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Permanent Representative Of Azerbaijan To UN: "We Were Setting A Tas

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  • Permanent Representative Of Azerbaijan To UN: "We Were Setting A Tas


    APA, Azerbaijan
    Oct 26 2011

    Now there is a delicate situation in the negotiations process, that's
    why we wouldn't like to damage the negotiations process or affect it"

    Baku. Victoria Dementieva - APA. APA's interview with Permanent
    Representative of Azerbaijan to UN Agshin Mehtiyev

    - How did the elections pass and was it the expectative victory
    for Azerbaijan?

    - If anybody doesn't believe in victory, so why he should participate
    in the elections?

    Naturally we set a task to win and were working for victory. The fight
    was very hard. There were 4 countries in an infant state, then, Armenia
    recognized that it had no chances and withdrew. Three countries, which
    fought till the end, remained. According to the results of elections,
    Hungary withdrew at the first stage Azerbaijan and Slovenia remained.

    - Which plans does Azerbaijan have for the next 2 years? Which issues
    does Azerbaijan plan to raise within its membership in the UN Security

    We plan to actively participate in the solution of problems, which
    are in the agenda of the Security Council now. Our priorities are the
    issues of international world and security, world economy, humanitarian
    issues, the environmental issues, climate change, gender issues,
    regional issues, which will cover both the situation in the region
    and stability in the South Caucasus, the energy and transit issues.

    -You reminded the regional issues. In your opinion, how will
    Azerbaijan's election to the non-permanent membership of the
    UN Security Council be reflected in the settlement process of
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict? Does Azerbaijan plan to raise this issue
    within its membership in the UN Security Council?

    This issue is multidisciplinary. 3 of 5 permanent members of the
    Security Council are at the same time the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair
    countries i.e. consequently these members participate in the settlement
    of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. As regards we will raise this issue,
    one may say it later. It will be necessary to hold the consultation
    with Security Council's members and work on this issue.

    -When will be such-like consultations held?

    I think that we will begin in the nearest future. That's why we will
    become the member of the Security Council starting with January 1
    2012 and assume office.

    -The discussion of two draft resolutions on Azerbaijan's occupied
    territories within the UN session was planned in December. Will be
    these issues discussed in December and can Azerbaijan's membership
    to the UN Security Council reflect the adoption of these resolutions?

    As regards the discussions in December, I can say that though these
    issues are in the agenda, now we have no plans to discuss this issue
    in December. May be, these pans will be changed, but now we don't
    intend to discuss these issues in December. Now there is delicate
    situation in the negotiations process, that's why we wouldn't like
    to damage the negotiations process or affect it. Let's wait a little,
    then we will return again to this issue.
