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BAKU: Azerbaijani President: No Progress Seen In Nagorno-Karabakh Co

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani President: No Progress Seen In Nagorno-Karabakh Co


    Oct 25 2011

    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev spoke about Azerbaijan's
    most painful problem, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over
    Nagorno-Karabakh at the a Cabinet of Ministers meeting dedicated to
    the results of socioeconomic development in nine months of 2011.

    Aliyev states that a palpable solution of the issue remains elusive.

    "Azerbaijan has a principled position, which is based on historical
    truth, and norms of the international law. We will not take even a step
    back from this position. Azerbaijan's territorial integrity was not and
    never will be the subject of negotiations. We, using all opportunities,
    will strive to restore our territorial integrity. I repeat, although
    there are no results, international mediators' recent statements and
    opinions, particularly about the unacceptability of the status quo,
    give some hope. That is the status quo is unacceptable, it should be
    changed, the Nagorno-Karabakh is not "frozen "conflict and change of
    the status quo, of course, requires the withdrawal of the Armenian
    occupying forces from the occupied lands," Ilham Aliyev said.

    Aliyev underscored that ways to solve the conflict pass just through

    "The occupying forces must be withdrawn from the occupied lands. The
    international law should be the basis for resolution of any issue,
    especially issues related to the conflict. We will strive to make use
    of every opportunity, so that to resolve this issue in our favor in
    a short period of time in a just way based on international law.

    Furthermore, all these figures that I have cited today - economic
    development, economic potential, demographics, and, of course, the
    military potential, play and will play a role in early fair resolution
    of the question," Ilham Aliyev said.

    President Aliyev believes the economic indicators of 2011 and previous
    years, and the military capabilities of Azerbaijan indicate that the
    gap between Armenia and Azerbaijan is increasing.

    "These two countries cannot be compared, the difference between
    us are as between heaven and earth. All are aware of that - the
    international community, the parties and organizations directly
    involved in the matter. More likely, this reality lies on the core
    of recent statements about the status quo, i.e. changing the status
    quo. We and each impartial observer know that Azerbaijan is getting
    stronger and Armenia weakens, Azerbaijan's population increases and
    Armenian's decreases," he said.

    Speaking about the military issues, Aliyev said the economic statistics
    clearly show who is who.

    "With only one open-minded look at the cities, one can see the
    reality: what a great way Azerbaijan has passed and how our country
    is strengthening day by day. As for the military balance, I can
    say that until recently - perhaps due to the Armenian propaganda -
    a difference in this area, that is the difference in our favor, was
    not enough realized by international agencies and observers. However,
    the recent parades in both Azerbaijan and Armenia have demonstrated
    'who is who'.

    I believe holding the military parade in Armenia was their big
    mistake. Because, if earlier they as always tried by the myths
    or fantasies to convince someone that the Armenian army - is the
    most fighting army, then following the so-called "military parade"
    all understood in which condition, in which deplorable situation the
    Armenian army is. I, probably you and the entire public, for the first
    time saw that the military equipment could not move itself. They were
    demonstrated at the parade, leading in the trailers and trucks. It
    may have several reasons. This technique is either in poor condition
    and does not work, or there is no fuel, or all of these. Most likely,
    both factors played a role in this. This parade showed once again
    that Armenia is not an independent state, but an outpost. Although
    previously high-ranking officials declared about this, now the parade
    once again confirmed that Armenia is the outpost," Aliyev highlighted.

    Moreover, the President said, this event carried out in Armenia will
    probably go down in the history as a novelty.

    "The participation of religious figures in the event is surprising
    to say the least. In addition, the priests goose-stepping like the
    soldiers. It is difficult to describe this. We understand that Armenia
    faced with a demographic catastrophe due to the aggressive policy. But
    we had no idea that religious leaders already called to active duty.

    It is equally ridiculous and tragic. I believe they should quickly
    recognize that resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over
    Nagorno-Karabakh will serve their interests," Aliyev underscored.
