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Georgian Green Party: Earthquakes May Threaten Armenian NPP

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  • Georgian Green Party: Earthquakes May Threaten Armenian NPP


    Oct 25 2011

    Earthquakes have acquired a cyclical character, and it is possible that
    they will reach the Armenian nuclear power plant, the leader of the
    Georgian Green Party Giorgi Gachechiladze told Georgian journalists.

    "The territory of Turkey and Armenia is a seismically active zone, and
    there is a risk that a major earthquake could occur on the territory
    adjacent to the Armenian nuclear power plant, which will lead to
    disaster. Strong earthquakes in Turkey and Armenia have already
    acquired a cyclical character, which is associated with passage of
    tectonic faults through these territories," he stressed.

    Gachechiladze referred to the history of earthquakes, and remembered
    that a major earthquake in Turkey occurred in 1976, which killed 4,000
    people and the earthquake took place in Armenia, Spitak in late 80s,
    in Turkey in 1999. About 20,000 people were killed in Turkey then.

    "These earthquakes repeat in intervals a little more than a decade. We
    can therefore expect that a disaster could occur near the nuclear
    power plant. The station was built during the Soviet period and its
    major rehabilitation was not carried out, so a major earthquake would
    cause it serious damage," said leader of Georgian greens.

    Gachechiladze said that the defenders of the environment and not only
    they have long demanded the closing of the Armenian NPP.

    "The European Union demanded from Armenia to close this station,
    and even offered money to build solid alternative energy sources. At
    one time, Armenians agreed, but then the station was acquired by the
    Russian RAO UES Company, and these negotiations were halted. And now
    the EU is willing to pay for closing this station. The idea is that
    another earthquake occurring in Turkey should make Armenia to think,"
    said Gachechiladze.

    He argues that if the Armenian nuclear power plant is damaged, Georgia,
    Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iran would be in serious jeopardy.

    "Radiation will reach Tbilisi after 8 hours. It would spread across
    the area, a regional disaster will happen," he said.
