were wounded.

    "On 22 October the co-chairs crossed the Line of Contact by foot for
    the fourth time in the past 14 months. This crossing highlighted again
    that the line is not a permanent barrier between neighbouring peoples,
    and demonstrated that military coordination is possible when all the
    sides are willing," the statement continued.

    During their latest visit the mediators met the spiritual leaders in
    Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    "The co-chairs also met separately with His Holiness Garegin II,
    supreme patriarch and catholicos of all Armenians, and with Sheykh
    ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, grand mufti and chairman of the
    Caucasus Muslim Board, to discuss the necessity of preparing the
    populations for a just, lasting, and peaceful settlement," the
    statement said.

    The co-chairs are to return to the region in late November "to continue
    their work with the sides to develop the measures described above and
    to determine next steps to pave the way for future meetings between
    the sides", the statement concluded.

    The conflict began in 1988 when Armenia made claims on the Azerbaijani
    territory of Karabakh. In a bitter war Armenian armed forces occupied
    a swathe of Azerbaijani land, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region
    and seven surrounding districts. Despite a ceasefire in 1994, no
    long-term peace agreement has been reached.

    The nub of the conflict remains unresolved - the competing claims of
    territorial integrity, which Azerbaijan insists takes precedence in
    the case of Karabakh, and self-determination, which Armenia wants to
    see for the Armenians of Karabakh.

    From: Baghdasarian